Collapse duplicate rows stata. I have a set of individuals with characteristics.

Collapse duplicate rows stata Modified 8 years, 2 months ago. Core functionality includes a rich set of S3 generic grouped and This is a sample data that I created following format of the World Input and Output Dataset (please ignore the numerical values: they are randomly assigned). In particular it will demonstrate how using collapse’s fast functions and some fast alternatives for dplyr verbs can substantially facilitate and speed up basic data manipulation, grouped and weighted aggregations and transformations, and panel data computations (i. After combining numerous datasets I need to initially combine the 2 rows where PNUM00=1 so that they become 1 row. Login or Register by clicking 'Login or Register' at the top-right of this page. collapse duplicate rows into a single row by "|" 0. Perfect. We will describe both approaches. many possibilities here). We will also return to removing duplicate pairs if observation j with observation k and observation k with observation j are not both wanted. 3. To add more, I read on the this website that "The basic process behind tidying data is that-----: first, identify all of the variables that were measured at the same level of observation; second, create separate data tables for each level of observation; and third, reshape the data and remove duplicate rows until each data table is uniquely and fully identified by the unique Now, a word of advice to a new member. Use list to list data when you are doing so. 667 3. The same for all the other rows. Return a dataset that contains distinct values taken by a set of variables. Reshape the data set to wide form, and then reshape it again to long. chid sometimes lists two sets of codes - ie in the last row of the toy data, 11296834, 09235524. š"HÛlÑ Û \iVKX$eRòÚùõ=3CŠ jtÙÍ6 Ã+Š ž9—ï Stata: Counts non-duplicate rows as duplicates. My end result should be I am rearranging my dataset to fit my method, but I got stuck trying to combine rows that have the same inputs. Impala 3500 15 3916. So I would go from 263,536 rows to 2365 rows. For each group, as determined by the variables used with the by prefix, if there is more than one observation, the count starts at 1 (see help _n). a doesn´t make sense this case. Each individual belongs to one or more group. 2, -dataex- is already part of your official Stata // REDUCE MULTIPLE OBSERVATIONS TO SINGLETONS USING NON-MISSING VALUES WHERE THEY EXIST collapse It looks like there's a bit of an issue with the mutate function - I've found that it's a better approach to work with summarise when you're grouping data in dplyr (that's no way a hard and fast rule though). Ask Question Asked 11 years, 7 months ago. How can I achieve this in Stata. But the problem arises for some states there is repeated value for the same year. the original and the copy), which can be identified by the new variable dupindicator that is defined as 1 for the duplicate, and 0 for the original variables. All Time Today Last Week Last Month. Stata’s jargon of panel data borrows one of many possible Stata: Counts non-duplicate rows as duplicates. clist must refer to numeric variables exclusively. collapse duplicate columns with dplyr. I've tried some solutions from here but those examples were mostly performed on 2 variables - I have 19. 1 1 egen—Extensionstogenerate Description Quickstart Menu Syntax Remarksandexamples Acknowledgments References Alsosee Description I need to collapse a large table (5M by V19) where I remove duplicates based on a specific column (V1), combine the values of all other columns if unique (if not, then report the result only once). This is the data frame: Observations are distinct on a variable list if they differ with respect to that variable list. Core functionality includes a rich set of S3 generic grouped and weighted statistical functions for vectors, matrices and data frames, which provide efficient low-level vectorizations, OpenMP multithreading, and skip missing Given a 2D array (A) with multiple columns and rows, and a 1D array (B) of the same length. Then I use: collapse (sum) count_obsv, by(loc_ID year) Stata doesn't know the term row in this context except as another word for observation. but this would also delete the observations I need to keep so collapse works You are confused with the logic. – If it includes adding the rows together you need to include a routine for adding the rows. Post Cancel. paste function also introduces whitespace into the result so either set sep = 0 or use just use paste0. list number even 1. Collapse allows you to convert your current data set to a much smaller data set of means, medians, maximums, minimums, count or percentiles (your choice of which percentile). egen npkg = rowtotal(q1_*) . Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. Best, Ben Ben Hoen LBNL Office: 845-758-1896 Cell: 718-812-7589 -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto: [email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Cox Sent: Friday, January 06, 2012 10:47 AM To: [email protected] Subject: Re: st: Count of unique I'm trying to collapse rows in a dataframe that contains a column of ID data and a number of columns that each hold a different string. As I now need to apply duplicates drop, I'm once again interested in sorting my data in a way so that, for duplicated rows of 'company', the rows with the least missing cells appears first. (In particular grouped and The only duplicate value is for Egypt in 2001. I used the following two lines of code: egen count_obsv = tag(loc_ID year) This adds a counter to my dataset (count_obsv) which is 1 (and 0 for every element that has the same combination of loc_ID and year) for every new combination. Runs of consecutive observations in panel data. The syntax for collapsing dataset is very similar to the syntax for modifying columns : just use summarize instead of mutate To return a dataset composed of summary statistics computed over multiple rows : Maybe you have already done this, but if not I would advise ensuring all cases that meet the condition 'male==1 & female==. tabulate npkg You might want to know the distribution of users of software packages. Introduction collapse is a C/C++ based package for data transformation and statistical computing in R. 2013. Satisfied, we now issue duplicates drop. Viewed 2k times 2 . In this case I want to generate a duplicate row, except each row should only contain a single code in chid. 1 is a mature piece of statistical software tested with > 7700 unit tests. I struggle with getting to analyse on my data, as I can't figure out how to get Stata to count each unique ID-number as a person. Speaking Stata: Making it count. If they are identical on all variables, there is no extra information, and it's cleanest and simplest to use duplicates drop to get them out of the way before the merge. collapse (mean) ItemNum (first) Date, by(ID) Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. If I use "duplicates drop Disno, force", one of 173 would be dropped out. Depending on the collapse, it can be up to twice as fast than gcollapse; however, it remained slower for some use cases. It can also be hierarchical with mutiple levels. It was commented it was based on the median absolute deviation (MAD), but I am not following that. I am interested in the average number of trips across all people, but first I need to collapse it down to unique dates. Posts; Latest Activity; Search. I also see no options in the egen concat() function that could help me with this. I have enormous data with repeating information. meaning, 1 observation with id#16 that This is a consequence of Stata's inability to create variables via C plugins. 1 or 14. My goal would be to merge these rows with the same name into on that has values for the for variables. a). Therefore, I want to remove row 2,12,15,17 for example. This is followed by duplicate reports id, It appears that we have gotten rid of the duplicate observations. 2007b. 6 12 2. I'd like to collapse rows that fit this criteria so that they are just one row, with the start_datetime of the first row and the end_datetime of the second row. If that does not end up reducing your data set to one observation per id, then it means that there are still other variables in the data set that vary within id. In Stata, missing values behave like +Inf. 1 and I couldn't get the results I want. However I have one "duplicate" for educ == 10 (given year == 72, there is one duplicate of educ). Also see Thanks for the data example and clear description. Collapse. Filter. Particularly with -duplicates drop-. However, they are not perfect duplicates. Sometimes it makes sense to use -collapse- to reduce the dataset to one observatino per pid-doiy paper, taking, say, the mean of the values for the other variables (or the min, or max, or first, or. duplicates drop Duplicates in terms of all variables (2 observations deleted) The report, list, and drop subcommands of duplicates are perhaps the most useful, especially I use Stata 13. I would like to know on what basis the duplicates are removed/collapsed. } and . My definition of duplicates is, whenever both rows of observations have nonmissing values for each variable, they must be equal. Stata tip 51: Events in intervals. In a nutshell, collapse provides: I'm working with repeated cross-section data and I need to make it a panel. (See below). This command may be sufficient for your needs. unless you have too many distinct values (see "help limits"), tabulate will do this another way to go is -contract-; see "help contract" added in edit: a third way to delete the duplicates (help duplicates) and just use -list- We start by running the duplicates report command to see the number of duplicate rows in the dataset. How to collapse index with same value in multi-index dataframe. select the rows, right click Drop selected data Comment. The three main components of a data. For example, say we have a data. We use duplicates tag, duplicates report and duplicates drop commands. Removing index duplicates in pandas. , there are two rows of observations for a number of 'id's). I'm new in R and have been struggling with it for a while. This website uses cookies to provide you with a better user experience. 2, -dataex- is already part of your official Stata installation. 8 16. That stipulation limits the use of levelsof or egen, group(), which ignore current sort order. for every ID and year you have exactly three such lines in your dataset. The more you help others understand your problem, the more likely others are to be able to help you solve Title stata. 667 This is definitely a step closer, but it's still showing multiple rows for each Case. (`v', `v'[1], . This is just the row sum of the variables, most easily calculated by egen. This only works if Country with ID and Year uniquely identifies each set of observations for which you want this, i. Also, in an individual file you can't tell what is duplicate or not without an individual I have a set of individuals with characteristics. Number. Let’s Sorting wasn't needed when collapsing. You say place and Place in different places, but you don't give us a data example to make clear what is going on. (A) contains duplicate rows and I want to collapse these duplicate rows into one unique entry but add the corresponding values in (B). The first "day 1" observation refers to the morning variables and the second 'day 1" observation refers to the afternoon variables. list number odd 1. In essence the nearest simple equivalent is I expect -duplicate drop- should be the same as -collapse-, because the only variables I need subsequently are those grouped variables. As you can see in the picture, the first 255 rows have the same observations. We saw how to do this using the Data Editor in [GSW] 6 Using the Data Editor; this chapter presents the methods for doing so from the Command window. The result has each name associated with a case number on a different row in gradually shifting columns 1,2,3 as additional names are added. Thanks in advance! // Lorens Collapse. Speaking Stata: Counting groups, especially panels. I cannot find anything online that deals with condensing the variables into a single row for each year, hence my asking here. Any sugesstions Now I would like to find the number of duplicated values between Group1 (crop1-crop4) variables and Group2 (nw1-nw3) variables excluding the missing values through generating a new variable called duplicates. I want to keep information of a member only once for one household. At the end we included one example using function collap() from Hello STATA Experts: I am trying to create a new variable based on the existence of certain conditions in two existing variables (see code below). Note the capitalization of _N and _n. 1. however I would like to select a specific row to remain based on the value of the second columns. You want to make sure that such values as "0010" and " 10" are always the same or are always different, as appropriate. J. My purpose is to remain Disno depending on a specific statea and stateb combination. What i would like to do is simply collapse these into a single observation with all the relevant info. com duplicates The records for id42 and id144 were evidently entered twice. Stata users would say “collapse” the data. Collapse datasets. Buis University of Konstanz Department of history and sociology Collapse. sort group . My command is this: bysort round_year ( firm_id_new) : gen ind_patsubgrp_total = sum( expgrp_total) I want to collapse the rows based on users while placing the '1' on their corresponding columns. Thanks for your help! Tags: None. , the one in memory) and the “using” dataset (i. Then we can manipulate it by putting arguments into its square brackets, i. so that I have information on the morning and afternoon variables combined in one row and would like to keep the variables that Hi, I am totally new to Stata (Version 17. A C/C++ based package for advanced data transformation and statistical computing in R that is extremely fast, class-agnostic, robust and programmer friendly. If there is different information on the other variables, tell us more about Another way to count duplicate rows with NaN entries is as follows: df. Dear all, I am a Stata 14 user and I was wondering if you could help with the following. Collapse rows and sum the values in the column. Another approach is using the merge command to add the variables you generate with the collapse back to the original dataset. I want to sum up all values in the third column 'expgrp_total' by year and create a new variable filled with the summed value for that same year across the rows. Like 2009 for Alaska appears several times and this happens for Alaska every year in my data. Modified 2 years, 1 month ago. Last edited by sladmin; 28 Jan collapse converts the dataset in memory into a dataset of means, sums, medians, etc. frame framename: one_stata_command. Or if there are more than 2 identical entries in columns 1 then I would like the row with the median value in row 2 to remain. So I know I need to collapse on the date, but when I do. The example above tells Stata that there So in this example, rather than create a new duplicate variable with "0" or "1", I would like to give obs 2 the value "564a" and obs 3 "564b" for person_id. table count and then drop duplicates. How to collapse data frame rows in R by summing using dplyr - To collapse data frame rows by summing using dplyr package, we can use summarise_all function of dplyr package. I agree with Nick, reshape is the way to go for this problem, then look for duplicates by couple id (dup) gen ex = dup==0 Then you might have to reshape or collapse back to child or couple level, depending on your , > > > > I have a dataset where each row corresponds to a couple. Another way of working with frames is . For more information on Statalist, see the FAQ. Thanks Nick! Your code has a number of additional insights (for me) in it over and above answering the questions. Nick's advice is, of course, correct. For example, if we have a data frame called df that has a categorical column say Group and one numerical column then collapsing of rows by summing can be done by using the . With his new variable, the duplicates can later easily be identified and dropped if necessary. Note especially sections 9-12 on how to best pose your question. Cad. I created two new variables of which, one shows the total number of distinct jobs one had (distinct2 Each row in my dataset is a hospital-admission of one of these patients, and I have about 93,000 hospital admissions. But row 4 (Oliver Adkins) should not be altered. If i use the command duplicates drop then my pulses_exp milk_exp will all be missing. Example 2. Using -force- simply obscures the problem without I want to collapse the 2nd and 3rd rows into one. Chev. Ideally am hoping to have these names all display on the same row in a series of columns. Commented Jan 31, 2023 at 9:07. Could anyone help me understand this Note. Also, in an individual file you can't tell what is duplicate or not without an individual Suppose that you wish to do something for each of several groups of your data but in the order of their first occurrence in your dataset. For example, before duplicate or collapse, 1st id in the 1st week has x _contritotal for all observations within this week, then after collapse or duplicate, there is only one row for 1st id & 1st week. 2007c. Eldorado 4000 15 3916. dat[]. the mean, do you want to drop duplicate rows? -----Maarten L. Code: bysort A B: replace C = sum(C) by A B: keep if _n == _N For examples of this in Stata, see our Stata Learning Module on collapse. With only the total rows selected you can also add any subtotal function you want in the appropriate columns. tabulate q1_Stata You might want to see the distribution of the number of packages used by the respondents. clear input year str2 state str11 document 2009 AS 09420849920 2006 AS 91444492147 2008 AS 91444492147 2007 AK 47080474742 2006 AK 90190072284 2007 AK 90190072284 2006 AK 10744281448 2009 AL I have a dataset in Stata and want to count by group (loc_ID) and year. How can I fill values from duplicates in Stata? 0. Count of unique values across all columns in a data frame. To elucidate: Collapse duplicate rows with pandas. Each patient have an ID-number, in my dataset titled "newid". with the year repeated for each variable response, with only one response per row year and the other variable responses missing. In this case, summarizing or collapsing the data means that we add together the two values for Egypt in 2001 and delete the duplicate row in the process. tables, which are highly efficient data frames that can be manipulated using the package’s concise syntax. I think that the Stata documentation of COLLAPSE, excellent though it is, does not go far enough. Merge duplicated indexes into one in pandas. Welcome to Statalist. For concreteness, imagine an example of panel data for which we have an identifier variable id. To summarize, I want to add a new row that calculates sum of asian country's values so that the new observation at the last row will show the sum of asian countries's industries' values. B. First, be aware that codebook reports their number, albeit as “unique values”. 2. 1) No other variables need to be retained. My problem is then to remove all the duplicates conditioned, on the specific year. This will, indeed, remove duplicates and leave you with just one observation for each combination of firmid and fyear. , columna) Note that . How to overwrite a duplicate observation. Therefore, I collapsed the data at state-year level. I used the duplicate command with these 4 variables to see if that detects these as duplicates and Stata does not, but the data in, say, the first two rows appear identical to me (no strings, for example). I write only to note that the -reshape- command will generate the new DirectorID variables as doubles (appropriate) with a default %10. useodd (Firstfiveoddnumbers). 5 %ÐÔÅØ 21 0 obj /Length 2739 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream xÚÝZ[ ÛÆ ~ß_Á·J€5žû% j4. One the duplicate is created, I apply: replace district="D1" if district=="D" & state=="S" & year==2009 & new==1 This works perfectly only if I want to use expand 2. There are two possible approaches, and which you use depends on whether there are other variables in your data set which you wish to retain. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 2 months ago. I wish to identify systematically the first (or last) occurrences of a particular condition in each panel with an indicator variable that is 1 when an observation is the first (or merge—Mergedatasets3 Syntax One-to-onemergeonspecifiedkeyvariables merge1:1varlistusingfilename[,options] Many-to-onemergeonspecifiedkeyvariables mergem The last four rows are the result that I expect for each fipsgrp, but I am getting something like the first 7 rows for several groups. Finally, reading -help missing- should help you learn about how missing values are handled in Stata. The 2 tells Stata that there should be two copies of the same observation (i. In this case, I would like to have only one row per ID, in the end, I would like to only have seven rows. For float variables (Var1 and Var2), I basically use the following code: bysort Name : replace Var1 = sum(Var1). xls 1 SIDM3: Combining and restructuring datasets; creating summary data across repeated measures or across groups You might find that your data is in a very different structure to that needed for analysis. You can identify duplicates using Stata's 'duplicates' command. All we need to do is tag the first occurrence of each distinct value, and then count those first occurrences in sequence. But the whole point raised in #2 and #3 is that the duplicate observations contain conflicting information about the other variables. Currently I am using a dictionary to solve this issue, but I think it is not ideal and too slow if the arrays are long: We need to know about the duplicate rows (Stata's term is "observations"). ' are indeed duplicates I would first run a code to identify duplicates and then use a drop command to drop the cases. Meaning there are no "duplicates" for educ == 12. The data. Stata Journal 7: 117–130. This data management step can also be done in R using the summaryBy() command in the "doBy" package. The second ONLY has values for var 3. The HHID is valid if the resulting number is an integer between 0 and 999999. Repeated typing of various syntax elements is part of what makes this approach difficult. then the new data set would be the following: crop1 crop2 crop3 crop4 nw1 nw2 nw3 duplicates 3 7 2 . The data looks like Introduction. useeven (6ththrough8thevennumbers). In my real dataset, I have 154 variables so I would lose information if I omitted duplicates all together. You can do the above by using by:, which is one of the most versatile features of Stata. Viewed 43k times Part of R Language Collective Collapsing duplicates in R where only the unique column values get condensed. (i. I have a dataset containing survey information from teachers about their school. Collapsing rows on condition and re-using their values in R. table In the above table, person 1 made two trips and three item purchases (because two dates are shown), person 2 made three trips. Rstudio: Combining row values into one row based on duplicate values in column. We need first The Stata command for this is expand; see [D] expand. If an id has a pair of observations, I want to check if one of this pair is a duplicate of the other. . 3. Then I run -egen, group(person location)- and find that there are multiple person-location Any such variables should be explicitly removed with a -drop- (or complementary -keep-) command before running -duplicates drop-. R: Combine rows based on equal values in several columns. SDM=Stata Data Management. Press Alt+; to deselect hidden rows, then copy. Select all "Total" rows. 2007a. collapse has 2 main aims: To facilitate complex data transformation, exploration and computing tasks in R. value_counts() function Now, a word of advice to a new member. There is another way to approach selection whenever equality with any of several integer values is the criterion. In #1 UID appears to be a household identifier in both cases, but observation 1 in the HH file corresponds to observation 1 in the individual file and the same variables occur in both, while observations 2 and 3 don't occur in the HH file. 0). The problem is all the data is in one row. . That way you can be sure that nothing has Sometimes it makes sense to use -collapse- to reduce the dataset to one observatino per pid-doiy paper, taking, say, the mean of the values for the other variables (or How to identify, tag, report and delete duplicate observations in Stata. 0. table package centers around data. The data looks like In the above table, person 1 made two trips and three item purchases (because two dates are shown), person 2 made three trips. N. This way i would drop the least informative rows when using duplicates drop. I am thinking to collapse rows with the condition id3 == id2, but I could not do it. Why don't you need to worry about extraneous observations in this case? Collapse Hello, I have a problem with my panel data. ) collapse remains the solution of choice, You said that the last row in the table was a duplicate! I will add another solution. – append—Appenddatasets3. I have a set of individuals with characteristics. 0g format (which will result in scientific notation. Get to know Stata’s collapse command–it’s your new friend. You can browse but not post. Without that, we can't duplicate your problem. Please do read and act on FAQ Advice #12. No announcement yet. However, as can be seen in data, for id 1, the total of grains is appeared in first few rows while pules expenditure appears thereafter and so on. If you are collapsing duplicates you need to find the duplicates and remove them. (Tab at the top left of your StataList screen. For instance, after an expand, you could In relation to post #10 above, I reshaped my data and now have two records for each CHILDID, reflecting Parent 1 and You can frame change, issue the Stata commands, and then frame change back. It will never have more than 1 of those 3 populated. Operations involving NA return NA when the result of the operation cannot be determined. In Python and Pandas, a DataFrame index can be anything (though you can also refer to rows by the row number; see . AMCPacer 3500 15 3916. I am trying to remove the rows of the duplicates relating to the year. Seems to work great for what I hope to do (which is remove/collapse duplicates from a dataset), but I do not understand the last line. Remove rows duplicated in a specific column (e. Day 1 is duplicate for all the ids. ) } // REDUCE MULTIPLE OBSERVATIONS TO SINGLETONS USING NON-MISSING VALUES WHERE THEY EXIST The tag() function of egen goes back a long way in Stata (1999) and just encapsulates a longer-standing trick that I guess is in the manuals somewhere and/or was discussed on Statalist in the 1990s (all the old posts have disappeared). It looks like groupby is the solution, but it seems to be slanted towards performing some numeric function on the group - I just want to keep the text. Dear Stata Users: I have the following table in STATA. count if q1_Stata == 1 or type . In my data frame there are rows with same ID but different values for test year and age. doc Hilary Watt SIDM=Stata Introduction and Data Management. frame framename { stata_command stata_command. value_counts(dropna=False). collapse (mean) ItemNum (first) Date, by(ID) After combining numerous datasets I need to initially combine the 2 rows where PNUM00=1 so that they become 1 row 16 or a fully updated version 15. This vignette focuses on the integration of collapse and the popular dplyr package by Hadley Wickham. Only the id # is the same. Stata Journal 7: 571–581. I'd like to collapse the duplicate rows and create new columns for the different values. Currently I am using a dictionary to solve this issue, but I think it is not ideal and too slow if the arrays are long: I am reluctant to advise until I understand more. I need to merge individuals to group characteristics, by firstly duplicating each row of individual data set as many times as is given by n_groups. I have several duplicate observations in my data set. Thanks in advance, Kind regards expand—Duplicateobservations Description Quickstart Menu Syntax Option Remarksandexamples References Alsosee Description Title stata. YMMV. observation is a duplicate. You will find that using numbers like -1 is not useful. 360 1017 1 360 1017 2 12 Deleting variables and observations clear, drop, and keep In this chapter, we will present the tools for paring observations and variables from a dataset. Combine rows based on multiple columns and keep all unique values. It has an aid disbursement value of 0, so we can simply summarize the data. Stata: If all observations unique, skip code. Count unique values in Stata. The second two commands deal with HHID by forcing Stata to interpret it as a number. 4. 6. How i can total for example like In other words, row 1 (William Juckes) should be 09216678. As you can see, some names are basically duplicates. Stata recognizes the observations (origin_city=NY, dest_city=WA) and (origin_city=WA, dest_city=NY) as 2 unique observations. Specifically - if there are 2 duplicate entries in columns 1, I would like the row removed with the lower value in column 2. exactly!" 3. Count occurrences across different columns with the same information. Collapse multiple columns into one, removing duplicates. Run duplicates report id. I have curtailed the dataset to simplify the problem. Is there a transpose function? As so often happens, there is a direct solution to this problem making use of Stata’s built-in features, and a canned convenience program that encapsulates some of the basic tricks in the neighborhood. e. Now i want the total for each variables corrosponding to each id. Stata : collapse (mean) v1 (sd) v2, by(id) (mean(v1), sd(v2)) Return distinct rows. Yes, that is true, and I should have said to use -duplicates drop-, with no varlist (nor a force term). count() will accept string variables. The Stata term of art is collapse (or occasionally contract) with corresponding commands. > > For instance, I have: > > obs# read race write The English word merge is natural here, or at least unsurprising, but in Stata the command merge is only to do with merging datasets, not observations (rows). But there are duplicate member ID (mid) for one household. If I am not mistaken, you do not want the first row's content, right? You don't need N_cases? Many will be happier if you use Stata terms - we have observations, not rows. by group: gen gfreq = _N In Stata 7 and later, this can be Combine duplicate rows in dataframe and create new columns. So, my question is: How do i copy bvd_id to duplicated rows I would appreciate any help. Stata Journal 13: 217–219. Right now my group by is including unique rows that I do not consider unique bc the data entered into them was done by the user and is free text. SCCS=Stata Commands Crib Sheet. Previous Next What’s this “1:1” thing? The thing that looks like a ratio in the command line tells Stata how many records Stata should expect to match up between the “master” dataset (i. ) "Say exactly what you typed and exactly what Stata typed (or did) in response. Please review the Statalist FAQ linked to from the top of the page, as well as from the Advice on Posting link on the page you used to create your post. duplicates is a general tool for managing duplicates. doc workshops 3. Each partner within a couple was asked to report I am reluctant to advise until I understand more. This forces gcollapse to create variables before collapsing, meaning that if there are J groups and N observations, gcollapse uses N - J more rows than the ideal collapse program, per variable. The more you help others understand your problem, the more likely others are to be able to help you solve "Say exactly what you typed and exactly what Stata typed (or did) in response. I have a large dataset. Here is my code: p <- function(v) { Reduce(f=paste0, x = v) } data %>% group_by Each row will always have either col_a, col_b, or col_c populated. Announcement. Februar 2005 19:17 > An: statalist@h > Betreff: st: Combining duplicate observations rather than deleting them > > Dear Users, > I have duplicate observations in my dataset but rather than deleting them > using "dups" for example, I'd like to combine them and summarize a certain > variable. keep_all = TRUE retains all columns, otherwise only column a would be retained. My real dataframe is long contaning many different latin names, filter by name i. Only include the variables you need. It is a much more general tool than tsset. , job_code). %PDF-1. Questions like this arise frequently, so we need other methods. Use input to type in your own dataset fragment that others can experiment with. I am working with a dataset with many duplicates and I want to keep only the rows which contain values for both var1 and var2 if available, and drop if var2 is missing. 7 14 3. I want my results to show these free text fields but do not want them to be considered a unique row strickly because of these 2 Name given fields. Stata Journal 7: 440–443. (Stata interprets _N to mean the total number of observ I use -collapse- to guarantee no duplicates in terms of person, location, and date. For example, I would Sometimes you have data files that need to be collapsed to be useful to you. I want to combine these 255 rows into 1 row. Run duplicates report id again. For example, you might have student data but you really want classroom data, or you might have weekly data Try the duplicates command and compare your data before and after. I want to collapse all the same entries into a single one. Therefore for ID 13, I would just like to keep one row, this will be left in the dataset with ID12 If I use Hi, I'm using COLLAPSE to compute sums of variables by persons (who have unique ids) and by year. Also, I don't think you have a firstchild==1 in your example. There is more than one way that you can carry out the specific routines for a specific situation, but it is helpful to have a pre-planned approach for each situation that Although Disno 173 has a duplicate, since it has a different combination like statea 365 and state 710, I would like to remain these two rows. One trick to do this is to reshape wide and back to long, then replace missings with 0. R data. loc vs iloc). One approach that comes to mind is using the egen command rather than collapse to generate the variables you need within the existing dataset. reset_index(name='count') gives: Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 count 0 MNO 890 EFG abc 4 1 ABC 123 XYZ NaN 3 2 CDE 234 567 xyz 2 3 ABC 678 PQR def 1 Here, we use the . Stata: from a bunch of duplicates, keep a particular one. The problem. I have tagged the rows that have duplicate information for each id in terms of oks and the components of another scar (pain and scar). has values for var1 and 2 and not 3. – Nick Cox. I am unable to change my dataset to long layout if there are duplicates in the Id. A cookie is a small piece of data our website stores on a site visitor's hard drive and accesses each time you visit so we can improve your access to our site, better understand how you use our site, and serve you content that may be of interest to you. The data set is a network panel, in which some variables Thanks Marcos and Dan for your replies, and I shall study the article by Robert Fornango. , the one on disk). ) Read there about the -dataex- command and post some example data for the variables relevant to your second question here. I´ve got a data set icluding the variables ticker (some kind of ID Code for each company, ZOTS and ZY in the extract below) and anndats (announcement dates) as well as multiple other variables. To obtain the group frequencies n i, we type . to add rows corresponding to gaps in dates), use a combination of the functions complete and full_seq in Cox, N. The maximum number of chid Identify the level one and level two units, and the level one and level two variables. Stata 17+, MP version, introduced significant speed improvements to the native collapse command, specially with many cores. Given a 2D array (A) with multiple columns and rows, and a 1D array (B) of the same length. It was first released on CRAN end of March 2020. Any help really appreciated! TIA . X. Use the advanced editing options to appropriately format quotes, data, code and Stata output. Without an understanding of your data, it is difficult to give more collapse provides an integrated suite of statistical and data manipulation functions that greatly ex- tend and enhance the capabilities of base R. I have a dataframe that has duplicate column names. table called dat (you can call it whatever you want). For a longer explanation with pictures, see this Collapse duplicate rows with pandas. com clonevar — Clone existing variable SyntaxMenuDescriptionRemarks and examples AcknowledgmentsAlso see Syntax clonevar newvar = varname if in Menu Data > Create or change data > Other variable-creation commands > Clone existing variable Description clonevar generates newvar as an exact copy of an existing variable, varname, with the same by—RepeatStatacommandonsubsetsofthedata3. g. Here is an extract from list ticker anndats: count—Countobservationssatisfyingspecifiedconditions Description Quickstart Menu Syntax Remarksandexamples Storedresults References Alsosee Description I don't see where the type mismatch comes from in your code. keep_all = TRUE) a b 1 1 A 2 2 B Remove rows that are complete duplicates of other rows: In Stata, the "DataFrame" in memory always has the observation row number, denoted by the Stata built-in variable _n. In this instance you can simply -collapse- your dataset Following up from my question here, I am trying to replicate in R the functionality of the Stata command duplicates tag, which allows me to tag all the rows of a dataset that are duplicates in terms of a given set of variables:. Describe your dataset. For duplicates >0 I would like to keep one row of information. You wish to create a new variable named dup and to base the determination on the variables name, age, and sex. Using dplyr collapse rows taking condition from another numeric column. all of them have many observations repeated, but I’m having problems with the option by (var1 var2 Dear Stata Users, I have a small challenge. I have pairs of observations for multiple ids (i. 667 2. One clue to by: being useful here is the structure of a grouping of the variable x into several distinct values. Also if need remove duplicates per group and per Here row 6, 7 and 8 is duplicates, where bvd_id is only appearing for observation 8. These commands run the Stata commands on the specified frame, and switch back to the original frame once they are finished. Note: See[ D ] contract if you want to collapse to a Collapse allows you to convert your current data set to a much smaller data set of means, medians, maximums, minimums, count or percentiles (your choice of which percentile). "Say exactly what you typed and exactly what Stata typed (or did) in response. Now I need to drop all observations, where ticker and anndats are the same. Please read the FAQ, it has much useful advice for new Statalist members. Afterwards, I will do aggregate by column id3 sharing same character (i. (Matrices are different and talking about rowwise operations is an exception. If you want to copy just the total rows to a new sheet, first collapse all groups so you see only "Total" rows. I'd like to pivot(?) these into a single row per record so it appears like this: record_numb col_a col_b col_c 1 123 234 345 2 987 765 543 In addition, I advise verifying the leading characters, particularly in the second (and any subsequent) variables. In Stata, several programs are available to detect the duplicates and can also optionally drop the duplicates. Page of 1. I have panel data (or longitudinal data or cross-sectional time-series data). 16 or a fully updated version 15. The current version 1. list make weight mpg mean_w 1. clear * set obs 16 g f1 = _n expand 104 bys f1: g f2 = _n expand 2 bys f1 f2: g f3 = _n expand 41 bys f1 f2 f3: g f4 = _n des // describe the dataset I want to add these two rows in which column A and Column B remain the same while for Column C (Row1 and Row2 added). (Think of these two name given fields as possible lies). Counting distinct values: there was a survey of the terrain by Gary Longton and myself in For more information on Statalist, see the FAQ. Stata tip 114: Expand paired dates to pairs of dates. What I am looking for is to create a variable (or collapse data) that shows how many jobs they have throughout the year from 1994 to 1996. distinct(dat, a, . In R, missing values are special values that represents epistemic uncertainty. The variable dup for the last observation of the respective group you refer to (observation 4) states there are two observations that are the same:. collapse rows, keep all unique variable values in one column and all values in other column Data > Create or change data > Other variable-transformation commands > Duplicate observations Description expand replaces each observation in the dataset with n copies of the observation, where n is equal Cox, N. Now I want to expand a row 9 times, the replace command will not work as all the new duplicated are assigned the value 1. Stata : duplicates drop v1 v2, force : dplyr: distinct(df, v1, v2) ( i. Also see [R] tabulate oneway — Filter non-missing values. I am trying to create a quarterly panel data for which all the quarterly dates and amounts are in separate rows. It would also help if your example were very carefully tailored to show your problem. Time. qogdjy obz zwgmpt talhj qexgu svlaq wjjtv rkhqquw vclqw wglw