Convert pdf to xstring in sap abap. Hi All! I have a PDF Form which returns me an XSTRING.

Convert pdf to xstring in sap abap I have written the custom fm to load but have difficulty in converting the files from application directory. The xpdf project is ported to linux and windows. Skip to content. it was working fine previousl People, I made a proxy to sign digitally one document PDF. Or when you store the uploaded PDF I have a SmartForm that was converted to xstring using CONVERT_OTF, I want to use the xstring now to display it as PDF inside a custom container. DATA: l_line TYPE solix, l_count TYPE i, Code Block 4: Merge form's PDF output into one. it is converted to zeros. Do you know how? I found a workaround, but I am not sure if this is the right approach. fpformoutput-pdf - FP_JOB_CLOSE With such a setting of the mentioned above structure, i expected that a new spool request should be generated and fpformoutput-pdf should be filled. Any idea on how to print this XSTRING into a 1. converter = cl_abap_conv_in_ce=>create( input = pdf_form_d I found one you can download to your PC as a PDF. View products (1) Hi All, I have a requirement, where i have to display an image on my form. Will handling with data or Hi, If you get the data (xstring) in your context you can extract the data. rest of the code is not relevant. pdf, . DATA: Hello I'm new to ABAP and I'm trying to do a simple thing. I have few special characters in the excel sheet which i need as string. I'm not sure what your end result needs to be; that's just an assumption on my part. conv = CL_ABAP_CONV_IN_CE=>CREATE( input = Xcontent ). 5-a) First it looks for a . After that, i use the following logic you gave me, to Working program: Types : BEGIN OF ty_tab, tdline type string, END OF ty_tab. LOOP AT stru_c_int_pdf INTO wa_stru . When I do that, I lose the actual HI experts, I am importing an Adobe Form data into my program which is in XSTRING format. i. ppt or visio or any valid acceptable by SAP. it is I am sending the xstring data to third party system which does the validation of the invoice, sign it and returns the xstring of the signed PDF. Select the main program or create a new include. com/message/7866535 Reward if helpful. I want to add a integer to a string. I have to pick it up and convert it to xtrsing and send that xstring to my form, where i will display it as an image. On client side you can install PDF prinrer before upload,or if you load it from the server file system,then you can install a PDF printer on the server and command that printer from ABAP. Please h Solved: Hi, I want to convert smartform to pdf from ABAP webdynpro and I want to display pdf in ABAP wedynpro view or portal iview. Call method to convert xstring to string. also, CONVERT_OTFSPOOLJOB_2_PDF - converts a OTF spool to PDF. noticed in few of blog, this FM been obsolete and problem happens like PDF not generate when run in bulk. Im getting the xstring value from excel sheet using file upload. Hence sharing this. View products (1) Hi, We have a TIFF file on a Documentum Server. The input PDF file has only 'SAP' written in it. I need the file content in STRING OR XSTRING format directly depending on the type of files. I have a problem where I have an ID for an element that is made of 32 hexadecimal elements (hence a size 32 xstring). From step 2 pass this xstring internal table to IMO Tim's answer (VB_CP_CONVERT_STRING_2_ITF) is the better answer because C14W_STRING_TO_TLINE does not produce lines formatted with * but keeps newlines inside single table lines so you get ## appearing. My requirement: I have XML data (PDF FILE converted to XML) in XSTRING format in SAP database table. Home; About this site; Cart; now goto Submit method, write the code to retrieve the pdfstring context node data which will return in xstring format and then you can convert this xstring data to binary using standard function module and then insert in R/3 Table. Then upload the PDF binary data to the document with GOS. Below is documentation, parameters and attributes of ABAP Method CONVERT_XSTRING_TO_STRING within SAP class EDX. DATA:BEGIN OF int, dat TYPE xstring, END OF int. CALL FUNCTION 'SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY' In Order to convert BINARY to XSTRING, first get the BINARY data and get the length of the binary ABAP variable. . The fact that we translate it to readable text is only because it is translated to through ASCII for viewing purposes. Any suggestions will be appreciated! I have a PDF in XString format from ABAP. Switching on PDF generation via SAP kernel. I know that there is a function module named "SCMS_STRING_TO_XSTRING" But since it is not a good habit to use function modules anymore, a class based solution would be my prefered way to go. The PDF is then saved into a custom table with field of type rawstring. Method XSTRING_TO_STRING. Thanks. After that v2 = v1. Users upload the PDF using webdynpro application. Please search SDN before posting. Now on the backend I have that PDF as xstring and want to create a business document "attachment". step2 : Pass the path (file name to the FM GUI_UPLOAD). View products (1) Dear All, I am getting XSTRING data that data i want to print these XSTRING to PDF or WORDPAD in abap. Or at least, I couldn't find one. DATA(lo_pdf) = NEW cl_apoc_pdf_generator( ). Now convert the internal table BINARY data in XSTRING format using FM 'SCMS_BINARY_TO_XSTRING' 3. I just used the code above where the ITEM_PDF_SOURCE is of type XSTRING and ITEM_STRING is of type Its like 3~4 steps regularly. My requirement is : I have to use FM 'CONVERT_OTFSPOOLJOB_2_PDF' to read pdf from spool into internal table wt_pdf type table of tline. TYPES : BEGIN OF 1_itab, werks TYPE persa, persg TYPE persg, persk TYPE persk, orgeh TYPE orgeh, stell TYPE stell, lastname TYPE pad_nachn, firstname TYPE pad_vorna, stdaz TYPE enst This code sample explains how to create a PDF xstring from internal table. View products (1) Hello, My problem is the following, I hava a smartform to print the invoice but it's too heavy(8MB) because it has many graphics, so what I want to do is to convert to PDF and print the PDF but without save the PDF in my computer or in my file server. Thanks, Madhu. So that I can use image graphic element to print it in Adobe forms. If you do not get the smartforms output as PDF directly, you can create OTF printer output and convert it to PDF (I. But NW ABAP Print and Output Management. Then i will convert to base64 using the several functions and classes that sap provides me. View products (1) Hello , how to convert table of type tline into table of type solix_tab for attaching into mail. I need to use it in another system which requires a shorter parameter, but of type string. var int_tst = Convert. data: rows type standard table of string , wa_rows type string . data : lt_value like tline occurs 0 with header line. If there is no "bin_file" parameter in your system, try check sap note 1320163. Solution as shown: DATA: lr_send_request TYPE REF TO cl_bcs. ABAP Code Pratics. Steps1: Get the file path using class cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog. data : begin of gt_lines occurs 0, line type x, end of gt_lines. To switch on, start program RSTXPDF3KRN and choose to change the parameter It does have a method to convert xstring to string. How to convert xstring data to PDF format ? Regards, Shabbir SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. I have succedded in doing the following : Data statistics - Number of Records passed ---4 After executing the program RSTXPDFT4, i can get PDF file saying number of records in the above format But i want to have th Unless you are importing a file that is in EBCIDIC, the string would already be in ASCII. SAP Community; SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development, UI Web Dynpro ABAP. What I need to do Hi , You can try below code also : DATA: pdf_form_data TYPE xstring. That image is coming from a UI in a rawstring format. Programming Tool. xls, . I am getting the pdf in fpformoutput-pdf which i am trying to add using SO_OBJECT_INSERT FM. sap. Convert the PDF tline table into XSTRING using a field symbol and a table of tlines (as described in one of the SDN blogs). I believe you want to convert XSTRING to PDF. The Problem / Question: The output of the FM CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF is a table of Get Xstring data from database table or from 'CONVERT_OTF' FM. send pdf output to spool in PDF format not in OTF format. Thanks . I want to know is there any alternate FM for this. CALL TRANSFORMATION ('ID') SOURCE XML ITEM_PDF_SOURCE. I have a V1 type SSFBIN(RAW data ) and V2 type string . I need to create an ABAP program to retrieve the PDF and save i 2. Check the source of the report and you will see what you need to extract the data from the PDF. I have to convert all files to PDF . Any pointers would be helpful. 0B) in Technology Q&A 2 weeks ago I am sending the xstring data to third party system which does the validation of the invoice, sign it and returns the xstring of the signed PDF. DATA: lv_pdf TYPE string, lv_xpdf TYPE xstring. Please Help Me. Instead of sending the file as an attachment in a message you can send file data Basically it takes a pdf on frontend, converts it to base64 or binary and send it to the backend. Actually, SAP stores sometimes the same information/Data in different table or the module function requests a different types for the input or output. IMAGE); - Get the image contents from your system in binary format (XSTRING); - Translate contents from XSTRING to BASE64 with function module: SSFC_BASE64_ENCODE, like this: CALL FUNCTION 'SSFC_BASE64_ENCODE' EXPORTING bindata = image_xstring IMPORTING b64data = I need to convert the XSTRING to STRING and i need a FM which converts all the special characters as it is. Please let us know if your requirement is as like this. But Portal - WebDynpro JAVA for Mobile devices is not able to display TIFF images as SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. The function module SCMS_TEXT_TO_BINARY converts table to binary table. What I do is : Convert the spool to PDF using FM CONVERT_OTFSPOOLJOB_2_PDF. Experts, I am getting PDF file from Webdynpro and storing it into rawstring. How can i achieve this? Note: T&C from AL11 are being read, data is CONVERT_OTFSPOOLJOB_2_PDF - converts a OTF spool to PDF But, Im still unable to understand your requirement, as I am not aware of any PDF to OTF or PDF to raw/x-string conversion function module. Solution . Manually it's quite easy with the FM ARCHIV_CREATE_FILE / ARCHIVOBJECT_CREATE_FILE, but they need the file path as input param. I have all the HTML Content as a string and that string needs to be converted into PDF using SAP ABAP Thanks in Advance, Regards, Srinivas Hi, I am using function module CONVERT_OTFSPOOLJOB_2_PDF to convert spool request to pdf format. Up to now, PDF output via spools (as in note 317851) for Thai was not supported. call function · Then convert the OTF data into PDF lines using the function module u2018CONVERT_OTFu2019 · And then convert the PDF lines in to PDF binary data. How can I directly upload the content in such formats. What I get is 2 internal tables , with binary data. View products (2) and for OTF to PDF conversion we have here, SX_OBJECT_CONVERT_OTF_PDF - Conversion From OTF to PDF. I know how to convert and save as a local file. thanks. Writing the code in ABAP would be a nice academic exercise, but it would take too much effort. first you have to convert the xstring to string using the following code. NW ABAP Data Archiving. I want it to be converted to string. I have requirement to convert the files from an application directory in binary string and pass to custom function module to load in another SAP server folder. Background. The background of the SAP ABAP kernel is explained in OSS note 2991197 – Using the kernel PDF converter in ABAP. You can use free/open source libraries and execute the OS command using SXPG* FM to convert pdf to text or html (not OCR). CALL FUNCTION 'FP_JOB_CLOSE' . stringLength(string_tst); i concatenate tis into 1 xstring using a perform. UI Web Dynpro ABAP. I was trying this fragment of Hi, I am uploading the PDF file data in custom database table in xstring format. Reason and Prerequisites . Go to Hi Experts, My requirement: I have a PDF form (ME23N PO form), i need to fetch the terms & conditions from AL11 Application server and display PO Form & Terms-Conditions together as single output. Using this I can able to convert into string. SAP considers it exactly like a pdf binary file. That gives you a binary table that you can convert to the xstring type However, when you manipulate the content you require data type STRING. Able to convert the input string into xString using 'SCMS_BASE64_DECODE_STR' 2. when i did this it is showing all zeros . So you can do it using command line on Hi all, I have a requirement that I need to convert HTML content to PDF in SAP ABAP. conv->READ( importing data = SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Go to solution. Hi guys! For the project I'm on I have to create a merged pdf from a generated adobe form & a pdf-file from the fileserver. I collected all the code and created a function to do all the steps. Here we are displaying the Xstring that is stored in database table. The rv_bin is xstring binary content and can be displayed Having the graphics stored in BDS business document services, it should be possible to integrate into a (dummy) smartform. xstring hexadecimal string type. Everything work fine when the spool is little but when my spool is big I still have return parameters sy-subrc = 0 but the file resulting from the conversion is empty. Are there SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. I need to read this XSTRING and convert back to XML string and give it back as export parameter in function module. View products (1) HI, CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHATS THE FUNCTION MODULE TO CONVERT STRING TO AN XSTRING. Marea, i'm not really familiar with XI adapters, but a more basic way to do it (without WD, even if i love it) is: 1. what are the steps needs to be. However, there is no int to string. (file content ) data: content type string . You can use FM ECATT_CONV_XSTRING_TO_STRING. pda file. DATA: converter TYPE REF TO cl_abap_conv_in_ce, formxml TYPE string. Now using this XSTRING, CALL METHOD cl_http_utility => encode_base64 to convert the data in BASE64 format. Get Xstring data from database table or from ‘CONVERT_OTF’ FM. the FORM is. View products (1) Dear experts, I want to Convert XSTRING to OTF data . Now you can send this BASE64 format string to your webservice. The function standard CONVERT_OTF return a table with two fields of 2 and 132 characters but i cannot get to convert successfuully to other formats like string by SAP Managed Tags: NW ABAP Data Archiving . FM: NLS_STRING_CONVERT_TO_SYS( Hex to char) and NLS_STRING_CONVERT_FROM_SYS (char to hex). !! ***** Hi, Try using FM 'CONVERT_OTF_2_PDF' after your main loop on table lt_xx. Now we have a requirement to send this XML (Xstring) data to another system and create a pdf by using same data. I am importing 2 forms from 2 different memory IDs. I pass a String encoded a Base64 and receive other String in Base64. Regards, Bharat Dear all, I'd like to download PDF that is stored in table as rawstring using ABAP program. (This should be done inside driver program) This is a simple routine to save your smartform into a PDF file: " Local Vars DATA: lc_fm_name TYPE rs38l_fnam, ls_control_par TYPE ssfctrlop, ls_job_output TYPE ssfcrescl, lc_file TYPE string, lt_lines TYPE TABLE OF tline, li_pdf_fsize TYPE i I am trying to attach adobe form pdf as gos attachment. Can any suggest function modules or Class to convert XSTRING TO PDF to print. Step3 : Con Hi All, I am facing a problem in PDF conversion, i have a custom program which converts spool to PDF and writes to server using CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF. Goto screen 100 and create PBO & PAI Modules as shown below. DATA : it_pdf type table of tdline. I am facing This blog helps you to display PDF using Xstring data from a report. Steps1: Get the file path using class cl_gui_frontend_services => file_open_dialog. Procedure: Step1: Goto Transaction SE38. i used move v2 to v1. CHANGING gv_len . The FM used is CL_HTMLB_FILEUPLOAD and the attribute is FILE_CONTENT which is of type XSTRING. I want to read xstring data and display in PDF format in presentation server/desktop through module pool programming. Process is Submit the same report to spool and get the spool to convert to PDF / or Download the PDF to particular directory. Data in this type is stored in hexadecimal format. Step3 : Convert resultant binary to xstring) step4 : Convert xstring to base64 Hello Requirement: To create a PDF and attach it to Sales Order through GOS from a base64 encoded string (from PDF file) as Input. SAP SCRIPT/SMARTFORM output can be converted to PDF I am uploading the PDF file data in custom database table in xstring format. This helped me learn and work on XSTRING. Use its data to binary output in dataset. </b></u> 1. Data: lv_xsrting TYPE xstringval *&-Get My XSTRING value for XML file uploaded previously-&* Hi, I'm having problems convert TLINE to XSTRING. You therefore need to convert XSTRING to STRING. this makes an long gx_content xstring. Now it's ready for download/saving. Also, Tim's function accepts a string directly - Convert Binary xstring value to image Application Development Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, programming models, and keeping your skills sharp. Products. I have a requirement to convert smartforms to pdf. In that place, the next field value is coming. Which first take a pdf file as input and convert it into the base64 fromat. - Create a STRING context attribute (i. using the function module CONVERT_OTFSPOOLJOB_2_PDF and give the import parameter as ur spool id. gx_content. DATA wa_stru LIKE LINE OF stru_c_int_pdf. (API call is done to the third party system) I want to use the xstring of the signed PDF and print the signed PDF or display the print preview of the signed PDF. Now I want to convert this into XSTRING to process is later on as an e-mail attachment. Compare the special character hexadecimal value and remove it from full string hexadecimal code. View products (1) hi all, In my work i need to upload a photo of an employee into the infotype, for which i use f4_filename FM and get the location of the image from the local system, from there i'm not able to convert that image into any of the formats( XSTRING, STRING or BYTE) if i can I think that my problem is to convert OTF data in a binary or xstring or string format . Please help me to solve. DATA: lr_sender TYPE REF TO cl_sapuser_bcs. l_xstring = <xstring value> SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. Looking for articles and discussions? We've moved to the Qlik Community! Top. Hello, I would like to display a form in Reader from SAP. Regards, Lalit Mohan Gupta. PERFORM convert_tab_to_x USING gt_solix. Any help is really appreciated. DATA: itab LIKE TABLE OF int. Please help me on this. binary, SO no conversion is required, if you want to display SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. We are getting the XString format of this TIFF image through a web service. But you need to convert PDF to binary both files and append each then convert pdf download in local drive. Edit: To convert image to PDF you'd probably have to upload it to the application server (similar to what SE78 transaction does) and then print to OTF content, which will be converted to a PDF binary data. Like the situation when you ask ADS through GETPDF = 'X' to return your form as XSTRING and you change your mind in the next program code and want to display it. I tried using class cl_gui_html_viewer together with cl_gui_custom_container but the form always turns up blank. CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERT_OTFSPOOLJOB_2_PDF' Then, when you know the codepage, you need to use classes CL_ABAP_CONV_IN_CE to convert it to a string. I am using function module CONVERT_OTFSPOOLJOB_2_PDF to convert spool request to pdf format. ABAP Extensibility . data : g_path(128), t_path type string. Pdf Xstring ABAP FMs in SAP. If you find the setting toa02-reserve = OTF, SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. Here I am not using any smartform/script. Etc. The PDF output is in TLINE structure. Is that xstring is being converted from Converting Xstring received from ABAP to byte Array of PDF to send via Rest API in java in Technology Q&A Friday; Test-Driven Development for SAP Integration Suite Migrations: A Game-Changer for Mapping Scenarios in Technology Blogs by Members a week ago; Download PDF locally (SAP R3, 4. I've got both pdf's merged into a xstring and now I want to output this xstring to a spool request to print. I'm on 4. 0000 I am getting PDF file from Webdynpro and storing it into rawstring. In case my project allows me to call any external system. I have a function module that converts spool request to PDF using CONVERT_OTFSPOOLJOB_2_PDF. doc, . report zfile_access. However, if you try to do the inverse condition maybe it'll cut your string off, depending on the char's length. pass your xstring data as parameter IV_XSTR and also pass the xstrlen( xstring variable) to IV_CP. After all that you can delete the uploaded image from the application server. How to convert xstring data to PDF format ? Regards, Shabbi <i>I thought that I always have to convert in XML and after this convert it in PDF</i> No you dont have to do this. You can use the FM CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF to convert PDF data that you get from OTF_CONVERT to xstring using spool no. CALL FUNCTION 'SCMS_STRING_TO_XSTRING' EXPORTING text = output " variable type string IMPORTING buffer = outputx. data: xcontent type xstring . I am uploading the PDF file data in custom database table in xstring format. Any data is by default is binary. FORM convert_tab_to_x USING p_rawtab TYPE tabtype_solix. Here we are using the SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. But I get only the pdf Xstring, and no spool request is created. Please suggest how to get OTF data format from report using buffer . once the doc gets converted to PDF u can use CALL METHOD I am sending the xstring data to third party system which does the validation of the invoice, sign it and returns the xstring of the signed PDF. "Upload pdf file CALL i concatenate tis into 1 xstring using a perform. I don't know in what situations SAP generates it, but you can create it yourself! (I did it, and then, SP01 displays this file). RESULT XML ITEM_STRING. Any idea about how to convert the XSTRING obtained to PDF? I tried the cl_http_response method, but it doesn't work. Is there any way I can do it. It is type xstring so if needed, use also FM SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY or other to convert xstring to binary table. How to convert binary data to pdf in ABAP? Application Development Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, programming models, and keeping your skills sharp. I don't know how to convert the integer into a SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. 00. Options. There is also a number of example ABAP code snipts to help you use the functionality of this method. SAP ABAP Function Modules; pdf xstring; FMs Related Searches # ABAP FM Description Application; 1 : CONVERT_OTF: Basis - SAPscript: 2 : GUI_DOWNLOAD : Download an Internal Table to the PC Basis - Graphical User Interface: 3 : CONVERT_OTF_2_PDF: Basis - SAPscript: 4 : PTRM_WEB_EES_GET_PDF: Express SAP reads the files of the corresponding pdf/part. Then I convert them to binary format respectively using the FM, SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY. Using the XSTRING regenerate the PDF using some Webdynpro Java APIs. Three ABAP classes are available for conversions: Imports Convert PDF code in xstring to binary : " DATA lt_att_content_hex TYPE solix_tab. Hello experts, There is a requirement in my project to convert the pdf (getting generated from Smartform) as an image format so that we can send it to any other device too and all indentations can be contained as it is. i need to first convert the string to hexadecimal code. If you think these are not the appropriate ones then please update me on the correct ones so that I can also know about. Hi, Check My code below. The input string is derived from the pdf Source of the Adobe Interactive form and it is of the type Base64 Binary Hex. e. View products (1) How to convert internal table to binary string. l_string type string. LOOP AT pt_pdfin. You just need to register the executable. SAP I am trying to convert each row of internal table into string using the function module SAP_CONVERT_TO_TXT_FORMAT. (Driver program is written in the output type configuration - NACE transaction) I am using 'CONVERT_OTF' to get the xstring value of the smartform. There is conversion from float to string functions. But Portal - WebDynpro JAVA for Mobile devices is not able to display TIFF images as You can get the spool no from transaction SP01 and later use this spool no to convert the word document to PDF. Software Product Function. I'm unable to make any code. View products (1) I have a requirement where I have to upload a file in a Fiori app and store it in an Archive server (Dolphin) using Odata service. js supports C++ am wondering how this XString can be handled and convert it into a PDF file in node. Also we dont want to try to convert the data into BLOB format at DB side as we dont hav control on DB side. jogu. " Table type for mail attachment. This code sample explains how to create a PDF xstring from internal table. First append all smartform OTF Output in a single OTF internal Table. I am passing the file extn as PDF , object type as BIN and converting above pdf to binary using SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY and attaching. SELECT * FROM but000 INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_tab) UP TO 100 rows. l_pdfobj->get_data( IMPORTING formdata = pdf_form_data ). I am not sure what parameters to pass to do this, Conversion ABAP between types is a main topics in an ABAP developer. You must have the remote function module available, which delivers the XSTRING data (let's call it Z_GET_PDF). View products (2) Hello Experts, I want to accept XML file from user and convert it directly into PDF and let it downloaded to local system. Does the tool require an Abap XSTRING flow or a Human Readable Hexadecimal display of this flow (I'd go for the second option) In this case the hexadecimal input should begin with "25504446" (actually %PDF) Converting Xstring received from ABAP to byte Array of PDF to send via Rest API in java in Technology Q&A 9 hours ago Test-Driven Development for SAP Integration Suite Migrations: A Game-Changer for Mapping Scenarios in Technology Blogs by Members Monday Which first take a pdf file as input and convert it into the base64 fromat. Basically, I have to create a PDF from a spool, convert it to xstring and send it to the web via RFC. 00 representing UTF-8 "characters" into ABAP characters. 50 can only be Unicode), a character occupies two bytes. Completed so far: 1. Solved: Dear All, I am getting XSTRING data that data i want to print these XSTRING to PDF or WORDPAD in abap Can any suggest function modules or Class to . SO we have to try on XI side only. I am able to see the file as attached but the file how to convert csv/excel/pdf attachment into XSTRING Format (SAP ABAP) Looking for Qlik Talend Support? Click here to log into our Support Portal. Please provide any FM for this & also provide PDF lines into PDF binary data. After getting OTF data from smatform, convert it to pdf using “Convert_OTF” FM. Here is an example with utf16 + BE (big endian) which writes "AB" from original LRAW content '00410042'. Introduction: With SAP's built-in standard function modules, such as "CONVERT OTF 2 PDF" or equivalent, we may convert OTF data to PDF format. 4. An example of this can be found in the report FP_PDF_TEST_03. But if one of the field is blank, it is concatenating the field and not showing the space for that field. Concatenate AString ANumber into NewString. Gourab_Dey. But, Im still unable to understand your requirement, as I am not aware of any PDF to OTF or PDF to raw/x-string The CMS_BINARY_TO_XSTRING is used to convert the binary table data to binary string, not to PDF. Thai, ABAP list, PDF1, ZPDF1, THPDF, ZTHPDF. View products (1) Hello, My requirement is as below: I have a invoice pdf which is being generated from the smartform. Will it convert XString also to image? In case my project allows me to call any external system. Regards, - fm_name (called n times) where I can get pdf XSTRING from structure field. Using the kernel it will speed up PDF generation for ABAP list, SAP Script and SmartForms. However, despite extensive internet searches, I was unable to locate any FMs, blogs, or articles that addressed the reverse conversion—from PDF to OTF format There should be exporting parameter "bin_file" in CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF. Any help will be appreciated!! Thanks, Garima hallow i have internal table (person_tab) and i wont convert it to <b>xtring</b> how can i do that? best regards. If you need to download it or open it, once you have it in XSTRING format (I would use the function I gave you, not the http helper class to go to STRING, then back to XSTRING), take it to a binary table with the SCMS function. Below steps are required to generate the spool request in PDF format. You can use the following code to convert your OTF data to pdf xstring. But, If I want to open that pdf from ABAP program, is there any OLE or any function module to open pdf. For ex. Im stuck with the level when converting the xstring to image format. and seems to be ok. All forum topics; Previous Topic; Next Topic; 5 REPLIES 5. I have searched all the forums i am not able to find any proper solution for that. ABAP Development. pda file, I didn't mention it yet! pda stands for pdf archive. I could upload in table & then convert table content into string. What you did is to convert four bytes with hexadecimal value 02. The following prerequisites apply to the PDF conversion of ABAP lists in Thai via the SAP spool: 1. In SAP, the xstring type is used for binary conversions. Double click on PBO module & the popup is displayed. I cannot use CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES->GUI_UPLOAD since it gives the data in the form of table. I am trying to convert integer to string, but there is no such function. " variable type xstring. DATA: lr_document TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs. finally able to work! need some unique conversion of the FM CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF tables into xstring in byte mode. For example, when you are using sap gateway for downloading files from SAP office, you will need to use conversion from solix to xstring. Mark as New; Bookmark; Subscribe; Mute; Subscribe to RSS Feed; It's like asking "how to convert XSTRING to STRING", it's missing information about their contents: does XSTRING contains encoded text and in which code page/character set, or does it contain something else that you want to cast as is into a STRING. int-dat = wa_stru-tdline. Basically it is of type XSTRING. I'm not sure, but I don't think you really need to convert those values, as you can simply atribute a char's value to a string. I find that XString is an extended class of C++ Since node. Rather, you should convert it to binary/xstring format. p_xstr TYPE xstring. Enter the name of the program and click on the Create button as shown below. binary, SO no conversion is required, if you want to display this in PDF. then i have to attach this pdf Hello Friends, I have a simple Excel file and I want to translate it to PDF with ABAP codes. This article will cover Conversion in ABAP Coding between the most used types : Binary, String and Table. When the smartform is How can Thai ABAP lists be converted to PDF via the SAP spool? Other terms . There are several use cases when you need to convert SOLIX table to XSTRING. Can any one please help me out of this problem to retrieve PDF data as string with this FM (SCMS_BINARY_TO STRING) other wise suggest me how to convert the PDF binary data retrieved from BBPT_ATT_CONT to string format. Data: ANumber : I, AString : String, NewString : String. abap news. Now i want to convert the Raw string to Xstring then Xstring to PDF and then i need to display in portal by using web dynpro java. SAP Community; Groups; Interest Groups; Application Development; Discussions; How to convert xstring to pdf please suggest Func Application Development Discussions Join the The base64 algorithm is an efficient way to transfer data via the Internet. Anybody got The file is on hte server I therefore need to get the file content as an XString. APPEND int TO itab. Function module for the OTF to pdf used is SX_OBJECT_CONVERT_OTF_PDF. In SAP, you can use Base64 when you are implementing file-based interfaces between your SAP system and third-party applications via SAP Process Orchestration or SAP Cloud Platform Integration. lo_pdf->create_pdf( EXPORTING input = lt_tab RECEIVING pdf_binary_output = DATA(rv_bin) ). Append first OTF output as it is into table lt_otf_data and from Second OTF Output onwards tillyour last call to smartform, remove the line from ls_otf_form-otfdata where tdprintcom = '//'. CALL FUNCTION 'SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY' EXPORTING buffer = fp_formoutput-pdf "PDF file from function module TABLES binary_tab = lt_att_content_hex. Smartforms are integrated much better with PDF. Hi All! I have a PDF Form which returns me an XSTRING. - I tried to use the following ways, but without success, the pdf file always comes blank: Solved: Hello All, I want to use the FM SAP_CONVERT_TO_XML_FORMAT to generate an xml file from an internal table. Please have a look at this: http://scn. I can see the correct data in the print preview of the smartform but while converting to PDF this data is migrated/mismatched. *&&-- Merging different PDF files into one CREATE OBJECT Hello Experts, I want to convert the outout of an ABAP report to an PDF file. How to convert xstring data to PDF format ? Regards, Shabbir. Here is the code I use for the Hello All, How can i convert a RAW data type to STRING or Character type. <u><b>Current possibilities in ABAP for converting to PDF format. I want to convert a string into a xstring. You can use method cl_bcs_convert => solix_to_xstring or FM SCMS_BINARY_TO_XSTRING for this conversion. EXPORTING FORMAT = 'PDF'). One such example would be pdftotext . I am still trying to look for something in SAP to convert the pdf/otf/XString Hello Gurus, While using FM "Convert_OTF" I am facing problem. If your system is Unicode (UTF-16) big endian, you'll get four characters with hexadecimal value 0002. DATA: l_line TYPE solix, l_count TYPE i, SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. data: l_xstring type xstring, l_gui_codepage TYPE cpcodepage. View products (1) The CMS_BINARY_TO_XSTRING is used to convert the binary table data to binary string, not to PDF. Now i tried searching a lot for ABAP - ALV Report example with steps; ABAP - Sending email with pdf attachment; ABAP - Step by step tutorial on Smart Forms - Template Node; SAP Adobe Form - Steps to create simple ADOBE Form and calling it from ABAP Program; SAP ABAP - CL_ABAP_CHAR_UTILITIES class usage; ABAP - Multiple value selection from F4 help for I would convert it to PDF before loading to SAP,and accessing it from the get_stream method if the above not work,I've never tried it. I am In an ABAP Unicode system (any system with release >= 7. Converting the pdf content to text format isn't possible (even if you convert, it will not be usable and the PDF reader wont be able to interpret it). (This should be done inside driver program) SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. Reply. when i download loaded pdf file from server the file is truncated and also font size is increased than previous. Former Member. 6C, and the OO Methods work only on 4. Now I have to convert the XSTRING to an XML file. (This should be done inside driver program) Hello, I am working on interactive adobe Forms and the form FM return the PDF in a XML format (xstring) through the parameter FPFORMOUTPUT-XML. Now my question is, can you please help me how to convert the string to hexadecimal code and how i will find the hexadecimal code for special character mentioned in the snapshot. js. Then Call the standard function For filetype, pdf, I am using the function module SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY and using GUI_DOWNLOAD to get the pdf file. lo_pdf->create_pdf( Then you can convert the field OTF_DATA into PDF format with the function module CONVERT_OTF. Any clues on how to achieve this? I tried using FMs CRM_IC_XML_XSTRING2STRING ECATT_CONV_XSTRING_TO_STRING HR_KR_XSTRING_TO_STRING but none of them worked for me. Talend Data Fabric; Data Integration; Data Integrity and Data Governance ; Application and API Integration; Powered by Talend Trust Hi Pascal, thanks for the quick response, actually i was trying to speed up pdf generation after getting request from FIORI side, and decided to do it by generation excel file with template which is similar to pdf layout( because excel creation is more faster than adobe forms ) in background process( i did it and got the excel xstring ), maybe i will find some solution how to There are function modules in ABAP side but it didnt worked out for me. I am receiving XSTRING data from the OData service Can someone suggest what approach to follow to achieve this . We are not able to convert the PDF binary data retrieved from PHIO_CONTENT to string exactly as it is in the PDF document. These files can be in variety of format such as . In your case, if the toa02-reserve = PDF, means that the archive file stored as PDF and returned as. CHANGING p_len TYPE i. View products (1) Hello, everybody. I'm using the following Method to decode SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. SAP Community; Groups; Interest Groups; Application Development; Discussions ; Read from a file to a Xstring; Application Development Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, Hi Experts, I am trying to display a PDF file( present in the SAP backend) in my UI5 app which is deployed on the Cloud portal. cstring character string type and . I have tried below code but PDF file is getting corrupt 1. This XString o/p needs to be passed to Portal. DATA: conv TYPE REF TO CL_ABAP_CONV_IN_CE. SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. Can I open the pdf file without saving to presentation server, like in internet pdf files will be opened in internet explorer and if we want we Since adobe form doesnt have any screen element to handle pdf extensions, I was thinking of converting this xstring value of the pdf file to some image format and convert that again to xstring. Search. Converted xString t Hi, I'm using FM CONVERT_OTF to convert the OTF Data out of a smartform to XSTRING format. Internal table LT_FORMOUTPUT will contain 5 rows with PDF data in XSTRING format for 5 different forms. ABAP list spool can be converted to PDF. How can I convert the XML to PDF file I have a function module called ZL_CONVERT_OTF (its a custom built one) It has an output importing parameter of type XSTRING, in which the data, comes up from the smartform that's in question, into a variable of type xstring. Mark as Search SAP OO objects. Regrades, Srinvas. I have the form data in the XSTRING variable. 2. Click on the Yes button. I was trying this fragment of code. 7. Again convert this pdf output to xstring using below code. I have used the FM GUI_UPLOAD for doing this. Here's the scenario. Software Product Function . Product and Topic Expert Options. In the is_media_resource-value field of CREATE_STREAM method of the *DPC_EXT class, I am Hi all, I'm having problems converting a base64 code to a pdf file input in AL11, after recording and downloading I realize that the file is empty/blank, help me please. Here is the code I use for the function call. Or you can try the below: First convert XSTRING to BINARY using SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY And then convert BINARY to STRING using SCMS_BINARY_TO_STRING. DATA : lv_len type int4. What is a . CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERT_OTF'. Therefore, I came to the conclusion that Problem is when it runs in bulk, few of the orders pdf not getting attached. it sends lt_att_content_hex as PDF to an email adress How to convert XSTRING or BINARY to PDF SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development, ABAP Extensibility. Converting from DOC file to PDF is done with the code below but it doesn't happen when you try to integrate Excel into this code. xjftupp ivb hog kopoyiai csduy yxas izlzp moeku itb nknyb