20m ssb calling frequency 360 – 21. Image Credit: arrl. 091 Local and International RaDAR calling frequencies 160m kHz Info (Mode/Frequency/Location) CW 1836 * South Africa SSB 1845 * LSB S. 590 RTTY DX. 070. 275-144. 025, 446. 540 - 144. 6 50. 070 windows on 20M and 40M. 275 MHz: General SSB: SSB operations, national calling QRP Calling Frequencies: BAND CW SSB; 160 1. The 70MHz band is unique insofar that it has an AM calling frequency on 70. 790 - 3. Frequencies Band Frequency 160 Meters 1. Phone frequencies are by default SSB. 230. 800 DX window. SSB phone only 28. Calling CQ. 200 MHz it is generally down for CW, and up for SSB. Description: 20m Band SSB kit. 985 QRP SSB calling frequency. 850 MHz 1. 230 , 14. 316 MHz If the frequency is in use, please tune up and down as necessary. IARU WB6DWD - first crappy attempt at a website. This makes their calling 20m - 14. 573 MHz; 40m – 7. 600 - 3. and having a great time talking with people around the world on SSB. 560 : 3. 50: New OSCAR subband: 144. [1] The 20-meter band is widely considered among the best for long-distance communication (), and is one of the most CALLING FREQUENCIES HF To 6M -- DX, DXpedition, SSB, CW, AM, FM, RTTY, SSTV . 5: PSK63: Digital: 14071. AM QRP is doubly so. Meaning the FT8-frequency is not legal in Switzerland. 20 MHz: EME, Weak-Signal SSB: Earth-Moon-Earth, weak signal SSB: 144. 30-144. 710 (Novice) 3. 915 Once everything is set, you can start calling CQ or responding to EME and weak-signal SSB: 144. 0 to 28. 100 MHz. 910 : 1. 0975: 20m: 14060 kHz: 14285 kHz: 17m: 18096 kHz: 18130 kHz: 15m: 21060 kHz: 21385 kHz 28365 kHz (EU) 6m: 50060 kHz: 50185 kHz: 2m: 144060 kHz: 144285 kHz: EU=Preferred frequency 10/10 SSB Intl Calling Frequency: 28. 285 by necessity, use limited power and antennas and are used to listening for weak signals. 145. 200 AM. (regardless of FM or SSB), call CQ, but on repeaters . Note that the below is no substitute for validating that your operating frequency is within the current FCC allowed ranges for your specific privileges. The centre frequency 51. Note: By tradition, 20M and up is Upper Sideband, 40M and below is Lower Sideband. Can we eventually change this to 70. 150 MHz 18. 600 RTTY (FSK) QFN FL TFC NET QMN QPSK31 QRP QRP kits QRS QRS CW QRSS, DFCW, WOLF, Jason QSY Society Net Radio Scout Frequency rag chew Ragchew ragchew (24x7) RAGCHEW - EU Ragchewing & DX Razorback Net Reference Regional Information Regional Net Remote control Repeater inputs Repeater outputs Repeaters RNARS Calling-Frequency RNARS Calling Frequencies: Segment/Net name: Mode: Comments: Website: 29250: C4FM: Digital: Facebook Groups is up and running promoting this as a calling Frequency. 100 MHz to 144. An exception is the new 60M Ham Band -- use USB. 520 MHz and it's a great frequency to initiate contacts. 313 Lids 40m: 7. For 146. but check around the QRP Frequencies on a regular basis. for Gastonia, NC: 28. 41, 144. 495 SSB Rare DX & DXpeditions Frequently Operate Here -- Split 28. . AM is a specialist interest on the HF bands. Basic Frequency Lists and Bands for Listening to SSB (in KHz) Length of Radio Wave: Voice Range: Full Band Range: Dominant Sideband: Notes: 160 Meters: 1850-2000: 1800-2000: LSB: Good 20m: 14. 117. 25m Band SSTV Call Freq. 099 Beacons 14. 550 Fax working frequency 50. 168 MHz (18,068 - 18,168 KHz) – Similar to 20m, but more sensitive to solar propagation minima and maxima. 233 USB - Digital SSTV Just call CQ in SSB on 14. 56 EMN Frequency This is a very compact SSB transceiver for the 20-Meter Band. 579 (Colorburst Crystal Frequency) 3. I’m very interested in learning more about your two 20M QRP Are you talking SSB or other modes? In general just look at the calling frequencies for the bands that are "open" based on atmospheric conditions. 495: SSB Rare DX & DXpeditions Frequently Operate Here -- Split: 28. 286MHz Calling freq for 20m is between 14. 000 to 50. 1. 125 : BM: 6m SSB Call: 6m SSB Calling: USB Calling Frequency is + or - 10kHz. 233 Mhz today 25-03-2020 Time 18H30 to 19H00 Local time Portugal, the Call Sign: GD1JNB everyone answered to him wrongly attention to the Frequency you are using before giving an answer to a DX call. 5 (which is where most of the SSB activity is). 43 MHz as intermediate frequency (IF), and high-side LO injection, the frequency of the VFO has a frequency range from: 18. org. IS0ILP 2020-03-25 20m SSB JN49mg Sardinia inappropriate, improper, invalid, or immoral about operating Frequency Input License Type Tone Tone In Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 29. 1 Pacific DX Window 51. DX activity is often found between 7020 and 7045. 400 WOSM suggested calling frequency in bold; suggested band segment range as shown. Many marginal contacts using regular FM can be enhanced by both stations use of SSB. SSB packed with stations. Search. 600 IARU Region III emergency centre frequency 3. CQP 2020: Where 20M CW QSOs Were Made 14020 14030 14040 14050 14060 14070 13% 31% 34% 17% 5% % of 20CW QSOs Made (kHz) CW and SSB: 432. 620-29. AFSK is a bit trickier to set up and use, but when it is done correctly, it works just as well as FSK and will transmit a perfect RTTY signal. The input frequencies lie between 51. 20m: CW – 14060 – 14350 kHz, SSB – SSB Frequency Lists. 350 USB 14. 300 7. 110 (Novice) 7. 885: 2m: 144. Across all of North America, 446. 635 Automatically controlled data stations. So is QRP. QRM Interference from other signals. 385 QRP SSB calling frequency 28. 225MHz while also listening to the pileup calling him on 14. 101 14. 200 MS centre of activity 50. 916 MHz 80 Meters 3. 080 DXpedition RTTY Frequency 14. 5-3584. HF Basics - Calling CQ 1) Pick a frequency in your operating privileges 2) Listen for activity 3) Ask if the frequency is in use (3 times) with your call Frequencies: Segment/Net name: Mode: Comments: Website: 7000-7010: DX Window: CW: CW : 7000-7060: CW: CW : 7020: RNARS Calling-Frequency: CW: CW Amateur Stations wishing to contact Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society pse use this freq. 680 Repeater outputs ARRL band plans for frequencies above 28. 175 - 7. 400 Propagation Beacons 40W Limit 25KHz BW QRL Frequency busy? QRX Stand by. 843, 3. 030 MHz 20m 14. 2 thoughts on “Frank builds the EA3GCY DB4020 Dual-band 40 and 20M QRP SSB Transceiver Kit” Pingback: Adding CW mode to the EA3GCY DB4020 Dual-band 40 and 20M QRP Transceiver Kit (Part 2) ~ N6AQ. FT8) and special interest groups that tend to use predetermined frequencies. 100: CW and SSB calling frequency; use USB: The digital repeater networks create Internet-like ways for people with similar interests to find each other. 37, 144. 680SSTV AM 29. 600 Old General Callin Frequency – Still used by Old Timers 28. 104 All 15m 21. 49. With most designs these days, USB and LSB are equally easy to use, but we keep to the old convention. 620 - 3. If you want lots of SSTV do this during a contest. Analogue SSTV Calling Frequencies. This band is still my favorite band for QRP operation. 510 Satellite downlinks 29. 100 MHz; 15m – 21. 200-144. 1740? For 20m band, when using 4. x the default calling frequencies set up in JS8Call are listed below, but please note these are not set in stone and can easily be changed in your settings, or you can simply manually retune your radio to another frequency. 296 USB: HF Pack * 30m: 10. 520-29. 200 CW/SSB 146. Can't TX through the antenna so I am using it for RX while TXing on a vertical (HF9V). 275 MHz and Upper Sideband (USB) is used. 05 – 144. 680 SSTV. 285 QRP SSB calling frequency 14. It will be narrower on the other bands 20m Upper SSB. Competitive contest stations use big antennas in an effort to contact even the smallest and most remote stations. BandCallingOperating Frequency Mode 6 m 50. 7 RTTY Calling Frequency; 50. 520 MHz FM, it is to any other clear FM simplex channel. 8-50. 815 CW VK VK3YE 1. If you hear nobody, please call the net yourself. 700 SSB (Note 2) 3. 230MHz. Those were also omitted in an attempt to make the plots on the next pages as accurate as possible. 3. 236 Digital Voice 14. QFN FL TFC NET QMN QPSK31 QRP QRP kits QRS QRS CW QRSS, DFCW, WOLF, Jason QSY Society Net Radio Scout Frequency rag chew Ragchew ragchew (24x7) RAGCHEW - EU Ragchewing & DX Razorback Net Reference Regional Information Regional Net Remote control Repeater inputs Repeater outputs Repeaters RNARS Calling-Frequency RNARS Calling If the frequency seems clear, ask if the frequency is in use, followed by your call. Band: CW: SSB: Novice CW: Novice SSB: Europe CW: Europe SSB: PSK31: 160 Meters: 1. 000 and 14. 843-2. 100 Primary range for RTTY 14. 20m: CW – 14060 – 14350 kHz, SSB – 14100 – 14125 kHz and 14280 – 14350 kHz; 15m: SSB – 21350 – 21450 kHz; 10m: SSB – 28225 – 28400 kHz . 300: Propagation beacons: 144. The VFO its a Vackar FET oscillator, which is a pretty stable oscillator. 800-2. 52 MHz FM Simplex is widely known as the ham radio 2 meter Calling Frequency. Remember, per FCC Rules, the range 50. However, do not monopolize the calling frequency; if the band is open, find a clear frequency above 50. It is the most Ham HF SSB Frequencies: HAM HF | 10M | 28. maybe except from the frequency control. 850 MHz - FM SSTV QFN FL TFC NET QMN QPSK31 QRP QRP kits QRS QRS CW QRSS, DFCW, WOLF, Jason QSY Society Net Radio Scout Frequency rag chew Ragchew ragchew (24x7) RAGCHEW - EU Ragchewing & DX Razorback Net Reference Regional Information Regional Net Remote control Repeater inputs Repeater outputs Repeaters RNARS Calling-Frequency RNARS Calling PSK31 HF Frequencies: PSK31 VHF Frequencies: Band: Frequency: Band: Frequency: 160 meters: 1. 870MHz. S&P for the large number of loud fixed stations and expeditions. 996 USB: HF Pack * 40m: 7. 206 MHz: 20m: SSB: 2024-12-31: DL1OPS: 59: 59: 7. 275 : General SSB operations : 144. 200 MHz 7. . 140 – 18. 3 to 28. 074 14. 990 MHz - ISS UpLink R0ISS 1. The last channel, 5405kHz is common to the UK amateur 5-MHz experimental band plan. 000 20kHz All Modes. One of the realities of 2m 20m SUNDAY 1800 UTC 14. 500MHz All Modes (Channelised Techs on 10m are limited to RTTY/data modes 28. 7, therefore no AM/FM or other phone modes. 2 National SSB Calling Frequency 50. 132 MHz USB Use narrow mode MP73N ONLY 20m 14. 7 kHz in common with all VHF, UHF. 285 : 7. 500 - (NO AM OR FM- SSB ONLY for Technician class!) 28. 680 MHz 6m Band SSTV Call Freq. Notes: The default frequencies refers to all A handy reference for finding calling frequencies based on operating mode and other factors. 233 The SSB portion of the band runs from 144. 074 MHz; 12m – 24. 100 NCDXF Beacons (STAY OFF THIS FREQUENCY) Many hams rely on these for propagation determination. For example, the WIRES-X network has “rooms” and the DMR system has “talk groups. 190 MHz 7. 275: General SSB operation: 144. 100 is the National Weak-Signal Calling Frequency Note 2: Broadband segment may be used for any combination of high-speed data (eg: 802. Moderator; You are correct that one of the national simplex calling frequencies is 146. This protocol came about as a 20m: 14. 810 1. 20 – 144. I set up my kit to cover 14. You'll get some old crotchety to then blast SSTV for using the frequency. 1 Pacific DX Window; 51. The reason of this frequency division is to The frequencies in the following two tables are most frequently used by QRP operators. So, hams have established calling fre - quencies to serve as gathering spots. SSB operation is not channelized like FM simplex and repeater operations, so you’ll need to tune around to find other stations on the band. 520MHz, and the 70 Call of Duty: Warzone; Path of Exile; a two way radio service where licensed operators throughout the world experiment and communicate with each other on frequencies reserved for license holders. 060 (Europe) 7. 060: 144. 125 SSB 52. 685 SSTV Operating Frequency -- IARU Region 1 telegraphy & SSB (Note 1). 10 MHz: General CW, Weak Signals: Morse code, weak signal work: 144. 5-14073. 1240-1246: ATV #1: 1246-1248: Narrow-bandwidth FM point-to-point links and digital, duplex with 1258-1260. 294-70. 5000. Notes: The default frequencies refers to all IARU Regiones otherwise exceptions are indicated behind the frequency. 885 AM calling frequency. 98 Radio Control 51-51. Frequencies. 000 14. 385 50. On Father's Day 2000 (June 18th) WBØJNR proposed (over QRP-L, CQC-L and various private lists and on-air nets) that the amateur community re-examine the QRP calling frequencies. 843 (Europe) 80 3. 510MHz is designated as the FM calling frequency. There's not any single band that is usable 100% of the time, so people lots of different frequencies depending on what is usable and available (not currently being used or getting interference on 28. The 20-meter or 14-MHz amateur radio band is a portion of the shortwave radio spectrum, comprising frequencies stretching from 14. 14. 070 14. Note 1: 10368. 579, 3. 250 PSK31 centre of activity 50. 270 - 14. 05 Pacific DX Window; 52-54 FM, Repeaters; 52. 300 and 28. 600 MHz 2m Band SSTV Call Freq. 075 MHz are all valid simplex frequencies. 6 meters: (FM) 50. 078 All 21. 660~28. 776 - 3. 560 3. 800-1. 125 National SSB Calling Frequency; 50. 800 MHz - ISS Downlink R0ISS 145. The ensuing webpages describe a fully functional and operational 20M SSB transceiver that uses a total of 7 transistors, Five of those transistors are 2N2222A, the 6th is a 2N2219A and the 7th is now a RD006HHF1. 840 MHz; 80m – 3. 300 Contest SSB 438. 125 and call CQ there. 280 PSK441 50. On 20m SSB, consider operating near the QFN FL TFC NET QMN QPSK31 QRP QRP kits QRS QRS CW QRSS, DFCW, WOLF, Jason QSY Society Net Radio Scout Frequency rag chew Ragchew ragchew (24x7) RAGCHEW - EU Ragchewing & DX Razorback Net Reference Regional Information Regional Net Remote control Repeater inputs Repeater outputs Repeaters RNARS Calling-Frequency RNARS Calling QRP Calling Frequencies; About and Contact; Search for: Kits, News, QRP, QRP Radios. 98 Radio Control; 51-51. 20m CW will stay between 14. 40 National AM Calling Frequency; 50. Power output is 1W PEP (leaving a little over 6dB of dynamic range on the 50. 690 (SSB EU) 40 7. The FCC changed one frequency effective March 5, 2012 and now grants amateurs access to channels centered on 5332, 5348, 5358. 074 MHz; 17m – 18. 2420 USB | HAM TAPRN QFN FL TFC NET QMN QPSK31 QRP QRP kits QRS QRS CW QRSS, DFCW, WOLF, Jason QSY Society Net Radio Scout Frequency rag chew Ragchew ragchew (24x7) RAGCHEW - EU Ragchewing & DX Razorback Net Reference Regional Information Regional Net Remote control Repeater inputs Repeater outputs Repeaters RNARS Calling-Frequency RNARS Calling QFN FL TFC NET QMN QPSK31 QRP QRP kits QRS QRS CW QRSS, DFCW, WOLF, Jason QSY Society Net Radio Scout Frequency rag chew Ragchew ragchew (24x7) RAGCHEW - EU Ragchewing & DX Razorback Net Reference Regional Information Regional Net Remote control Repeater inputs Repeater outputs Repeaters RNARS Calling-Frequency RNARS Calling The frequency chart for FT8 typically lists frequencies in megahertz (MHz) and is organized by amateur radio bands. Keep your CQ very short. Hope to CU, Windy KM5Q Net Catalyst Subject: [Elecraft] Elecraft SSB Net Times and Frequencies ***** Post by KM5Q ELECRAFT SSB NET 40m MONDAY QFN FL TFC NET QMN QPSK31 QRP QRP kits QRS QRS CW QRSS, DFCW, WOLF, Jason QSY Society Net Radio Scout Frequency rag chew Ragchew ragchew (24x7) RAGCHEW - EU Ragchewing & DX Razorback Net Reference Regional Information Regional Net Remote control Repeater inputs Repeater outputs Repeaters RNARS Calling-Frequency RNARS Calling 146. QRZ Who is calling me? This is where you will find Morse (CW), telephony (SSB) and machine generated mode (MGM) activity such as JT65 and FSK441. 300 : Propagation beacons : 144. 00 – 144. 50. 100 A rule of thumb for amateur operation is lower HF frequencies are generally better for nighttime contacts, while the frequencies 20M and above are better for daytime communication. The practice is to call for contacts on these frequencies, but then move to a different frequency after the conversation begins. 5 USB HF-Pack 20m kHz Info (Mode/Frequency/Location) CW 14059 HF-Pack CW 14080 * South Africa SSB 14240 * Amateurs can not cause inference to and must accept interference from the Primary Government users. 060 : 14. The IF filter and preamplifier, IF chain, demodulator and audio chain are common to both, the A and B channels. 000 MHz to 14. 425 10/10 SSB Intl Calling Frequency Another is 28. 300 MHz The ARRL Repeater Directory and on www. The spectrum between 14. 996 USB: HF Pack * 80m: 3. 843 Analogue SSTV Calling Frequencies. 000 MHz are used as simplex frequencies, spaced by 25 kHz. 100 18. Reply reply Those 28. For SSB frequencies, 20m elements should be 15 ft 7 in long and 10m elements should be 7 ft 10 in long. 150 MHz: 6 meters: 50. 290 MHz 14. 910-----1. 950 MHz SSB SSTV Call Freq. 347 allowing for the sidebands so that you're not over the band boundaries. 230 USB - Analog SSTV 20m - 14. 185 Crossband centre of activity 50. Below are approximations of “normal” operating RTTY sub-bands world-wide. These frequencies are "meeting places" 3. Avoid beacon If someone else is already on that frequency, move up or down to find a clear frequency for calling. 29310: c4fm WORLD SCOUT CALL FREQUENCIES Band SSB (Phone) Call/Segment CW (Morse) 80m 3. 838. 7 RTTY Calling Frequency 50. 20m: 14. Filter This is a look at the 20M SSB portion. 520 FM 1. These are not Calling Frequencies, they are Centers Of Activity - places where QRPers are likely to be found. 200 MHz (the national secondary calling frequency) has been used by Aircraft Enhancement enthusiasts for the last 20 - 25 years - perhaps longer. 1 - 20 Jun 2024 QFN FL TFC NET QMN QPSK31 QRP QRP kits QRS QRS CW QRSS, DFCW, WOLF, Jason QSY Society Net Radio Scout Frequency rag chew Ragchew ragchew (24x7) RAGCHEW - EU Ragchewing & DX Razorback Net Reference Regional Information Regional Net Remote control Repeater inputs Repeater outputs Repeaters RNARS Calling-Frequency RNARS Calling If someone else is already on that frequency, move up or down to find a clear frequency for calling. But the timing and direction of 20m openings has been very different from QFN FL TFC NET QMN QPSK31 QRP QRP kits QRS QRS CW QRSS, DFCW, WOLF, Jason QSY Society Net Radio Scout Frequency rag chew Ragchew ragchew (24x7) RAGCHEW - EU Ragchewing & DX Razorback Net Reference Regional Information Regional Net Remote control Repeater inputs Repeater outputs Repeaters RNARS Calling-Frequency RNARS Calling AFSK can be used with any SSB transmitter. 150 SSB centre of activity 50. / USB HF-Pack SSB 7185. CW/digital operators should add a SSB (MHz) Notes; 160m: 1. 2420 USB | HAM TAPRN PSK, RTTY, SSTV, MFSK, OLIVIA, JT65, JT9, FT8, FT4 & JS8 Frequencies (All frequencies are transceiver DIAL frequencies) - JT65, JT9, FT8, FT4 and JS8 frequencies are defined by the mode's developers for Region 1 These disagreements are due, in part, to changes in WARC frequencies, license structure, and other modes (i. 685 SSTV Operating Frequency — IARU Region 1 20M: CW/Data — 14. R4002. 090 & 7. A typical SSB CQ goes like this: The "net frequency" is 75m, and on 75 you're lucky to ever be able to schedule or use a specific frequency due to how crowded the band is when it finally opens. 560 : Packet 20m (14MHz) 14. I think there is water or something in connect because the SWR is all over the place. 686, 7. 318 MHz. 096: 18. 843 CW (Europe) AC6V, GQRP, RU-QRP 1. 200: National calling frequency: 144. 300 Note: By tradition, 20M and up is Upper Sideband, 40M and below is Lower Sideband. 159, 7. 783 MHz. 6-51 Experimental Modes; 50. 230 MHz 20m Band SSTV Call Freq. 540 : Digital voice repeater inputs : 144. 144. 100 MHz is limited to CW only! This frequency is established for each RF band under the voluntary US band plan and is not regulated by the FCC. Iulian Rosu, YO3DAC / VA3IUL, you can listen to a DX station transmitting on 14. 370MHz with the outputs shifted 500 kHz lower between 50. 600 MHz - FM SSTV 145. 610: Local RagChew Freq. That's why I take solar predictions with a grain of salt. 25 Meters 223. All amateur bands have sections set aside for specific operating modes, and some have frequencies set aside for DX, calling frequencies, and repeaters where QFN FL TFC NET QMN QPSK31 QRP QRP kits QRS QRS CW QRSS, DFCW, WOLF, Jason QSY Society Net Radio Scout Frequency rag chew Ragchew ragchew (24x7) RAGCHEW - EU Ragchewing & DX Razorback Net Reference Regional Information Regional Net Remote control Repeater inputs Repeater outputs Repeaters RNARS Calling-Frequency RNARS Calling Upper Sideband on the higher frequencies and Lower Sideband on the lower frequencies. e. 112 (NorCal crystals) 30 10. 000: SSB, SSTV and other wide band modes: 1. The ARRL promotes 7040 as the RTTY DX calling frequency, but the CW QRP’ers use it as their calling QFN FL TFC NET QMN QPSK31 QRP QRP kits QRS QRS CW QRSS, DFCW, WOLF, Jason QSY Society Net Radio Scout Frequency rag chew Ragchew ragchew (24x7) RAGCHEW - EU Ragchewing & DX Razorback Net Reference Regional Information Regional Net Remote control Repeater inputs Repeater outputs Repeaters RNARS Calling-Frequency RNARS Calling FM CB Channels / Frequencies 11 Meter US FM Calling Channels Channel 27 (27. 510 Satellite downlinks. Most will avoid 14. 225 - 14. 830-1. 5 USB- Audio Center Frequency=750Hz These are not Calling Frequencies, they are Centers Of Activity - places where QRPers are likely to be found. The Considerate Operator’s Frequency Guide 14. 200 : SSB calling frequency : 144. 030 : 7. Some incorrectly regard them as 'calling frequencies' where, once you have Stations Voice calling DX on the 14. 3050 USB | HAM PREPPER TECH HAM HF | 20M | 14. 600 FM simplex. 059 is usable for SOTA, but it is frequently crowded with high example, operating below 14. 106 : 10. 3560 kHz 3985 kHz 3690 kHz: 60m 5346. 385 QRP SSB Calling frequency 28. 840: CW, data and other 70. 290 MHz Frequencies: Segment/Net name: Mode: Comments: Website: 3583-3586: THOR 4-22: Digital: BEST OF THE DIGIMODES : 7033: THOR 4-22: Digital: BEST OF THE DIGIMODES : 14073 The 2 m SSB calling frequency is 144. Stacked yagis in the Antenna book feed with 200 ft of Hardline in a quiet rural location. 125 MHz. USB on 10 Meters thru 20 Meters and LSB on 40 Meters thru 160 Meters. 233 D-SSTV 14. 110 (Novice) 21. Therefore when using LSB, the suppressed carrier frequency 1. 675~28. 285 (SSB IARU R1) 50. 078 All 14. 000: CW: 1. 6 meters(FM) 50. 700: SSTV Operating Frequencys: EME & weak signal SSB : 144. One of the things I struggled with when i was starting to study and just after I passed my foundation was what frequencies do I find various digital modes on, or you hear a signal a bit like a fax / modem (if you remember these things) and want to know what it is likely 10. 1125-70. 270 FSK441 calling frequency 50. This means that 445. 450 : AM calling / net frequency : 144. 17 meters is a WARC band. for CW contact on this band: not exclusive, Non-RNARS callers welcome to join SSTV Call Frequency. 130: 15m: 21. Call CQ on it until you get a response, then coordinate with the other station to move (QSY) to a nearby frequency that isn't already busy to have your QSO. 4-5W out. 70 cm(FM) 430. 25 metres: (FM) 223. 600 : Old General Callin Frequency - Still used by Old Timers: 28. 400 432. 285: 17m: 18. 0375, 70. 380 10/10 SSB Intl Calling Frequency 28. 600 Old General Callin Frequency - Still used by Old Timers 28. 035 (QRP-L) 7. 425 : 10/10 SSB Intl Calling Frequency: 28. I'd think it would be best to have some 40m and 20m frequencies at least. 200 Lids 7. 6125 FM DV Calling 432. They do not get the more generic Phone and image allocation 28. ” These function similarly to the analog FM calling frequencies in that they are great Operating Aids: Azimuthal Map | Calling Frequencies | CTCSS (PL) | Greek Alphabet | Latitude, Longitude, Early amateur SSB rigs used a 9 MHz IF system, and it was easier and cheaper to generate LSB below 9 MHz and USB above 9 MHz. 305 MHz FM 27. 60: Using the national calling frequencies is the best place to begin. HF Basics - Modes CW (50Hz bandwidth) - Can hear hundreds of signals inside CW portion of a HF band with no overlapping or interference. Cell. This is done by the well-known DDS-chip AD9835 which I now often use driven by an AT mega 8 microcontroller. 685 SSTV Operating Frequency — IARU Region 1 28. 071 14. 050, 446. 5. 845 SSTV. Typical 20M SSB contest station Band Frequency (KHz) Mode Submode Notes; 160m: 1836,0: CW: QRP: 160m: 1836,6: WSPR: 160m: 1838,0: PSK31: 160m: 1840,0: FT8: 160m: 1840,0: ROS: 160m: 1843,0: SSB: QRP Amateur operators shall ensure that their transmission occupies only the 2. 290 AM calling frequency v1. 060 MHz, which is the QRP calling frequency. 275 - 144. 080 to 14. 275 MHz) is used for SSB calling in the UK, specifically 27. 620 Data. 5 kHz (Ch2) 40m: 7030 kHz 7122 kHz: 7090 kHz 7285 kHz: 30m: 10106 kHz 10116 kHz 20m: 14060 kHz: 14285 kHz: 17m: 18096 kHz: QFN FL TFC NET QMN QPSK31 QRP QRP kits QRS QRS CW QRSS, DFCW, WOLF, Jason QSY Society Net Radio Scout Frequency rag chew Ragchew ragchew (24x7) RAGCHEW - EU Ragchewing & DX Razorback Net Reference Regional Information Regional Net Remote control Repeater inputs Repeater outputs Repeaters RNARS Calling-Frequency RNARS Calling 146. 385 QRP SSB calling frequency (Technician class voice frequencies between 28. Reviews: 5 MSRP: 114 Including shipping. Monitor it often and make your calls there but move to another simplex frequency if possible to keep it open for use by others wishing to make simplex contacts. 068 MHz. These lie between 51. com. 180 – 7. 580 - 3. 160m – 1. 70. 274MHz to 14. 260MHz. Further up the band you will find a total of 10 FM telephony simplex channels. The 1kHz lower is often used by digital data modes as it falls within the digital mode sub band. 020 to . This is the main area where all the DXers (and casual) operators make long-distance contacts. The HF RTTY sub-band boundaries are defined and limited by your license. 730 Mhz - Analog - IARU Region 1 3. For 144. Stations using SSB call CQ on or around 144. 30m: 10. 116 (QRP-L) 20 High End 20 M SSB contest station. 40m 7. 074 MHz; 30m – 10. 710 QRP Novice/Technician CW calling frequency. If call frequency in use, try up On the VHF bands, the band plans include calling frequencies. 060 MHz. 1-52 FM, Repeaters; 52-52. A. 074 21. 500-52. It's pointed right at EU. 250MHz Narrowband Modes (CW/SSB/MGM) Narrowband modes with a maximum bandwidth of 2. 5 kHz lower than the channel center frequency. 425 10/10 SSB Intl Calling Frequency 28. 255 JT44 50. 800 DX Window NOTE: DX WINDOW Emissions must not extend below 3776 kHz. 200 and 14. 0. Having 80m share with 20m, and 160m share with 40m, seem to be compatible outcomes (see 'Design Notes', below). 060 QRP 14. 230 MHz USB SSTV Call Unfortunately, the frequency range is as follows: 70. “Is the frequency in use? This is NY2EC. 060 MHz 17m 18. 060: 14. 275 USB (CB Channel 27 USB). In most places, the channels immediately adjacent to 446. 300MHz a key ‘Centre of Activity’. 060 21. 50-144. 685 SSTV Operating Frequency -- IARU Region 1 Considerate Operator's Frequency Guide 3. org QFN FL TFC NET QMN QPSK31 QRP QRP kits QRS QRS CW QRSS, DFCW, WOLF, Jason QSY Society Net Radio Scout Frequency rag chew Ragchew ragchew (24x7) RAGCHEW - EU Ragchewing & DX Razorback Net Reference Regional Information Regional Net Remote control Repeater inputs Repeater outputs Repeaters RNARS Calling-Frequency RNARS Calling QFN FL TFC NET QMN QPSK31 QRP QRP kits QRS QRS CW QRSS, DFCW, WOLF, Jason QSY Society Net Radio Scout Frequency rag chew Ragchew ragchew (24x7) RAGCHEW - EU Ragchewing & DX Razorback Net Reference Regional Information Regional Net Remote control Repeater inputs Repeater outputs Repeaters RNARS Calling-Frequency RNARS Calling Frequencies: Segment/Net name: Mode: Comments: Website: 3582. 600 WICEN frequency 3. 810: 1. 40 METERS: Novice 28. 425 10/10 SSB Intl Calling Frequency – Another is 28. 390 : APRS : 144. 525 FM 2 m 144. 10 – 144. 500 MHz 2m Band SSTV Call Freq. 233 , QFN FL TFC NET QMN QPSK31 QRP QRP kits QRS QRS CW QRSS, DFCW, WOLF, Jason QSY Society Net Radio Scout Frequency rag chew Ragchew ragchew (24x7) RAGCHEW - EU Ragchewing & DX Razorback Net Reference Regional Information Regional Net Remote control Repeater inputs Repeater outputs Repeaters RNARS Calling-Frequency RNARS Calling 5) The 6 Meter SSB calling frequency is 50. AM. Remember this is an actual transmission of SSB from a QMX+ to a QMX 80-20m with 63dB of coax inline attenuators in between. 5 kHz (Ch2) 40m: 7030 kHz 7122 kHz: 7090 kHz 7285 kHz: 30m: 10106 kHz 10116 kHz 20m: 14060 kHz: 14285 kHz: 17m: 18096 kHz: band/mode QSOs on one frequency (for example, 14025 CW for all 20m CW QSOs). 550 MHz SSB SSTV Call Freq. 300-29. " 20m 14. 580 Repeater inputs. 810 CW (US) AC6V, ARRL, K3WWP, NJQRP 1. 5: Olivia: Digital-USB Dial Frequency- OLIVIA 500/16 CALLING FREQUENCY 3582. 70 cm: (FM) 430. 090 (SSB EU) 7. Traditionally the activity takes place between 8 and 9 am Eastern time each day, after which time some of us go to work, or pretend to go to work, or Frequency is 7030kHz with all due apologies to the QRP calling frequency (no microwatts were delivered to any antenna during this experiment). , rtty calling frequencies, voice "watering holes," etc. frequencies) will be allotted to which class of Ham radio licensee? Over to that what operating modes (AM, FM, SSB, RTTY, Digital, CW etc) are allowed to hams of different license class? Here is the image of Ham radio frequency bands in the USA for simple understanding. 001 and 14. 29. The FCC will decide which bands (i. info has been developed by the Radio Amateur Society of Australia with consideration for the VK Band Plan, common international spot frequency allocations (eg. 45, 144. "Dual-Watch" 20m SSB Transceiver. 200 - 144. 3 element beam @ 45ft (15m). 525 National FM Calling Frequency QFN FL TFC NET QMN QPSK31 QRP QRP kits QRS QRS CW QRSS, DFCW, WOLF, Jason QSY Society Net Radio Scout Frequency rag chew Ragchew ragchew (24x7) RAGCHEW - EU Ragchewing & DX Razorback Net Reference Regional Information Regional Net Remote control Repeater inputs Repeater outputs Repeaters RNARS Calling-Frequency RNARS Calling QFN FL TFC NET QMN QPSK31 QRP QRP kits QRS QRS CW QRSS, DFCW, WOLF, Jason QSY Society Net Radio Scout Frequency rag chew Ragchew ragchew (24x7) RAGCHEW - EU Ragchewing & DX Razorback Net Reference Regional Information Regional Net Remote control Repeater inputs Repeater outputs Repeaters RNARS Calling-Frequency RNARS Calling The decision to make it 1kHz above and not below, was taken because SSB cannot take place on this frequency without QRM to IBP Beacons, hence, it can only be used by CW. The NTIA says that hams planning to operate on 60 meters "must assure that their signal is transmitted on the channel center frequency. 43, 144. 030 (Europe) 7. 810: Digital Modes: 1. 061 and 14. 1-52 FM, Repeaters 52-52. 580 Repeater inputs FM simplex 29. 810: CW QRP Calling Frequency: 1. 510 SSTV (AFSK) 50. 080 MHz 15m 21. ). 286 AM calling frequency 14. These frequencies are not legally binding, nor does RASA or any other group enforce their use. 260-50. 350 14. and microwave band plans are always found at the bottom of individual allocations. This oscillator can be used initially only to power-up and to tune the radio, and later to be QFN FL TFC NET QMN QPSK31 QRP QRP kits QRS QRS CW QRSS, DFCW, WOLF, Jason QSY Society Net Radio Scout Frequency rag chew Ragchew ragchew (24x7) RAGCHEW - EU Ragchewing & DX Razorback Net Reference Regional Information Regional Net Remote control Repeater inputs Repeater outputs Repeaters RNARS Calling-Frequency RNARS Calling Review Summary For : ILER-20 SSB 20m band transceiver. SKCC members who use bugs are encouraged to make higher speed calls/CQs 2 KHz above the calling 18. 090 Region 1 17m 18. 47 and 144. 220 – 51. 300 Maritime Net 14. 500 FM 70 cm 432. The reasons that the QSX/Calling Frequencies on 12, 15, 17 and 20m were QFN FL TFC NET QMN QPSK31 QRP QRP kits QRS QRS CW QRSS, DFCW, WOLF, Jason QSY Society Net Radio Scout Frequency rag chew Ragchew ragchew (24x7) RAGCHEW - EU Ragchewing & DX Razorback Net Reference Regional Information Regional Net Remote control Repeater inputs Repeater outputs Repeaters RNARS Calling-Frequency RNARS Calling Frequencies: Segment/Net name: Mode: Comments: Website: 14071. 550 MHz - SSB SSTV 145. 720 – 50. 200 MHz, so that is the first place to look for activity or to call CQ. 843 SSB (Europe) NJQRP Note that the "National Simplex Frequencies in RED are also know as the Calling Frequency. 1248-1258: Digital Communications: 1252-1258: ATV #2 10/10 SSB Intl Calling Frequency: 28. There is not always an "official" net control. 6-51 Experimental Modes 50. 885 6M DX Liaison 20m: 14. 285 (SSB IARU R1) 14. 4 National AM Calling Frequency 50. 176 MHz: 40m: SSB: 2024-12-31: PD1ESL: 59: • Operating SSB • What frequencies to operate • When to operate and which bands to operate o You should alternate between S&P on SSB and calling CQ on SSB. 500 : OSCAR subband (no current satellite use) 144. 8 kHz centered around each of these frequencies. Header. If you call CQ three or four times and don’t get a response, try another frequency. 585 (FM) QRP Calling Frequencies. 285 QRP SSB 14. 510 - 144. Non-contesting radio amateurs are recommended to use the contest-free HF When and Where to Operate The SSB portion of the 2m band runs from 144. 326MHz, a 52kHz section of the 20m band that includes the qrp calling frequency at 14 "From version . 10 QFN FL TFC NET QMN QPSK31 QRP QRP kits QRS QRS CW QRSS, DFCW, WOLF, Jason QSY Society Net Radio Scout Frequency rag chew Ragchew ragchew (24x7) RAGCHEW - EU Ragchewing & DX Razorback Net Reference Regional Information Regional Net Remote control Repeater inputs Repeater outputs Repeaters RNARS Calling-Frequency RNARS Calling 28. The 2M SSB calling frequency is 144. Element lengths for SSB or CW/digital frequencies should be about the same as for an inverted-V listed in the table on the previous page. 225 MHz will prevent General Class chasers from working you. " This means that amateurs should set their carrier frequency 1. 060 QRP CW Calling Frequency 14. 433 MHz to 18. 925, 445. 680 SSTV Operations USA/Canada 28. 733 MHz - Digital - IARU Region 1 145. 05 Pacific DX Window 52-54 FM, Repeaters 52. 28. 5, 5373, and 5405 kHz. 150 BPSK-31 14. 600 : Old General Callin Frequency - I looked for calling frequencies and all I could find is the AM calling frequency at14. 400 28. 100 CW/SSB 223. 116: alternate : 10. 2 metres: (FM) 145. 25 m 222. 3 to 29. 11 DX Calling Frequency; 50. 5: HF Pack * 20m: 14. 600 : BM: 10m FM Simplx: 10m FM Simplex: FM: Ham: 50. If no one answers, call again. 11 protocols), Amateur Television and other high-bandwidth activities. Frequency Range: Mode: Usage: 144. A handy reference for finding calling frequencies based on operating mode and other factors. All frequencies are shown as megahertz. ” If nobody replies, you’re clear to call. If you spin the dial and don’t hear many callers, you can call CQ on the calling frequency. 5 USB PSK63 [International] (Center of Activity 1000Hz audio) RAC 0 – 30 MHz Band Plan Effective Date: June 1, 2023 /rac-0-30-mhz-band-plan/ 5332 kHz plus Others: 60m Amateur Radio Band Channels Date: July 28, 2022 Worked Report TX Report RX Frequency Band Mode Date; HG0YOTA: 59: 59: 14. o Make sure you listen across the . 300 - 144. arrl. This is heavily based on the ARRL Considerate Operator’s Frequency Guide, but broken down into groupings that help me the most. 50,110kHz DX calling (Note 2). When calling CQ (general call to all QRP Calling Frequencies List: Bands Freq Mode Comment Sources 160m 1. 410 -51. These are not intended to be precise listening/calling times. 39, 144. 560 QRP CW calling frequency. The two most utilized are the 2 Meter (VHF), mentioned above, 146. 136 MHz; 20m – 14. 590MHz, each spaced 20 kHz apart. 975, 446. 125 DX Calling Frequency 50. 495 SSB Rare DX & DXpeditions Frequently Operate Here — Split 28. 525 National FM Calling Frequency; 52. This is heavily based on the ARRL Considerate Operator’s Frequency Guide, but broken down into I wonder if anywhere else uses this approach - I realise that it’s difficult to find ANY free frequency in Europe but I have seen that in the latest DARC (German) bandplans, there are frequencies allocated for QRP SSB operation which I think tie in with common SOTA SSB activator used frequencies - as follows: 80m 3690KHz 40m 7090KHz 20m 14285KHz A HB9XBG-vertical-Antenna for the 20m-Band on Simplon Pass with view to Mount Galehorn. 000 MHz is the National Simplex Frequency (also referred to as the calling frequency). 0000-70. 285 QRP SSB calling frequency 7. 195 Rare DX & DXpeditions frequently operate SSB here – Generally listening UP-Split 14. 350 MHz. 100 – 70. 05 MHz: EME, Weak Signal CW: Earth-Moon-Earth, weak signal Morse code: 144. 3. 950, 445. 000-29. 116 MHz You may also hear homebrew SSB/DSB on frequencies for which crystals are cheap and common, eg 1. 825 10-10 Backskatter Net – Paper Chasers Net 28. 985 : 3. 230 SSTV 14. 305 FM - CB Channel 30 FM 20m, 10m dipoles / Crossed Parallel Loop / Discone in a tree. Stable VXO and very low courrent, less than 35mA (no signal) RX, 800mA TX. It is routinely monitored by any number of radio amateurs and is likely to result in a response when vkfrequencies. 810 : 1. 28. 040 7. European FM CB DX channels are 27. As with the Centre of Activity frequencies, the times are intended to be flexible Note 4: Once contact is established on a Calling Frequency, operators should QSY to another frequency. 125-14. Note 5: Seven frequencies on a 20 kHz channel raster: 144. wusgl qao wuwm ila zbmsyean gjwhlr zumri tffzaw olczp vubpxea