Ar15 trigger not resetting Test to determine if the problem has been resolved. 3 out of the 4 times it reset immediately after en… Sep 26, 2008 · The rifle was said to fire a shot and then not fire again without pushing the trigger forward to reset the trigger. Oct 9, 2021 · I didn’t send the rifle back, in the end I got a Rave-140 trigger but I didn’t need to. I'm breaking at exactly 4. That leaves the upper and the bolt. From a technical standpoint, "Reset" is how far you have to release the trigger before its ready to fire again. The trigger is a double hook G2 and it looks fine. I will say that this only happens if there is tension on the trigger face with my finger as it is ‘resetting’. If I Retract the slide slightly, just 1/8" and the trigger will reset forward. This is not a drop-in trigger kit that you can swap with your trigger Nov 19, 2023 · I got my new lower assembly last week, a PA-15 stealth blem. This only happens if I hold the trigger in when racking the slide. Welcome to r/AR15! Share you builds, ask relevant questions, play nice etc. I have to push it forward most of the time. 5 lbs now with a perfect reset on a nice, straight aluminum trigger. Took the rifle to the range today, cycled fine but it was almost like the safety was engaging after each shot. Repeat, same problem, every time, all 20 rounds. Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. Trigger not resetting when pulled I recently got a PSA upper for my build and tried dry firing it and I noticed that when the trigger is depressed and I cycle the action, the hammer isn’t getting pushed down far enough for the disconnector to catch it, leading to hammer follow. Oct 19, 2024 · After doing so the rifle now is having issues with trigger not resetting. Jul 18, 2023 · Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. 3 out of the 4 times it reset immediately after en… Oct 9, 2021 · The trigger didn’t reset properly 4 times. When I put the upper on and function check, holding the trigger back and cycling the charging handle, the disconnector is not catching the hammer, and when I let the charging go forward, the hammer goes forward. I have a 3 gun CMC flat trigger in my 300BO. com/Bigshooterist•Buy My Book! :-) "The Evolution of the Black Rifle"•Personalized Auth Nov 14, 2023 · I got my new lower assembly last week, a PA-15 stealth blem. That makes me think it's the relationship between the bottom of the bolt and the hammer. Jun 20, 2023 · This is super common if you put in a VQ kit. Flipping on/off safety resets it, as does a slight push forward on the trigger. I haven’t removed the fire control group, but I don’t see anything obviously broken or burred. This drop-in Bolt Carrier Group + magazine works with your existing Aug 31, 2019 · What I mean by it doesnt reset is that I noticed that if I apply some pressure to the trigger and it begins to move, if I then remove the finger from the trigger it stays put. It will reset trigger while hand cycling but not live fire. Aug 2, 2021 · I got my new lower assembly last week, a PA-15 stealth blem. But, when I would release the trigger, the hammer won't detach from the sear disconnect. Nov 18, 2023 · (heavy sigh) Mine did it twice in its first trip to the range. I only need to pull the handle back about 3 inches and I get the click of the trigger resetting. He still has the same issue. For some people a trigger not resetting on a new gun is a simple May 16, 2023 · After 10-20 slide racks and trigger resets, the trigger stop resetting. trigger that Eugene Stoner designed. 3 out of the 4 times it reset immediately after en… Hey. Cycling the safety cleared the reset. Hey guys I'm a new armorer working on someone's AR that's been having issues with the trigger not resetting and need some extra help properly diagnosing the problem. Basically, the rifle would fire, cycle, recharge, but the trigger would be dead (no reset). Flip safety on, and trigger would then reset with an audible click and gun was ready to fire. I’ll try it again to see if it just goes away. This is not a drop-in trigger kit that you can swap with your trigger. Oil will cause damage to the internal components and will void the warranty. He also tried two different trusted mags. The only way to reset the trigger was to switch from semi to safe and back between every shot. I asked him to do something out of the norm just out of curiosity. 3 out of the 4 times it reset immediately after en… Take the upper off and do a function check. But after one successful mag through it today, I noticed the trigger was no longer resetting. I removed some small burs Jan 11, 2023 · If the trigger is not resetting and you already have it in the lower and tried swapping BCG’s and still having same issue, then you need to take the entire trigger assembly out and go over and retrace your steps. I did not lubricate any of the trigger parts. Slid charging handle back to reset trigger, fired and it double shot the last two rounds. I didn’t remove any material but more like May 31, 2022 · I fixed it by installing the Auxiliary Trigger Spring that is meant to increase the pull weight, but also had the effect of improving the reset on my rifle. I get a full eject of the round, I get bolt hold open, but about half the time my trigger fails to reset. Nov 19, 2023 · I got my new lower assembly last week, a PA-15 stealth blem. Feb 13, 2014 · 2) the lower passes the function test. Close. The VQ springs are not as strong as the OEM springs (which is part of reducing trigger pull), and don't always have enough force to reset the trigger. Sep 5, 2013 · Went to the range today and was having issues with the trigger not resetting when shooting suppressed. I think he replced the trigger spring. Aug 10, 2010 · S&W lower, RRA LPK, DSA upper, Ares piston kit and Timney skelatonized drop in from the EE. My other Dagger frame works anything you throw on top of it. Mar 24, 2020 · During one session, it consistently would not reset. Apr 30, 2015 · How I resolved a hung-up trigger issue with my Black Rain Fallout-15. 3 out of the 4 times it reset immediately after en… Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. I didn’t even need to remove the firing system, I had a set of small honing stones and just touched up the surface a tiny bit, a couple Mar 24, 2024 · I got my new lower assembly last week, a PA-15 stealth blem. The semi-auto function of the AR-15 is relatively simple, and it's allowed aftermarket trigger kits to flourish. I tested it inside with no rounds and found the same. 3 out of the 4 times it reset immediately after en… Used a PSA lower and build kit. The same thing happened with my previous PA-15 lower a few times but the issue disappeared after a Jul 9, 2019 · More over-travel means trigger reset takes longer. Realistic dry fire training on your AR-15 Save thousands on ammunition Used by the US Marine Corps, US Army, and Special Forces Quick and easy setup You want to be able to do dry fire practice with your AR-15 without having to run the charging handle between shots. This requires a long hook trigger. patreon. Not sure if this could be a gas problem or a trigger problem. Assembled a new kit and hit the range this weekend. Once I attached the M4-2K it will occasionally fire fine, eject, and chamber another round but the trigger won't be reset. 3 out of the 4 times it reset immediately after en… May 2, 2022 · I got my new lower assembly last week, a PA-15 stealth blem. The issue with the trigger not resetting properly turned out, for me at least, to be a slight burr or inconsistency of some type on the hammer disconnect hook. I did clean and lubricate this rifle before this range trip. 5 in Balistics Advantage barrel and standard PCC buffer parts. I would rap the side of the rifle with my palm and it would release it and reset. 3 out of the 4 times it reset immediately after en… Dec 30, 2022 · I got my new lower assembly last week, a PA-15 stealth blem. If I pull the trigger and keep it depressed, when the slide cycles forward and I release the trigger, it does not reset, just stays completely to the rear. The AR 15 rifle is one of the most popular firearms in the United States. For some reason my trigger will not reset. The trigger was working fine at first, however after a round when I intentionally held the trigger down for a moment it stopped resetting. 3 out of the 4 times it reset immediately after en… Nov 14, 2023 · with both of my rifles when this was happening they were chambering a round. I lubed it up well and had at it, but it wont reset my trigger. This is not a modification to your existing trigger. The only way we could get the trigger to reset was to rack the bolt, and eject the round in the chamber. Talk about a buzz kill! Nov 19, 2023 · I got my new lower assembly last week, a PA-15 stealth blem. What could cause this, and is it something that we should have been able to fix at the range, or would it require more extensive teardown? The very first round would go bang then would not reset the trigger. I had to manually push it forward. Nov 13, 2023 · The trigger didn’t reset properly 4 times. He pulled BCG and inspected everything and confirmed everything is the way it's supposed to be. Any suggestions or ideas as to why this is happening and how to rectify it? Sep 27, 2024 · Holding the trigger back, the disconnect or catches the hammer and as I release the trigger, the sear catches it normally. First time out at the range, the gun works fine for the first 10-15 rounds or so, then the hammer starts hanging on the disconnector and not resetting - the trigger blade moves full-forward into the reset position on it's own spring pressure, but the hammer won't slip off the disconnector hook onto the sear. Jun 18, 2013 · Anway I digress What I need help with is with diagnosing and better yet fixing a failure mode. •Join the Official Bigshooterist Patreon Family: https://www. That is what gave me the tipoff that something was hanging up. Types of AR-15 Triggers. Had some trouble again with the trigger not resetting. OP said it's not passing a function check, failing to reset the same trigger with a different upper. Geissele SSA-e trigger. com (763) 712-0123 In my opinion, this is a highly annoying issue to have for an expensive rifle, and something that Arsenal's (not so great) customer service should be more willing to fix, but ultimately an issue that goes away (a) after polish, (b) or break-in, or (c) swapping out the trigger group. Or get a PCC trigger. The trigger didn’t reset properly 4 times. Dec 21, 2020 · I fired about 120 rounds and about a dozen times the trigger would not reset without being nudged forward with my trigger finger. Oct 27, 2014 · Went shooting this weekend for a long trip and one of my builds with the SG3 was doubling and tripling, then the trigger would freeze up as if the safety was on, but the selector was on fire, and the trigger would not pull, the only way it get it to reset was to open the rifle up. Mar 29, 2016 · Now most of the parts are from the old RRA except the upper, bolt, and block. Took the rifle to the range for the first time a couple days ago. Sep 14, 2023 · I got my new lower assembly last week, a PA-15 stealth blem. I just wanted a better trigger in this rifle. A full auto rate reducer can help limit the trigger by acting as a trigger over travel limiter. Single-Stage Trigger. Nov 5, 2022 · So I built an ar9 pistol has a standard mil spec lower. This is a new one to me. Nov 14, 2023 · The trigger didn’t reset properly 4 times. This is after replacing a part. I switched it out with a new PSA mil-spec trigger and it does the same. Your manual may not have the instructions for this, but they are available at the link below. The trigger didn't move freely forward or back. The trigger is great and crisp, but the locking up and freezing Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. One of the places that is a surprising impediment to resetting the trigger is the friction between the trigger return plunger and the trigger. Complete upper and lower mil-spec ‘kits’. It fires great but the trigger doesn't like to reset. However, if I manually press down on the back of the disconnector it clicks into position and will the release when I pull the Feb 10, 2020 · I swapped out the old trigger with an Unbranded AR from an LPK just to try it out. Several other times the trigger stuck for a split second before resetting. The trigger will cock but will not reset/fire. I had to push a bit hard to push it down into the receiver. Apr 11, 2019 · When you installed the trigger, did it fit down inside the receiver freely, or did the sides of the trigger pin area rub the inside of the lower receiver? Make sure your trigger reset spring is on correctly CY6 Greg Sullivan "Sully" SLR15 Rifles TheDefensiveEdge. If I don’t touch the trigger and rack the slide the trigger does reset. It’s a standard mil-spec trigger. Nowadays, there's a trigger out there for every type of shooter and budget. I stoned it very lightly with a small honing stone. I personally couldn't find a reason for this searching the forum. The block should not be an issue as that does not have anything to do with the trigger. Jun 6, 2021 · I recently finished a build with a 10. When I cycle bolt it will reset the trigger in (3) different lowers. We’re going to help you fix it. I cleaned it really well and it started working, I haven't seen that issue again. i looked at Timney's sight and found that I did not tighten down the two set screws that lock in the pins from falling out. Bolt/carrier is cycling, pulling next round from the magazine, but trigger wants to stay in the rear position. Nov 17, 2024 · One of my PSA frames with only allow trigger reset with the use of a Dagger slide, no aftermarket slides I have tried will work. However, if I load 10, the trigger will start resetting properly after firing 2 or 3 rounds. The safety wouldn't even engage any more. I've tried several different magazines. This trigger is not adjustable. When I shoot the pistol, it cycles correctly (expending cartridge & chambering new one), however the trigger is not resetting. You want to practice dry fire with your AR-15 without having to run the charging handle between shots? An auto-resetting trigger is the perfect solution. Jun 29, 2023 · There could be various reasons why the AR-15 trigger won't reset – from damaged springs to worn-out parts or even improper assembly during manufacturing. Mar 21, 2022 · I didn’t send the rifle back, in the end I got a Rave-140 trigger but I didn’t need to. Do not use oil. 3 out of the 4 times it reset immediately after en… Nov 12, 2013 · The very first round would go bang then would not reset the trigger. Oct 10, 2014 · The gun cycles and feeds fine, but the trigger doesn't always reset. The trigger just wasn’t resetting. He has since swapped the original back in. Checked with multiple types of ammo ( wolf gold, zqi, and federal) 3 light primer strikes as well. This happened with every single round. I told him to swap it back. Warning . When holding the trigger rearward while manually resetting the hammer, the trigger resets properly. 3 out of the 4 times it reset immediately after en… I am having the same issue with a blemished PSA lower I purchased back at the end of May 2021. May 2, 2022 · I didn’t send the rifle back, in the end I got a Rave-140 trigger but I didn’t need to. But the trigger won't reset. I pulled the trigger and trapped it back, hammer dropped, Rick reset the hammer, and we did again and again. Apr 12, 2022 · I didn’t send the rifle back, in the end I got a Rave-140 trigger but I didn’t need to. Can't wait to shoot it this weekend. When I watch the Brownells video on how to build an AR-15 the trigger seems to drop nicely into the lower receiver, whereas mine was a bit tight. Nov 13, 2023 · I got my new lower assembly last week, a PA-15 stealth blem. I'm rather partial to crisp light triggers and would prefer to keep this in there. The innovative Forced Reset Trigger (FRT) system resets the trigger after each shot, giving you rapid follow-up shots while maintaining safety and control. After that I I could not get the trigger to reset after firing a round. Faxon 8 in barrel. I am having an issue with my trigger not resetting. If the issue has not resolved, next, use compressed air or a dry lube to clean the hammer and trigger group in the AR-15 lower receiver. Then I noticed that if I let my finger slip off the trigger and let it slam forward it would reset itself everytime. However, it will not reset if the trigger is held back after the break of Disclaimer: The manufacturer of this product explicitly states that it is not compatible with pistol caliber AR15 style variants. 302K subscribers in the ar15 community. An auto-resetting trigger sounds like the perfect thing. In my original post I wrote that I can do two things MANUALLY to make the trigger reset: or 2. Nov 8, 2022 · Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. Pulling the trigger again results in the hammer falling 3) I can manually cycle the (empty) rifle just fine. The trigger is not resetting, but instead after I fire, and as I rel 292K subscribers in the ar15 community. G. 3 out of the 4 times it reset immediately after en… Anyone else had an issue with the trigger resetting after firing? The cartridge ejects and refeeds no problem but there's a catch in the trigger. Nov 8, 2015 · Every few rounds, the trigger wouldn't reset. I'm just wondering if it's the sear, the trigger, or the hammer that is the most likely cause of the problem. The round is loaded and a small firing pin mark is left in the primer. Apr 21, 2022 · Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. It's a 10. Nov 15, 2023 · I got my new lower assembly last week, a PA-15 stealth blem. com/vpolub-ar15-t Dec 13, 2024 · Several factors can contribute to an AR-15 trigger not resetting: Dirty or Damaged Trigger Components: Accumulated dirt, debris, or damage to the trigger, hammer, disconnector, or other internal parts can hinder proper function. 3 out of the 4 times it reset immediately after en… May 29, 2012 · My AK trigger is not resetting during live fire. May 24, 2020 · The trigger doesn't reset after taking a shot. Could this cause the reset problem? Mar 31, 2023 · Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. May 12, 2013 · Look at all your milled trigger surfaces make sure they are straight and sharp, no chips, no curves no dull rounded sear engagements. Jan 9, 2016 · A new inlaw has an issue with his G19 not resetting. What is maddening is that the weapon only does it when firing, when I clean and cycle the weapon and dry fire it it never does it. In other words it doesnt go forwards and stays in a semi-pulled position. I recently purchased this AR 15 about a month ago, and need help figuring out a problem. The leg of your hammer spring should fit into the groove of your trigger pin and your hammer pin center groove should ride on your j spring. Mar 21, 2022 · I got my new lower assembly last week, a PA-15 stealth blem. May 8, 2016 · Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Do you need to ever push the trigger back forward to get it to reset? Posted: 5/9/2016 4:13 The FRT Triggers FRT-15L3 AR-15 Forced Reset Trigger is designed to revolutionize your shooting experience by allowing for quicker, more consistent trigger pulls. 5" Noveske with a M4-2K and a Geissele S3G. It is toast. May 17, 2024 · AR 15 Trigger Not Resetting: Causes and Solutions. Do not let the hammer hit the lower as it could crack it. Every time the trigger was pulled, a round would fire, but the trigger would not reset. It's an M&P Sport with a lot of aftermarket parts, usually runs a suppressor but brought it in with a muzzle break. If I pull the trigger and immediately release tension with my finger, the trigger will reset basically 100% of the time. 3 out of the 4 times it reset immediately after en… Nov 19, 2023 · I got my new lower assembly last week, a PA-15 stealth blem. Everything ran smoothly with cycling and shooting. Tommey drop in trigger. It seems to be more prevalent on the first few shots out of a magazine. jrh_67 March 21, 2022, 2:22pm 22. I function checked it and it does not move forward and click when reset every time. 5" AR pistol recently. Use a mil-spec trigger like the Schmid Tool nickel Teflon single stage or ALG ACT. Dec 24, 2018 · I did the whole trigger package too and had them put the tall sight back on (low front= big regret). May 5, 2022 · Not using cassette triggers and sticking with Geissele SSA & SSA-E or Smidt double stage trigger like those from Centurion Arms, LaRue or SIONICS and improved single stage milspec triggers such BCM PNT, ALG ACT or SIONICS EMT. This is the O. It seems that if I only load 5 rounds, the trigger won't reset. If I hold the trigger down and pull the charging handle, the trigger remains in the rear position. Stripped, cleaned and lubricated before firing. "Reset" as a very specific meaning when it comes to triggers. When the pistol is unloaded I can cycle the bolt and the trigger resets. Remove upper and dry fire (stopping the hammer short of the frame), reset hammer with hand, pull trigger, it works every time when hand resetting without upper Apr 4, 2015 · Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. 22lr conversion for my 7. Fired first round fine, bolt locked back etc. Dammit, I just got this thing in. Feb 22, 2010 · Follow-up question: After watching a few more videos I'm concerned that my trigger is too tight. Jul 24, 2021 · I picked up a CMMG drop in . Any suggestions? Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. Loaded 3 more fired first, chambered round but trigger did not reset. In this article, we'll explore some common causes behind a non-resetting trigger and provide some tips on how to fix the issue. Mar 21, 2022 · I’m in the assembly phase and just installing the trigger. Aug 11, 2016 · I've had about 100 flawless rounds through this rifle before today. I found if I loaded 1 less round in the mag, it was 100%. Pistol upper receiver. The reset works perfectly fine when dry firing, it's only when using actual ammunition it jams. I had to move the selector to reset the trigger. Feb 28, 2021 · The trigger/gun will fire and the slide will fully cycle and lock up fully. Pull the trigger the weapon fires, release the trigger but the trigger stays down does not reset. What is going on? What causes this? Thanks UPDATE : He probably switched out the connector. It will fire a round, then I will have a dead trigger, forcing me to run the charging handle which ejects a live round and then it will fire once and again I will have the dead trigger. Improper Trigger Installation: Incorrect installation of an aftermarket trigger can lead to malfunction. loaded 3 rounds, fired those fine. "Fires, ejects, chambers next round. Apr 14, 2022 · AR-15. Mar 19, 2022 · If the slot in the receiver is too long for the short hook trigger, the trigger will over rotate and the disconnector can not catch hammer to reset it. charging the bolt and pulling the trigger will cause the hammer to fall 100% of the time May 20, 2023 · After firing the shot, can you physically push the trigger forward and have it reset? Ruger drills the hole in the trigger guard on an angle for the trigger return spring which isn't the best way to do things, it's possible over time for it to bind up and cause issues. I tried it with a 22lr AR Buffer Pressure Plug and without, made no difference. After the shot, the case would eject and a new round would feed into the chamber but when you went to pull the trigger nothing would happen. Those grooves should not be too shallow to accomodate them. It is a versatile, reliable, and accurate weapon that can be used for hunting, self-defense, competitive shooting, and military applications. I learned that lesson on my USPSA rifle with an older standard RA120. That may be related to your safety if it is blocking the back of the disconnector, or if the bottom of the disconnector is too high, or if the geometry in general is fucked up, or if the trigger pin is preventing the disconnector from moving somehow, or if the spring under the disconnector is not springing (pinched or something). The next round chambers, and after I pull the charging handle back and release, the trigger resets fine. Every 1-5 shots, the trigger will fail to reset. We took the upper off and tested the trigger and it worked fine. He still has the issue. Trigger doesn't reset after 60 rounds in rapid secession. Thanks for any help or ideas you have. It sounds like the slot on the bottom of the receiver is long. Apr 5, 2017 · The issue I am having is the trigger is not resetting after firing. 3 out of the 4 times it reset immediately after en… 300 blckout upper, m4a1 PSA lower. 3 out of the 4 times it reset immediately after engaging the safety and once after engaging the safety and tapping the side. However, when I would pull the trigger and hold it, it would fire the round, cycle, and go back into battery as it properly should. Aug 24, 2021 · A 10" or 16" barrel even with unramped bolt should at least run, if not run just fine with the stock Colt weight and spring. I don’t want to Apr 24, 2022 · Fire 1 round, pull the trigger, mush, eject the live round, and then fire the next. Dec 12, 2020 · He repeated this several times, it will not fire the second round. Like the trigger itself is catching back but not the hammer. " but DOES NOT reset the trigger. We DO NOT recommend the use of this trigger in conjunction with any Aero Precision EPC-9 or EPC-10 parts and components including receivers and/or bolt carrier groups. Jul 1, 2013 · Made it to the range again today for the second trip with my new S&W M&P15. I can cycle the bolt with the charging handle and it resets and dry fires. The only way I could force it to reset was by switching the safety on and off which popped it forward. Confirm Action. It seems the spring tension on the rounds in a fully loaded mag had just enough drag on the bolt that it was short stroking. . So, something is going on when holding the trigger in and putting pressure somewhere preventing it from resetting. I was just kicking myself for not measuring what it was before sending, then remembered the damn thing was broken. Nov 26, 2021 · One of the most common trigger issues with an AR15 is the trigger not resetting. If it was a standard Rise trigger instead of a PCC specific unit the hammer was battered by the BCG. Apr 12, 2022 · I got my new lower assembly last week, a PA-15 stealth blem. Essentially, the trigger wouldn't reset to where I could fire again. Question, does is a dirty Velocity trigger susceptible to not resetting and if so, why? I've never had an issue with any trigger not resetting. ETA My Bad, I don't know how I missed the AR-15 rimfire and pistol caliber May 31, 2022 · I fixed it by installing the Auxiliary Trigger Spring that is meant to increase the pull weight, but also had the effect of improving the reset on my rifle. Jul 15, 2008 · I recently dropped a Timney 3lb trigger into my 9 build and have noticed that occasionally the trigger fails to be reset. Out of frustration I squeezed the trigger extra hard after it didn't fire and when I let go I heard the click of the trigger resetting. After every single shot, I'd have to use my finger and push the trigger forward to reset it. Shot it Saturday for the first time, and the spent case would eject, next round load, but maybe 7 of 10 times the trigger wouldn't reset. Functions test seemed to be ok. Oct 23, 2016 · Next the fun one, and if you can flick the safety to safe then back to fire and you get the trigger pull to release the hammer on the second shot, then either a bur that is not allowing the hammer to come off the disco at trigger release, a bur that is not allowing the trigger to rotate on the cleanly (you did remember to lube all the parts Mar 21, 2016 · Normally the hammer is pushed back, and held back-- first by the disconnector-- then after resetting the trigger, the hammer is held in the cocked position by the sear. Keep in mind that the slide fully lock in battery. Once reset, gun goes bang. Anyone have any ideas? May 1, 2022 · I got my new lower assembly last week, a PA-15 stealth blem. Mar 21, 2013 · Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. Trigger not resetting, even though it cycles in the next round. I have a feeling it may be a trigger disconnect or gas issue but im not sure how to check for the disconnect issue. My sample size of cassette triggers is 1. Rumble video https://rumble. Without the suppressor the gun runs fine. vjuut fzpzln dtxji tdgzbus pxkwyc dceynn bahs imrgzgw pgpkj xiiue