Fomadon r09. It has a very limited shelf life .

Fomadon r09 119 likes, 7 comments - mhemsley43 on August 26, 2023: "⁣ Avarice (1908)⁣ Edith Downing (1857-1931) Museum Wales, Cardiff⁣ ⁣ Film: Fomapan 400⁣ Dev: Fomadon R09, 5'30" @21°C⁣ Camera: Balda mini 35". s r. For those using Rodinal of some sort, I'm interested to hear which formulation you are using, and if applicable, the differences between them that you have found. However, I now have some Compard R09 One Shot. The developing times of foreign´s films in developers FOMA Film type Liquid concentrate of developer Fomadon R09 (1 + 40) The Fomadon R09 (as any Rodinal) is a one-shot developer, so if it have gone bad, it would mean the whole bottle of undiluted developer is bad. q on December 25, 2024: "Lubitel 166 Negative: Fomapan 400 Developer: Fomadon R09 #lubitel #lubitel166 #lubitel166universal #aparatanalogowy #fotografiaanalogowa #zdjęcieanalogowe #fotografia #podlasie #bw #bwphotography #bwphoto #bwstyleoftheday #bw_lover #bw_photooftheday #analogworld FOMADON LQN Charakteristika Vysoce trvanlivý koncentrát negativní jemnozrnné, normálně pracující fenidon-hydrochinonové vývojky. 8°F. Agitation 1st minute then 10 sec every 3 minutes, slow. : +420 495 733 210 foma@foma. As of 2013 or Strana 1 z 2 - Fomadon LQN X Fomadon R 09 - vloženo do Negativní proces: Ahoj ve spolek, momentálně mi dochází neg. 22 minutes, 30 seconds at 20°C/68. 13 minutes at 21°C/69. Ideal for both film and paper. Some of the times listed there seem to be inconsistent to the developer Agfa Rodinal (before 2004), which are all known to be the original Rodinal recipe. Dev times and temperatures will still be the exact same. As of 2013 or so, many of the distributed developers that used the (1960's) formulation changed to the older R-09 or another newly created revision from Tetenal . More items related to this product. Odpovědět Foma Fomadon R09 je jednodílný kapalný koncentrát k přípravě jemnozrnné, normálně pracující p-aminofenolové vývojky určené pro všechny druhy černobílých negativních filmu. FP100 and your R09 E. Zenza Bronica S2A Fomapan 100, Fomadon R09 @ 9min . Maybe not very helpfull but we just tested the Fomadon R09 (Para-amino phenol) Foma developer with APX100 aka Rollei Retro 100 35mm films. doc Fomadon LQN (1+10) Fomadon R09 (1+50) Fomadon P Fomadon Excel Kodak Xtol Ilford Microphen–stock Ilford Perceptol–stock Ilford ID 11/ Kodak D76–stock Tetenal Ultrafin T-Plus (1+4) 9 – 10 11 – 12 Well, I've not tried the bottle of Fomadon R09 I have since Rodinal came back. What part crystallizes, does it affect the performance of the chemical. 2019 13:17:11 Dobrý den, chci se zeptat jestli mohu tuto vývojku použít i pro filmy firmy Iflord např. Supplied in PE bottles of 250ml and diluted for use with water 1 + 20 to 1 + 100. Fomapan 100 in Fomadon R09 1+100 stand 1hour, well I do 4 inversions at the beginning. Fomadon R09 is a standard single-use developer based on the ORWO R09 formula. Do not waste it by using it in 'stand' mode. Dvousložková prášková negativní, normálně pracující metol-hydrochinonová vývojka. This long shelf-life, staining developer will give full film speed with most films. Adonal, Blazinal, Fomadon, R09 One-Shot Primary Developer: 4-aminophenol Type: One-Shot Mix From: Liquid Rolleiflex 2. Foma Fomapan 400 at 200 in Foma Fomadon Fomadon R09 New - vloženo do Negativní proces: Zdarec! Tuhle jsem vyčetl že negativní vývojka Fomadon R09 New má být prý jemnozrnná? Zdá se mi že na Temné jsem četl že R09 zrno spíš zvýrazňuje,tak nevím co je na čem pravdy. 11 minutes at 20°C/68. Výrobek: FOMADON R-09 Bezpečnostní list výrobku Ruší a nahrazuje verzi: 4 podle nařízení (ES) č. 6 minutes at 20°C/68. Foma Fomadon R09 1:100. Dilution 1 + 25 or 1 + 50. Here, we have listed the Ilford film developing times for you. Fomadon R09 = Agfa Rodinal, Adox Adonal, Compard R09 ONE SHOT Adolux APH 09 Fomadon LQR = Moersch Spur NHC Negativ, Spur Docu SHC, (Kodak D19) FOMA FOMA 08/14 501 04 Hradec Králové Tel. I have to conclude that I must have the old formula Fomadon R09; actually I think that this is similar to the "one-shot" formula of the Compard product you linked. Recipe Id #7877. Here, we have listed the Kodak film developing times for you. q on December 14, 2024: "Mamiya 645 1000s Negative: Ilford FP 4+ 125 Developer: Fomadon R09 #mamiya #mamiya645 #mamiya6451000s #aparatanalogowy #fotografiaanalogowa #zdjęcieanalogowe #fotografia #podlasie #bw #bwphotography #bwphoto #bwstyleoftheday #bw_lover #bw_photooftheday #analogworld The Fomadon P (W 37) developer is labeled "type D-76", and is also said to be a D-76 type by several sources. NAŠE SLUŽBY. 1: 25 or 1:50? Agitation procedure? When it comes to processing your own film, you need to know your developing times. q on January 9, 2025: "Minolta X-700 Negative: Fomapan 400 Developer: Fomadon R09 #minolta #minoltax700 #aparatanalogowy #fotografiaanalogowa #zdjęcieanalogowe #fotografia #podlasie #bw #bwphotography #bwphoto #bwstyleoftheday #bw_lover #bw_photooftheday #analogworld #analogfromtheworld 19 likes, 0 comments - agata. The product has been produced and marketed in conformity with a quality system according to the international standard EN ISO 9001:2000. Agitation 1º minute and then 10 secs each minute. 5 7 7 Kentmere Photographic Kentmere 400 at 3200 in Foma Fomadon Excel 1+1. Ať už se jedná o recenze odborných serverů, uživatelů, kteří produkt zakoupili nebo si 17 likes, 0 comments - eyeframedit on September 14, 2024: ""When a sign says 'No Parking,' it’s more than a suggestion #RespectTheRules" -Nikon F -Nikkor S 50mm f1. Continuous agitation for first 30 seconds, then 2 inversions Canon A1, Canon 50/1. 3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Supplier : Downstream User (Producer Mixture) FOMA BOHEMIA sp ol. 41 likes, 1 comments - agata. Catalog number: 70011; p-aminophenole negative developer liquid concentrate (not suitable for air transport) Product Label 6,06 EUR (26,300 PLN) 5,01 EUR (21,750 PLN) (Price without VAT (sales tax):) 19 likes, 0 comments - agata. 35mm. It's more 1:20, 1:40 and probably 1:80 but I haven't read about the latter. A good example is Fomadon R09, which has a ratio of 1+25 or 1+50. This one, same type of scene is from the same film (APX100(new)/Rollei Retro 100) 1/3 of the 35mm Fomadon R09 = Agfa Rodinal, Adox Adonal, Compard R09 ONE SHOTAdolux APH 09 Fomadon LQR = Moersch Spur NHC Negativ, Spur Docu SHC, (Kodak D19) FOMA FOMA 09/16 500 02 Hradec Králové Tel. 8 – Agfa APX 25 @ ASA-25 – Adox Rodinal (1 FOMADON R09 page 3 (altogether 10) Folder name Index number CAS number ES number Content % in the solution Classification p-aminophenol 612 -128-00-x 123 -3 0-8 204 -61 6 -2 1-5 Muta. Check data for your particular film. The Agfa Rodinal 1+50 time you can convert to R09 1+40. Rodinal or R09 has an effectively infinite shelf life, even when opened. 30s initial agitation 4 inversions every 15m Ilford Fixer By Randomit3 on 04 January 2024. Worth a read is our post on how to Choosing Your Film Developer. This is a liquid concentrate that you dilute with water for use. Some popular combinations we tested with Fomadon R09 (AXP100/400 - Rollei Retro 100/400) gave the results like the Rodinal times for 1+20 (instead of 1+25) 1+40 (1+50) and 1+80 (1+100). Mám namícháno 1:25 (čas volání 6 minut, obracím tank první minutu pořád, po první minutě co půl minuty) a volal jsem teď druhou dvojici filmů na již použité 21 likes, 2 comments - agata. When I did semi-stand, it was 1:100 for 1 hour, with agitation the 1st full minute, then 1 minute every 15 minutes. Mycket lång hållbarhet. q on December 30, 2024: "Minolta X-700 Negative: Fomapan 100 Developer: Fomadon R09 #minolta #minoltax700 #aparatanalogowy #fotografiaanalogowa #zdjęcieanalogowe #fotografia #podlasie #bw #bwphotography #bwphoto #bwstyleoftheday #bw_lover #bw_photooftheday #analogworld #analogfromtheworld Foma FOMADON EXCEL 1L W27 negativní vývojka Dvoudílná prášková slabě alkalická vývojka - negativní, na bázi moderních vyvolávacích látek, Foma FOMADON R09 250ml negativní vývojka Foma FOMADON R09 250ml Negativní Vývojka. Dev: Fomadon R09 (new) 1+50 10 minutes at 20°C/68°F . Fomadon R09 is equivalent to Developer R 09 is a (Agfa Rodinal type) universal applicable developer concentrate based on p-Aminophenol. q on December 22, 2024: "Lubitel 166 Negative: Fomapan 400 Developer: Fomadon R09 #lubitel #lubitel166 #lubitel166universal #aparatanalogowy #fotografiaanalogowa #zdjęcieanalogowe #fotografia #podlasie #bw #bwphotography #bwphoto #bwstyleoftheday #bw_lover #bw_photooftheday #analogworld Develop your own black and white film then link the results to your photos on Flickr If you are using Fomadon R09, this is a very similar developer, but it is not identical. I chose a local preserved railway event for my first time out with my new film. Recipe & dev times for Ilford HP5+ 400 in Foma Fomadon R09 1:50. It’s a classic formula and very economical. Format. Producing fine grain, high sharpness results. Foma Fomapan 200. Just taken from massive dev chart. Thomas Bertilsson. 29 likes, 0 comments - agata. Fomadon LQN is a boring everyday developer that has nothing special to offer. It is suitable for all types of film, producing fine grain, high sharpness results. Joined Jan 21, 2003 Messages 15,709 Location Switzerland Format Multi Format FOMADON R09 250 ml. best regards, Robert. Použití Vývojka určená pro ruční zpracování UNIVERZÁLNÍ VÝVOJKA FOMADON R09 FOMADON P Ilford Pan 400 at 100 in Foma Fomadon Excel 1:1. Normal spädning är mellan 1+25 och 1+50, vid behov kan även avsevärt högre spädning användas. 8, Kentmare pan 400 pushed on ISO 800, Fomadon R09 R09 is just Rodinal but produced using an older Rodinal formula. Canon A1, Canon 50/1. Adox Rodinal Film Developer is made to Agfa Leverkusen's final Foma calls it Fomadon R09 for bottles made after 2008. We asked Foma for some additional information about their Fomadon R09. at approximately 20-21°C, agitated for the first 30sec. Jana Krušinky 1604 Fax: +420 495 733 386 www. Rollei Rpx 400. 7, Nov 3 2018. Fomadon LQN (1+10) Fomadon R09 (1+50) Fomadon P Fomadon Excel Kodak Xtol Ilford Microphen –stock Ilford Perceptol–stock Fomadon LQN developer (1+10) Ilford Microphen – stock D /S/ – development time curves at 20 and 30 C - daylight Tc = 5500 K - spiral developing tank - agitation or Informace o produktu. Recipe Id #11489. Fomadon P 1 l (W37) negativní vývojka. q on January 3, 2025: "Minolta X-700 Negative: Fomapan 100 Developer: Fomadon R09 #minolta #minoltax700 #aparatanalogowy #fotografiaanalogowa #zdjęcieanalogowe #fotografia #podlasie #bw #bwphotography #bwphoto #bwstyleoftheday #bw_lover #bw_photooftheday #analogworld #analogfromtheworld น้ำยาคอนเซนเทรตแบบเหลวหนึ่งส่วน ใช้สำหรับเตรียมน้ำยาล้างฟิล์มขาวดำที่ให้เกรนละเอียดและทำงานได้ดี เหมาะสำหรับฟิล์มลบทุกประเภท Fomadon R09 มี FOMADON R09 Other name or labeling of product: 1. Fomadon R09 (1+40). Agitation (by rotation) first 30 seconds, then 3 complete axis rotation every minute. FOMADON R09 page 2 (altogether 10) 2. It is an exact equivalent of the old Agfa Rodinal. It is not only appreciated for the fine image details it produces, but is also regarded as the spiritual successor of the legendary Rodinal. q on December 26, 2024: "Lubitel 166 Negative: Fomapan 400 Developer: Fomadon R09 #lubitel #lubitel166 #lubitel166universal #aparatanalogowy #fotografiaanalogowa #zdjęcieanalogowe #fotografia #podlasie #bw #bwphotography #bwphoto #bwstyleoftheday #bw_lover #bw_photooftheday #analogworld Adox Rodinal Film Developer is a one-shot developer for black and white film. Fomapan 100, 9x12 cm, developed in Fomadon R09 1:100, semistand 1 hour. Name: Rodinal, aka. I just see it's 6 months past good date. Foma Fomadon R09 1+50. : +420 495 733 FOMADON R09 negativní vývojka 250 ml Přidat příspěvek Odpovědět Různé filmy David 24. Recipe Id #5430. slow agitation during first minute, then leave still for an hour. Notes. In addition I chose to try a different developer namely Fomadon R09. 8 minutes, 30 seconds. 2 Label elements (according to Regulation No 1272/2008/EC– CLP) Identification of product FOMADON R09 hazard pictogram signal word Danger hazard statement(s) (H-, phrases) H341 H31 4 H411 Suspected of causing genetic defects Causes severe skin burns and eye damage . Catalog number: 70011; p-aminophenole negative developer liquid concentrate (not suitable for air transport) Product Label 6,06 EUR (26,300 PLN) 5,01 EUR (21,750 PLN) (Price without VAT (sales tax):) Add to Cart. q on December 23, 2024: "Lubitel 166 Negative: Fomapan 400 Developer: Fomadon R09 #lubitel #lubitel166 #lubitel166universal #aparatanalogowy #fotografiaanalogowa #zdjęcieanalogowe #fotografia #podlasie #bw #bwphotography #bwphoto #bwstyleoftheday #bw_lover #bw_photooftheday #analogworld #analogfromtheworld Recipe & dev times for Foma Fomapan 200 in Foma Fomadon R09 1:50. Almost the result like the former APX-100 in R09/Rodinal 1+50. One-part liquid concentrate to prepare fine-grain, normal-working developer, intended for of all types of black and white negative films. This is will talk you through the different Fomadon LQN (1+10) Fomadon R09 (1+40) Fomadon P Fomadon Excel Kodak Xtol Ilford Microphen Ilford Perceptol Ilford ID 11 stock / Kodak D76 Tetenal Emofin Liquid Fomadon Excel Kodak Xtol developer FomadonLQNdeveloper (1+10) Ilford Microphendeveloper D/S/G – development time curves at 20 and 30 C 23 likes, 0 comments - agata. Fomadon LQN (1+10) Fomadon R09 (1+50) Fomadon P Fomadon Excel Kodak Xtol Ilford Microphen –stock Ilford Perceptol–stock Fomadon LQN developer (1+10) Ilford Microphen – stock D /S/ – development time curves at 20 and 30 C - daylight Tc = 5500 K - spiral developing tank - agitation or Fomadon R09 (1+40). They are exactly the same stuff. Best developer from your choices is Fomadon P W37 for it. Analogie vlastností negativních vývojek FOMA se zahraničními vývojkami: Fomadon P = Ilford ID 11, Kodak D76 Fomadon Excel = Kodak X-TOL Fomadon R09 new = Agfa Rodinal, Amaloco AM 74 Fomadon LQR = Kodak D19 37 likes, 0 comments - ivan. Well, I've not tried the bottle of Fomadon R09 I have since Rodinal came back. Foma Fomadon R09 1+100. Foma Retropan 320. HP5. 31 likes, 0 comments - agata. 99,- Foma For Fomadon R09 or Rodinal it would be the normal 1+25 or 1+50 dilution. In general FOMADON R09 250 ml. q on January 8, 2025: "Minolta X-700 Negative: Fomapan 400 Developer: Fomadon R09 #minolta #minoltax700 #aparatanalogowy #fotografiaanalogowa #zdjęcieanalogowe #fotografia #podlasie #bw #bwphotography #bwphoto #bwstyleoftheday #bw_lover #bw_photooftheday #analogworld #analogfromtheworld 33 likes, 0 comments - agata. Let’s take a closer look at the history, features, and use of Compard R09 One Shot. Connect Chemicals, took over, so after many changes of ownership, the lab that produced Rodinal for Agfa no longer produces Agfa chemicals. It has a very limited shelf life . (Ltd. Consider this my attempt at anti-gatekeeping nonetheless. voda. Ilford Pan 400 at 3200. Very dark brown with a reddish tinge. o. Fresh concentrates of these developers may have different colors: R09 is usuall Processing of foreign films in other FOMA developers (Fomadon LQN, FOMA Universal Developer) has not been precisely tested yet. The technique described here works best with developers like Kodak HC-110 and any of the Rodinal derivatives, such as Fomadon R09, Tetenal Paranol S, or FOMADON R09 developer for processing of monochrome negative films The FOMADON R09 developer has been designed for manual processing of all types of monochrome negative films. Fomafix Rapid Fixer 500ml is a hardening rapid fixer. item 1 Agfa Rodinal Compard R09 120ml B&W Liquid Film Developer Measuring Kit Agfa Rodinal Compard R09 120ml B&W Liquid Film Developer In R09 you won't have the fine grain and details in the shadow like the original APX-100 Agfa Leverkusen emulsion. By LeshaRodin on 16 November 2013. c. By asbin on 08 September 2012. q on January 7, 2025: "Minolta X-700 Negative: Fomapan 400 Developer: Fomadon R09 #minolta #minoltax700 #aparatanalogowy #fotografiaanalogowa #zdjęcieanalogowe #fotografia #podlasie #bw #bwphotography #bwphoto #bwstyleoftheday #bw_lover #bw_photooftheday #analogworld #analogfromtheworld 23 likes, 0 comments - agata. sykora. For Fomadon R09 or Rodinal it would be the normal 1+25 or 1+50 dilution. Member. q on June 27, 2023: "Camera: Lubitel 166 Negative: Fomapan 100 Developer: Fomadon R09 #lubitel #lubitel166 #lubitelcamera #aparatanalogowy #fotografiaanalogowa #zdjęcieanalogowe #fotografia #podlasie #bw #bwphotography #bwphoto #bwstyleoftheday #bw_lover #bw_photooftheday #analogworld #analogfromtheworld Fomadon LQN (1+10) Fomadon R09 (1+40) Fomadon P Fomadon Excel Kodak Xtol Ilford Microphen Ilford Perceptol Ilford ID 11 stock / Kodak D76 Tetenal Emofin Liquid 5 – 6 Fomadon LQN developer (1+10) Ilford Microphendeveloper D/S/G – development time curves at 20 and 30 C Fomadon R09 ger mycket hög kantskärpa och bra känslighetsutnyttjande, perfekt för långsamma och medelsnabba svart/vita filmer. Stop bath water with vinegar. 500 02 Hradec Králové info linka: 737 204 297 www. 4 reversals at 30min. 4 - Kentmere 100 - Fomadon R09 #filmphotography #analogvibes #filmisnotdead #35mm #shotonfilm #filmcamera #filmcommunity #vintagevibes #filmphoto #bw #bwphotography #noir #analog #analogphotography". 17 likes, 0 comments - agata. q on December 26, 2024: "Lubitel 166 Negative: Fomapan 400 Developer: Fomadon R09 #lubitel #lubitel166 #lubitel166universal #aparatanalogowy #fotografiaanalogowa #zdjęcieanalogowe #fotografia #podlasie #bw #bwphotography #bwphoto #bwstyleoftheday #bw_lover #bw_photooftheday #analogworld #analogfromtheworld 1,582 Followers, 1,543 Following, 222 Posts - Jan Kazimierz Barnaś (@jankazimierz) on Instagram: "Director / audiovisual artist @braveboystudio co-founder Member of @futuresphotography Master of arts_ Academic teacher_" Recipe & dev times for Rollei Rpx 400 in Foma Fomadon R09 1+100. The life shortens after the first time the concentrate is taken and น้ำยาคอนเซนเทรตแบบเหลวหนึ่งส่วน ใช้สำหรับเตรียมน้ำยาล้างฟิล์มขาวดำที่ให้เกรนละเอียดและทำงานได้ดี เหมาะสำหรับฟิล์มลบทุกประเภท Fomadon R09 มี 26 likes, 0 comments - agata. foma. Czech Republic Fax: +420 495 733 376 www. Recipe & dev times for Ilford Delta 100 in Fomadon R09 1:50. eu Compard R09 One Shot, also simply known as R09, has become very popular among black and white film photographers. There are a number of ‘recipes’ for this Film/Developer combination and I chose the folowing as my starting point: Fomadon R09 diluted 1:50 @20℃ for 12 minutes R09 One Shot and Fomadon R09 Compard and Foma provide tables 1,2 with development times for their R09 developers. 0°F. But if you’re looking for a daily driver or a place to start with home B&W development, then LQN is an excellent choice. Foma Fomadon R09 1:50. q on August 11, 2023: "Lubitel 166 Negative: Fomapan 100 Developer: Fomadon R09 #lubitel #lubitel166 #lubitelcamera #aparatanalogowy #fotografiaanalogowa #zdjęcieanalogowe #fotografia #podlasie #bw #bwphotography #bwphoto #bwstyleoftheday #bw_lover #bw_photooftheday #analogworld #analogfromtheworld Zpracování zahraničních filmů v ostatních vývojkách Foma (Fomadon LQR, Univerzální vývojka) nebylo dosud testováno. Ilford HP5+ 400. 1 hour (Stand developed) at 20°C/68. Recipe Id #12801. Storing It is recommended to store the developer concentrate in an enclosed bottle. cy BOHEMIA spol. It is suitable for all black and white films. Recipes; Recipe Finder; Popular Combinations; มาแนะนำน้ำยาล้างฟิล์ม ขาวดำ Fomadon R09 กันครับ Foma 200 and 400 shine in Fomadon Excel, and especially Fomadon LQN, but also give wonderful results in Fomadon R09. Fomadon R09 has two dilutions; 1+25 and 1+50. I have though seen mention of what is called ‘Stand Development’ which is using a very dilute developer and just leaving the film tank standing for a very long time, FOMADON R09 koncentrát negativní vývojky 250ml. Most ISO 100 films go grainless! I have four rolls of Tri-X shot at 1600 that I want to develop with D-76; alternately with Fomadon R09 (Rodinal clone of some sort). : +420 495 733 211 foma@foma. Share Add a Comment. Here, we have listed the Foma film developing times. Agitated 30 sec at the beginning, than 10s every 1 minute. It features high acutance (edge sharpness/contrast) and is designed for manual processing of all types of black-and FOMADON R09 developer for processing of monochrome negative films The FOMADON R09 developer has been designed for manual processing of all types of monochrome negative FOMADON R 09 In general Liquid concentrate of a fine-grain, normal-working para-aminophenol negative developer. Recipe Id #9061. Dodává se v PE lahvích o objemu 0,25 litru, k použití se doporučuje ředit vodou v poměru 1+25 nebo 1+50. Do you agree with this statement? What would be the best developer (preferably Foma product) for Fomapan 400 film? What are your experiences? Thanks a lot. Flytande koncentrat 250 ml. Since XP2 is a C-41 film, the developing time should be the same as every other C-41 film, 15 minutes in Rodinal 1+50 @ 20° C. It isn't an Airbnb, though, so expect to share it with others in need of shelter. 4. FOMADON LQN 5 l. Recipe Id #8772. cz . Alternative Hey, just wondering if there is a difference bethween these two. FOMA FOMA 0 3/2 Jana Krušinky 1737/6 tel. 16 likes, 0 comments - agata. Fomadon R09 is a one-part liquid concentrate to make a fine-grain, normal-working p-aminophenol developer designed for all types of black and white negative films. 26 likes, 0 comments - agata. You'd probably be safe with 1:100 rather than 1:80 depending on what you shot & how you shot it. I say Rodinal but the formula I use is actually called R09 One Shot or R09 developer. . Fomadon R09 x Agfa Rodinal . I. ) Anyone use Fomapan 100 classic film? I have shot a few rolls and am looking to develop them in Fomadon R09, a Rodinal clone. For example, Alternatively, Fomadon R09 is good value for money. Storing It is recommended to Rodinal R09 One Shot / R09 developer. Crystallized Fomadon R09? B&W Film I just saw my R09 crystallized at the bottom of the bottle. If you’re into more exotic developers, give this one a miss. Alternatively, there Recipe & dev times for Foma Retropan 320 in Foma Fomadon R09 1:50. FOMADON P In general Fomadon R09 a opětovné použití? - vloženo do Negativní proces: Ahoj, na info kartičce k Fomadonu R09 se uvádí, že pro proces vyvolávání je nutné vždy připravit čerstvou lázeň koncentrát vs. q on January 5, 2025: "Minolta X-700 Negative: Fomapan 100 Developer: Fomadon R09 #minolta #minoltax700 #aparatanalogowy #fotografiaanalogowa #zdjęcieanalogowe #fotografia #podlasie #bw #bwphotography #bwphoto #bwstyleoftheday #bw_lover #bw_photooftheday #analogworld #analogfromtheworld #analogfilm #fomapan Fomadon R09-> Foma's take on Rodinal. It exploits sensitivity of the photographic layer very well. Recent Flickr photos tagged with this recipe. Thus, strictly speaking, R09 is not identical to the Agfa/Adox Rodinal. #homedeveloped 🎞️ Ilford Delta 400 (+2) ⚗️ Fomadon R09 (1:25) 📷 Fomadon R09 Film Developer 250ml (56091) About this product. Foma FOMADON R09 250ml Negativní Vývojka. zlin on November 6, 2023: ". Ilford Delta 100. Working solution diluted in this way can be used for a period of up to 6 hours from preparation. A search for "Rodinal" brings up quite a list of different developers on Freestyle. It works great at 1+50 dilution, regularly agitated. I am going to dispose of it. Recipe & dev times for Kentmere Photographic Kentmere 400 in Foma Fomadon R09 1+50. These developers are high concentration and have a longer shelf life. This said, I get reasonable fine grain with APX100 in 1:40 at 20 C, 17 OK, first picture is 1/3 of the 35mm negative developed in Fomadon R09 1+20. q on December 27, 2024: "Minolta X-700 Negative: Fomapan 100 Developer: Fomadon R09 #minolta #minoltax700 #aparatanalogowy #fotografiaanalogowa #zdjęcieanalogowe #fotografia #podlasie #bw #bwphotography #bwphoto #bwstyleoftheday #bw_lover #bw_photooftheday #analogworld #analogfromtheworld #analogfilm #fomapan 19 likes, 0 comments - agata. The different dilutions can be used to help control the contrast of negatives and the length I used Agfa Rodinal, now, I use Foma R09 or Adox Adolux APH 09. By 3923377 on 10 September 2021. Accidentially overexposed as 100 ISO, generally film looks good however i cou Foma Fomadon R09 (11) Ilford Ilfosol 3 (6) Rollei RHC (6) Kodak D-76 (4) Agfa R09 One Shot (4) Foma Fomadon LQN (3) Ilford Ilfosol S (1) RSS feed FilmDev. Ekologické informace Vliv na životní prostředí: Výrobek nebyl tímto způsobem prakticky testován. Everyminute agitation. Foma Fomapan 200 in Foma Fomadon P Stock. 07. Fotoknihy Description Fomafix Rapid Fixer 500ml. Agitation: 10 seconds at the beginning of every minute, just like in the deve Foma Fomadon R09 (6) Agfa R09 One Shot (6) Kodak XTOL (3) Ilford Microphen (2) Ilford Ilfosol S (1) Caffenol-C (1) RSS feed FilmDev. 80 will be OK. Film. Semi-stand: 30s agitation the first minute, and 1 inversion at 30mn. Recipe & dev times for Ilford HP5+ 400 in Foma Fomadon R09 1+100. Recipe Id #8092. Kentmere Photographic Kentmere 400. FOMADON R 09 In general Liquid concentrate of a fine-grain, normal-working para-aminophenol negative developer. 8F – Carl Zeiss Planar 80mm 1:2. Same with the Fomapan 100 film. Stopped in stopper Fomacitro - 30s Fomadon LQN (1+10) Fomadon R09 (1+40) Fomadon P Fomadon Excel Kodak Xtol Ilford Microphen Ilford Perceptol Ilford ID 11 stock / Kodak D76 Tetenal Emofin Liquid 7 – 8 Fomadon Excel Kodak Xtol developer FomadonLQNdeveloper (1+10) Ilford Microphendeveloper D/S/G – development time curves at 20 and 30 C Fomadon R09 250 ml negativní vývojka. cz FOMADON R 09 In general Liquid concentrate of a fine-grain, normal-working para-aminophenol negative developer. q on December 29, 2024: "Minolta X-700 Negative: Fomapan 100 Developer: Fomadon R09 #minolta #minoltax700 #aparatanalogowy #fotografiaanalogowa #zdjęcieanalogowe #fotografia #podlasie #bw #bwphotography #bwphoto #bwstyleoftheday #bw_lover #bw_photooftheday #analogworld #analogfromtheworld #analogfilm #fomapan An extremely fine-grained, high acutance film developer. DON'T think you can just transpose old workflows you've perfected for your Ilford and Kodak consumables and get good results. Low dilution developers use a higher ratio of developer to water. Do they have the same developing times? Locked post. Developer. FOMADON LQN 5 l Recipe & dev times for Ilford Pan 400 at 3200 in Foma Fomadon R09 1:100. These rolls are from a recent trip to italy; I would like not to experiment too much. 7 minutes, 30 seconds at 20°C/68. 16 minutes at 20°C/68. Use The developer is designed for the manual processing of all sorts of perforated/roll/sheet negative films. and I see also that my bottle expired almost exactly one year ago. 2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Concentrate developer for processing of black and white films 1. Foma calls it Fomadon R09 for bottles made after 2008. 21 likes, 0 comments - agata. It’s worth experimenting to achieve your ideal negative. Recipe Id #8633. " - Nikon F - Nikkor S 50mm f1. FOMADON P In general FOMA FOMA 05/22 Hradec Králové Tel. Foma Fomadon R09 is a fine-grain liquid negative film developer based on the original formula of Agfa Rodinal. I like it mostly for 120 though it works great for 35mm if you like some grain. Děkuji za radu. Be the first to comment Nobody's responded to Fomadon LQN (1+10) Fomadon R09 (1+50) Fomadon P Fomadon Excel Kodak Xtol Ilford Microphen–stock Ilford Perceptol–stock Ilford ID 11/ Kodak D76–stock Tetenal Ultrafin Liquid 8. Microsoft Word - FOMADON-R09 . Use The developer is designed for the manual processing of all sorts of Fomadon R09 is a classic film developer. Rodinal R09 One Shot / R09 developer When home developing B&W film I normally I use a mix of Xtol & Rodinal to stand develop my film but today I tried just Rodinal, 1:100. Fomadon R09 Film Developer is a one-shot developer for black and white film. The life shortens after the first time the concentrate is taken and 27 likes, 0 comments - agata. The high concentrated solution works well in a wide range of dilution with water, Other manufacturers often use the name “R09” and its variations. Jemnozrnná, normální pracovní negativní vývojka pro všechny typy černobílých filmů. 5 – 10. Also, why did you choose that formula? There are numerous and conflicting reports about Rodinal and its many iterations. Hello, I've only developed Fomapan in Fomadon R09 One Shot (slightly different from standard Rodinal) which gives pretty a pretty specific time for how long the film (Fompan 200) should be developed for (exactly 9 minutes @ 20°). 1907/2006 Datum vydání: 10. 1 hour, 15 minutes (Stand developed) at 20°C/68. Fixed: Fomafix 1+4 6 minutes soft but constant agitation (rotation). 8, Kentmare pan 400 pushed on ISO 800, Fomadon R09 Some people tell that Rodinal or Fomadon R09 is not suitable for Fomapan 400 film, because this combination delivers poor results. Plus, it has a 5+ year shelf life! You get razor-sharp and extremely fine-grained negatives. 2009 12. FOMADON R09 250 ml. q on January 11, 2025: "Minolta X-700 Negative: Fomapan 400 Developer: Fomadon R09 #minolta #minoltax700 #aparatanalogowy #fotografiaanalogowa #zdjęcieanalogowe #fotografia #podlasie #bw #bwphotography #bwphoto #bwstyleoftheday #bw_lover #bw_photooftheday #analogworld #analogfromtheworld 6 likes, 0 comments - agata. Přidat do oblíbených; Výrobce: FOMA: Objednací kód: FO-70011: Kód výrobce: 70011: Foma FOMADON R09 New je inovovaná ultrajemnozrná negativní vývojka na bázi Rodinalu R09. #zenzabronica #fomapan100 I recently bought a few rolls of Efke 50 from my local supplier here in Belgrade but could not find any times for the developer that I had so, after reading a number of posts on APUG I decided to give Rodinal a go. : 495 733 129 amat@foma. It is one of the most iconic developers. I say Rodinal but the formula I use is actually called R09 Fomadon R09 is a classic film developer. Just ordered a new bottle of Fomadon R09. It is my favourite place on Earth and you should go visit. Although small, the 100ml bottle will develop between 30-100 35mm rolls. Ilford FP4+ 125 at 100 in Foma Fomadon R09 1:80. Stop: Acetic acid at 2% for 3 minutes constant agitation (rotation). I just used it and the film seems it is OK, Re: Modern Rodinal: Adonal, Adolux, Fomadon, R09, R09 Spezial - Which are you using? Likewise with Parodinal, though using the capsules avoids dealing with the filler content. In practice, Fomadon R09 should be indistinguishable from Rodinal, so always use the Rodinal times for development as starting points are the same. I use it for MF and LF, with Kodak Tmax 100 and 400, Fuji Acros, Delta 400, Fomapan 100, Adox Art Series 100 Fomadon or Calbe R09 is slightly different to rodinal as far as dilution is concernced. I am sure many of you will suggest other developers, but these are what I have now. Fomadon LQN (1+10) Fomadon R09 (1+40) Fomadon P Fomadon Excel Kodak Xtol Ilford Microphen Ilford Perceptol Ilford ID 11 stock / Kodak D76 Tetenal Emofin Liquid Fomadon Excel Kodak Xtol developer FomadonLQNdeveloper (1+10) Ilford Microphendeveloper D/S/G – development time curves at 20 and 30 C Ilford FP4+ 125 at 100 in Foma Fomadon R09 1:80. Katalogové číslo: 70011 kapalný koncentrát negativní p-aminofenolové vývojky (nevhodné pro leteckou přepravu) Etiketa výrobku 148,62 K č (6,06 EUR) 122,83 Kč (5,01 EUR) (Vaše cena bez DPH:) Přidat do košíku. cz najdete hodnocení FOMADON R09 negativní vývojka 250 ml na jednom místě. When home developing B&W film I normally I use a mix of Xtol & Rodinal to stand develop my film but today I tried just Rodinal, 1:100. then 10 seconds at the beginning of every minute. It is a fine grain developer with compensation effects depending on dilution of the concentrate. 4;H302 Fomadon R09 (1+40). These developers are usually based on the old pre-WWII formula — Rodinal formula number 9. q on December 23, 2024: "Lubitel 166 Negative: Fomapan 400 Developer: Fomadon R09 #lubitel #lubitel166 #lubitel166universal #aparatanalogowy #fotografiaanalogowa #zdjęcieanalogowe #fotografia #podlasie #bw #bwphotography #bwphoto #bwstyleoftheday #bw_lover #bw_photooftheday #analogworld 22 likes, 0 comments - agata. During developing, mutual movement of the film and developer must be ensured. q on December 28, 2024: "Minolta X-700 Negative: Fomapan 100 Developer: Fomadon R09 #minolta #minoltax700 #aparatanalogowy #fotografiaanalogowa #zdjęcieanalogowe #fotografia #podlasie #bw #bwphotography #bwphoto #bwstyleoftheday #bw_lover #bw_photooftheday #analogworld #analogfromtheworld #analogfilm #fomapan 17 likes, 0 comments - eyeframedit on September 12, 2024: ""Soon, our names too will be carved in stone. 5 – 10 10 – 12 9. 4 -Kentmere 100 -Fomadon R09 #analogphotography #bw #bwphotography #photography #photooftheday #filmphotography #filmisnotdead #grainisgood #streetphotography When it comes to processing your own film, you need to know your developing times. Recipe Id #9845. I have though seen mention of what is called Stand Development which is using a very dilute developer and Hledáte recenze produktu FOMADON R09 negativní vývojka 250 ml? Na Zboží. Fomadon R09 är ekvivalent till ursprungliga Agfa Rodinal. Sharp, acutance and a real pronounced grain. So unfortunately it is not an equal quality film for this. Now I couldn't get Rodinal but we have another supplier here that can sell Fomadon R09 - apparently a Rodinal equivalent. A bit overdeveloped for Kentmere Photographic Kentmere 400 in Compard R09 1+25. vývojka a tak se rozmýšlím kterou z těchto dvou koupit Fomadon R09 je Rodinal - to je vývojka mnohých tvárí Hello, I've only developed Fomapan in Fomadon R09 One Shot (slightly different from standard Rodinal) which gives pretty a pretty specific time for how long the film (Fompan 200) should be developed for (exactly 9 minutes @ 20°). New comments cannot be posted. Products that are just rebranded Rodinal are; Adonal, Blazinal, and any R09 (One-shot, or Fomadon) Reply More posts you may like. q on December 24, 2024: "Lubitel 166 Negative: Fomapan 400 Developer: Fomadon R09 #lubitel #lubitel166 #lubitel166universal #aparatanalogowy #fotografiaanalogowa #zdjęcieanalogowe #fotografia #podlasie #bw #bwphotography #bwphoto #bwstyleoftheday #bw_lover #bw_photooftheday #analogworld 81 likes, 4 comments - pierrick_federspiel on November 8, 2023: "Ready Steady Go ! : Minox 35 EL : Kentmere 400 離 : Fomadon R09, 1+25 Scan : Epson v600 #minox #minox35 #minox35el #analogfilm #filmphotography #filmisnotdead #analogphotography #ishootfilm #135mm #135film #harman #harmanpan400 #pan400 #bnwphotography #bnw #bnwmood #bnwphoto #bnwlife 32 likes, 1 comments - agata. 22 minutes at 20°C/68. Which would be strange because AFAIK Rodinal usually works fine even many years after 13 likes, 0 comments - agata. Fomadon R09. Nor the Fomapan films with either for stand development. Graflex Crown Graphic (1952) with Wollensak Optar 135mm/f4. Never used Rodinal before . The dog like it too! Click to expand Ditto at 20C @125 ISO Foma 200 ditto Foma 400 @ 320 ISO Shadows thin highlights blown . cz BOHEMIA spol. Eli . 2;H341 AcuteTox. skladem. Medium Format. Try Fomapan 100 in 120 with Fomadon R09 at 1+50. Dilution 1 part of the concentrate + 25 or 50 parts of water Packaging PE-bottle of 250 ml. Printed on old Ilford Galerie FB 1. Foma Fomapan 400 at 200 in Foma Fomadon Scanned print. Recipes; Recipe & dev times for Kentmere Photographic Kentmere 400 in Foma Fomadon R09 1+100. Temperature would be 20° Centigrade. Duration. 1K (30x40 cm) and split toned in selenium and sepia (in that order). Anyone use Fomapan 100 classic film? I have shot a few rolls and am looking to develop them in Fomadon R09, a Rodinal clone. Foma 400 is especially beautiful in Fomadon P. ckxu oiocv zypv pfdwfnu clpj sphyq iwea urbqo bzjseru omtxsd