C9 25 reducer. Aug 2, 2022 · Page 1 of 2 - 8" EdgeHD vs 9.
C9 25 reducer with that system setup. 25 SCT with a Meade 4000 6. Engage with the cosmos and unlock discovery dimensions with this advanced telescope. 25 vs C8 - posted in Cats & Casses: Is there a significant enough difference in light gathering ability between a C9. 3 focal reducer (available separately) can be used providing a more moderate focal length of 1480mm. Earl it looks like Ledbury will be clear tonight to give a test run on the 180 Mak. ) - Using a 1. Aug 11, 2008 · Alex, my 13mm Ethos works great on my C9. 25 Edge reducer is on back order). 25 and after a few days I had my first clear night (moon rising). But then when I tried to Oct 29, 2022 · SCT 9. What happens if I get rid of the reducer in my setup and try and shoot at F10? Will I still be able to focus where the existing camera sensor is or do I need new spacers? I will In any case depending on where you put it in the C11 imaging train it will give up to a 0. 25 vs c11' you will find lots of information about this online. 3mm. x - overall quite a lot of flex in the design. when i removed it and had only the 15mm and the 5mm which over shot the Focal Length i didnt have any Vignetting that i could tell. AVX mount; C9. But in my test by usingthe SHORT TeleVue SCT Short Adapter, [ACS-0004], Itworks much better!Short Feb 19, 2021 · C9. 25 any way. FREE SHIPPING The Advanced C9. It has a focal length of 2350. 3 reducer on C9. 25 SCT - Guide Scope versus OAG - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Hello all. 25 does come with a 1. Ive read in several posts that the proper backfocus for the C9. 25 and the Celestron focal reducer: C9. 3. 5mm spacer - 21mm filter drawer - 11mm ASI533 ring - then 6. 25 with this lens ? Jan 14, 2023 · Is combining a Barlow with a focal reducer a good idea - posted in Major & Minor Planetary Imaging: I have a ZWO ASI585MC camera with a 2. 65x Nexus C9. 1. Apr 18, 2021 · Page 2 of 3 - C8 with f/6. I am using the Celestron . I then found a guide star and calibrated the guiding - again no problem. 5 mm backfocus with the ZWO using its nosepiece). Also, anyone have either of these on an AVX mount? These things get heavy on the Altaz mounts! May 19, 2020 · Use the C9. 25 EdgeHD - got a deal on it that I couldnt pass up. 25 - trying to understand what ZWO camera would suit it best for planetary imaging, and why. I would guess that the extra aperture of the C9. 3 reducer. The above images of M1 and M97 were taken with the Night Owl reducer on a Celestron 9. 5X GSO focal reducer (they are for sale, branded and unbranded all over the place; good optics and cheap). But I have yet to try it myself (the C9. 25 uses the same moving-mirror focusing system in all SCTs and most Maksutov-Cassegrains, where the primary mirror slides along a threaded rod inside the telescope. 25, C11 and C14 EdgeHD Telescopes. Any suggestions on Sep 17, 2021 · In addition the Celestron f/6. It can produce decent pictures in the center but when it comes to edges things got worse. 25 Edge HD. 3 focal ratio. 25-inch eyepieces for planetary observation with shorter FL, though. 25 has a different design than the rest and gives a flatter field w/o the corrector, is it possible to have perfect correction on C9. But back focus of C9. This is for wide field views. 7x range). I bought a Celestron f6. My concern involves the space needed to fit the OAG in the imaging train. 25 has a larger proportional central obstruction and longer focal length when compared to the C8, C11, and C14 allowing for a larger back opening. 3mm backfocus value provided by Starizona for their reducer. I don't like several pounds of equipment hanging off the corrector. 63 reducer - Celestron 50mm adapter - 16. I want to to deepsky imaging and also planetary imaging. The reducer/corrector converts the f/10 focal ratio of Celestron C5, C8, C9¼, and C11 telescopes (and all Meade 8" and larger f/10 telescopes) to f/6. 25, f/6. Jun 28, 2019 · Page 1 of 2 - Imaging rig - C9. AFAIK, apart from the focal reducer available, there's also the option for 'Fastar', apparently imaging at F2. The F/10 is Dec 31, 2022 · i have questions on sct (c9. 25 SCT. 63 x threads and focusser Options for c9. Now add the 0. 25" EdgeHD seems to have somewhat better correction than the 11" (YMMV, and judging just from the EdgeHD whitepaper) so it's possible that made the C9. 25 at f/2. 25, Starizona 0. Buying the OTA plus accesories like a feathertouch microfocuser for automatic focusing (I already have the microtouch Mar 22, 2018 · As for the vignetting, that's pretty common. 7 Reducer -> Esatto Microfocuser -> Celestron OAG -> ASI 533 Is it best to put the PM in between the COAG and ASI533? I know that the PM is parfocal so that shouldn't affect my back focus but this would increase the distance from the prism to the imaging sensor so would I need to adjust the guide camera that same distance so both imaging and guide camera achieve focus? Oct 28, 2008 · The C8/C9. 63x reducer/corrector IV for SCT's - posted in Cats & Casses: I have read that Starizona sells for $399 the so called corrector IV that, according to the manufacturer, delivers pinpoint stars across 27 mm field. 25 with Celestron F6. 0. 25-Connecting DSLR-Advice Please Equipment Discussions Jan 8, 2013 · If you google 'c9. 11x600s 2x2 Ha, OIII and SII. Jun 4, 2024 · Off Axis Guide with C9. Ill have a ZWO ASI533 or ASI2600, ZWO filter wheel, Celestron OAG (ASI174MM is Jun 19, 2021 · How to attach 2" Optolong L-Pro to Celestron C9. 25 you must come over to Hereford for one of our Astro Society's observing nights. May 13, 2021 · That c9. Cheers Dennis Reducers and Correctors Coma Correctors for Newtonians; Refractor Reducer/Correctors; Cassegrain Reducer/Corrector C9. 25 EHD is definitely not a grab and go OTA [a C6 is, but it’s not an imaging OTA], at less than 10kg (= a 24-pack of something) it’s not particularly heavy either. The thread on the camera side is not a typical T thread. 3 reducer and 1. 40. The C925 can be found everywhere from back gardens and sheds, Oct 27, 2020 · C9. I like that it has the reducer as well as hyperstar option. 25 at the shortest focal lengths and fastest f ratios practical for the objects you are imaging (so use a focal reducer). 25 OTA and put it on a CG-5 mount. You can do a lot of imaging. 25 and C11 telescopes to F/6. 25 seems massive! But once you get used to it the Mak seems like a little baby. 25 = 2350mm Focal Length. Learn More. 3 and Starizonas SCT Corrector II - 0. Focal reducers and flatteners do. Mar 18, 2021 · C9. Equipment. Cameras dont have back focus. 5x, which I dont have. Dec 1, 2024 · c9. 25 OTA with XLT CoatingsCelestron Schmidt-Cassegrain Optical Tube Assemblies (OTA) are available individually for use with your favorite mount. So maybe on a C9. 25" reducer C9. 25 optical tube assembly 6x30 finder Visual back with SC thread and reducer to 1. I still use 1. I am reasonably sure Im at the optimal back focus (though it differs a bit from Celestrons specs). 25 Focus Improvement Question - posted in Cats & Casses: I have a C9. 25. SCT Night Owl . 3 - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Hi all, I would like to buy the Celestron Off Axis Guide Kit. 25 + OAG optical train questions - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Ive used my C9. Believe it or not, the C9. This works well. 25 and Celestron . Jeff May 25, 2011 · I have a 6. 25 - EyePieces - posted in Beginners Forum (No Astrophotography): Doing some research on my first real scope that I am 95% set on. I intend to buy the ASI294MC Pro camera. 25-inch aperture captures the universe in stunning detail, unveiling celestial splendors with unparalleled clarity. 63 requires approx 105mm Celestron OAG is 25. 25 lens converts a standard Celestron 9. 3 on an iOptron iEQ45 and a Canon T1i DSLR. 25 will cover a full frame sensor @ f10? If not, what is the image circle coverage I can expect? Thanks! Erik. Apr 23, 2022 · Page 1 of 3 - Starizona 0. There's just no real comparison once you start imaging at f2, even with the headaches that it can come with. I use a 45° correct image diagonal in the daytime and SCT diagonal for astro use. May 2, 2021 · In this episode of Back-Focus 101, I cover advanced back-focus for the Celestron C9. The other problem is that the rear is closed and not amenable to using fans for eliminating tube currents. Is my Sep 29, 2015 · The Starizona HyperStar™ adapter provides high quality, wide field imaging capability for Celestron C6, C8, C9. 25 when trying to get DSO's. 25 OTA is close to the limit of what the CG-5 mount can handle. So for the . 3 + Celestron T-adapter SC + ZWO ASI533MC AZ-EQ5 15x120 lights Nebulosity4 Guiding with ZWO ASI120MC-S + William Optics UniGuide 32mm + PHD2 PixInsight Photoshop CC Backyard, Cairns Bortle 5 Pushed the AZ-EQ5 to its limits. 63x SCT Corrector LF ZWO EAF Bracket for Celestron C8/C9. 5mm to camera sensor. 25 EdgeHD, C11 EdgeHD, a Aug 11, 2013 · The first is that when you put in a focal reducer, once you move the mirror far enogh foward to reach focus with a two inch diagonal (Reducer, Visual back, diagonal), you will have a total back focus of about 150mm and with 150mm of back focus using a focal reducer, the C9. 25 Edge HD - posted in Cats & Casses: I purchased one of these since Celestron does not offer their own reducer for the 9. So BV’s should still work. The EdgeHD . 25 just don't have the room in the primary baffle to take 2" barrels. Apr 16, 2022 · Bathinov mask set for Celestron C9. Still not round stars, a bit elongated, but definitely less coma. 25 OTA -> Celestron x0. 3 for awhile and get used to it. 25 - Gasket by Starizona. 25" SCT - posted in Cats & Casses: C8 = 2032mm Focal Length. Table 1 shows the first order parameters for each system. 25 - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: I am looking to invest in EAF, but wanted to check if it will work well with Celestron 9. 63x (or similar) in which case it has a very generous spacing requirement of about 110mm and that's quite tolerant as well, so you should be able to fit an OAG in there no problem at all. 3 reducer backfocus help with zwo 533 - posted in Cats & Casses: ERHAD, having read thread after thread after thread on f/6. Does the 6. 25 design uses a slower primary mirror (f/2. I hypertuned the CGEM mount myself with improved results; I still have terrible Declination backlash - but The stars are little comets at the edges of the APS-C sensor without the reducer, which is of course not great as the C9. 3 focal reducer installed). 75) Thats a distance from reducer to camera sensor. 25 particularly difficult, but that's just me. 3 reducer help coma and field flatness? Are there other reducer/flatteners out there? Any opinions welcome Id be fitting either a EAF or Celestron motor focuser so not worried Apr 27, 2018 · But, that 0. otherwise in front (at f10) is still OK. 25 Edge HD 9. Reducer Correctors. 25 EdgeHD (it's probably acceptable over about a 17mm diameter/diagonal, maybe a bit less, maybe a bit more, YMMV). I Oct 23, 2014 · Optec claims that this reducer "fully illuminates" sensors of up to 22mm diagonal, but I've found that the image quality falls off well before you reach that limit when used with a C9. 63 focal reducer is screwed onto the telescope in all cases. 25 had been widely considered the "flatter and lessy-coma" option before the EdgeHD became reality. The Celestron C9. 3 SCT focal reducers (Celestrons and Meades and Antares, oh my) recently while researching in preparation to get one for my C8, I have come to only 2 conclusions: 1) The topic is a giant morass of confusing, conflicting information Amen! Mar 20, 2007 · I have not tried the standard . 4x Reducer uses a 4-element optical design to provide excellent image quality over a 16mm image circle. For sale is a C9. It is difficult to reach focus with a standard 2" diagonal and many 2" eyepieces, but I have had some success with a shorter Baader T-2 prism diagonal with visual back. 2032 / 2350 = 86. 4x night owl reducer to be used with a Lodestar X2 - DSS/EAA only Anyone used one ? Other suggestions for about the same reduction which they have used with C9. Dec 12, 2013 · Hi there, I have a question about increasing the field of view with a celestron c9. 3 FR/FF with no coma or vignetting . 25, the off-axis loses a lot in comparison to my eye as the FC is quite significant. 3 focal reducer on C9. 3 Reducer Corrector - posted in Equipment (No astrophotography): How come this same R/C is good for both C9. The JMI motofocus is overpriced in my opinion, but it does the job beautifully giving very fine focus control without the scope vibrating. Features - 9. 25 v4 HyperStar 11 v4 HyperStar 14 v4 HyperStar Meade 14 Instructions HyperStar Conversion Kit Instructions HyperStar Conversion Kit Conversion Kit Addendum YouTube Video Instructions Hyperion Instructions / Software Hyperion Software Hyperion 12. Does anyone know what the thread is? As I’ll be using the scope on an equatorial mount I am considering a Crayford Focusser, I also plan to Jan 9, 2021 · C9. 25 units by having Starizona HyperStar compatibility and slightly better coatings for increased light transmission on the mirrors and front corrector plate. The ubiquitous f/6. 25 & C11 (53) £44. 5 vs. When you get the C9. Celestron says in their website: Optimal Back Focus: 146mm (5. 25 SCT is among the most popular long focal length imaging scopes. 25 vs Mewlon 210 - posted in Cats & Casses: Ok, I posted recently with a similar topic, but now I have it down to two specific telescopes. Wonder how it fairs for AP? Im mainly interested in galaxies and would be using my QHY268C with it on my EQ6R Pro. 25 Focal Length - how close is close enough? - posted in Cats & Casses: I have a standard, 10 year old, Celestron 9. Jan 9, 2021 · Page 2 of 2 - back focus for a Celestron C9. Perfect for galaxy and small planetary nebula imaging. I know that the Edge HD scopes are considered best for AP, but wonder if a C11+Reducer/Corrector is competitive. Iv tried all backfocus distances with the Celestron f/6. 5 reducer, which came with Revolution Imager R2. Im wondering if i should have started with the 9. 3 Focal Reducer/Field Flattener, Celestrons Reducer/Corrector f/6. Jan 15, 2007 · The C9. . 25 -> 0. 25 (the C-11 wasn't worth the extra money IMHO). Dec 25, 2023 · The 5. 25 is a lot of scope for that weight (I think it may even be unbeatable wrt diameter/weight) and it's still on the portable side. Its cutting-edge Schmidt-Cassegrain optics deliver exceptional resolution, ideal for observing Performance The diagram above shows how the SCT Corrector improves the off-axis spot size on a Celestron 11" SCT. 63x. or so I thought. 25" Star diagonal prism 25 mm Plössl eyepiece Dovetail bar Losmandy style included Astrophotographic results obtained with this telescope on Astrobin Oct 21, 2024 · And the fact that the c9. 25 (with no focal reducer). Apr 23, 2022 · I sold my C9. 25 and a C8 to make the C9. In Stock. 5X after the Quark. With the f/6. I have used the . 25" one full F-Stop faster than f/10, reducing your exposure time by half to capture the same brightness of object ; 4-element lens design ; Maintains similar flat-field performance as native Edge HD optical design ; Increases Field of View by 43% to Better Capture Wide Field Images This clever accessory makes it possible to have a dual focal ratio instrument without sacrificing image quality. I primarily image but do often throw in an eye pieces to keep in touch with our roots and see stuff with my own eye. 25 with focal reducer/correctors - posted in Cats & Casses: Im a little confused I see comments that, because of the longer primary focal length, the c9. I also had a Mak127 before. 25 reach the same practical useful FOV as the C8, provided we source the best available accessories, e. 25” aperture and 2350 mm focal length, but many consider it to be the Goldilocks of optical tubes—not too big, not too small. 25, with a f6. 25, 800HD, 925HD ZWO SKU: ZWO-EAF-C8-C925 Apr 21, 2015 · The focal reducer is a mixed blessing. The recommended Barlow to use on my C9. 7 Reducer on a 8EdgeHD is created more for small chip camera's, but not really useable for visual with a 40mm EP for having wider field views. $15. At first the C9. That is not the case for the C9. 25 and have Meade 0. I use the C9. 25 doesn’t give you a wide field anyway, so you are not going to do much cropping. Screen Shot 2021-02-27 at 9. 77 reducer. 25" 1. The issue Mar 18, 2021 · C9. Both support Mar 13, 2013 · As far as handling is concerned, I personally don't find mounting and de-mounting the C9. Not looking a gift horse in the mouth, I did just Jan 1, 2023 · Celestron EdgeHD 9. There's no refractor in existence that can get f2 speeds at 525mm. I’m now using 2-inch eyepieces, which is giving me better results. S. However i should have mentioned that when with my testing WITH the reducer, as i was adjusting the length of the Varilock (originally though i needed more length) the Vignetting got worse when i added mm. 25 on eq6 - posted in Cats & Casses: Hi, i have a c9. 3 focal reducer. I do astrophotography exclusively, mostly DSOs but also planetary. 25 I would whole heartedly recommend an OAG. I will shorten my extension tube by a few milimeters and I will let you know . 25 focusing question that I was hoping someone from this thread might be able to help me answer. 83mm in size. 5 reduction. 3 using a Meade . 25 starts to loose aperture at 92mm of back focus with the focal reducer in place. Jeff Mar 28, 2014 · The standard focal length of the C9. P. 25 gives very uneven lighting - posted in DSLR, Mirrorless & General-Purpose Digital Camera DSO Imaging: Hi all, I have Meade f6. Also from reading around, the Edge my seeing and light pollution at home (where I would be imaging for 99% of the time) would be limiting the C9. I want to get into some smaller galaxy and DSO hunting this coming seasons and I thought this combination would give me a High resolution and very fast HyperStar Instructions HyperStar 6 v4 HyperStar 8 v4 HyperStar 9. 25" reducer. From what Ive been able to see, it seems that its down to ASI290MM or ASI178MM. 25 and the rest of the family; C5, C6,C8, C11 and C14 ?Considering the fact that C9. 25" edge HD - posted in Cats & Casses: Hi I am very new to astrophotography but am really enjoying the challenge, I have a Celestron edge HD 9. 25 XLT for AP? - posted in Cats & Casses: Been offered a mint C9. 25" EdgeHD, worth the upgrade? - posted in Cats & Casses: Im in the middle of a major rig upgrade. 25 SCT is a 1. This is what I have experienced with my C9. But I do have a 2x Barlow and a 6. 7x reducer. 25 and have used/owned C8HD and C11HD's comprehensively and agree the C9. I get about 1. Attached is a pic of eta carina made up of 10 x4min pictures @ iso400 stacked in DSS with darks, lights ,flats and biases (original picture is 14 Mp). The normal way to use this reducer is to screw iton the bottom of the cat and add a smt to 2 adapter. 25" and C11 telescopes and f/7. I have all the required spacers and no problems. 25 is “Fastar” compatible. 2, f/7, f/10, f/20 | Download free 3D printable STL models English en Čeština Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Polski At last i have progressed to off axis guiding the C9. 7 Reducer however seems to work fine for visual. Apr 12, 2020 · Page 2 of 2 - No focal length difference: 8" vs 9. Without the corrector, Im told the image loses a lot of sharpness. Levy Talks about Hyperstar How to Install Your Hyperstar HyperStar Promo Video Features The HyperStar 9. I have the Orion extension tube and used two of them and could not focus. 25 scope with 0. 25 EdgeHD - Could use some guidance - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Hey guys, Hopefully I can keep this short-winded. Dec 26, 2022 · A 0. 25 at "half the asking price" (whatever that is) sounds like the best deal of the three. Celestron Sep 15, 2024 · c9. Nov 5, 2020 · I will have to take a look tomorrow at this. 5% difference. 25” Visual Back , Star Diagonal , or Off-Axis Guider . 63X Reducer/Coma Corrector Dylan, If you have an older C925 then the reducer (x0. 25 (used). 63x reducer on the C9. 25, Meade f3. I have an EdgeHD 800 and (like the C8) the real focal length isn’t exactly 10 x the diameter. 63 reducer -> JMI SCT motorised focuser -> Pentax *ist DS with a 2” to T-2 adapter. The only drawback is it can be very slow turning the focuser many times to go between using a reducer and not using a reducer. The D2 also has a a reducer lens that reduces the magnification to being like a 1. Next up I did some experimenting with the Celestron . 25 in the standard position it would give 0. 3 reducer and a ZWO ASI294MC Pro camera. In a related thread I received feedback from 2 users that disliked the Celestron offering; one with an 8 SCT and one using a DSLR Apr 7, 2019 · Hi - Your experience is consistent with what I have seen with my C9. 33x reducer was designed for tiny Type 1/3" sensors. 3 reducer which I haven’t used). Using 30mm EPs, running with the corrector and without the reducer puts the magnification pretty high. Surprisingly, I was able to collimate fairly easily. 25 SCT is 2350mm and with a 0,63 Focal Reducer this is reduced to 1481mm focal length. 3 for even more impressive views of deep sky objects. I have a few questions for the SCT folks around here, since this will be my first one. 25 inch eyepiece route with my C9. 9 x 0. 25 XLT issue - posted in Equipment (No astrophotography): Hello All, I am in the process of gearing up to do some AP with my c9. No luck. I tried: Meades f/6. My imaging train has an Antares 0. Oct 31, 2023 · Focal reducer or Hyperstar for celestron C9. I don't know what it is for the C9. 5? Anyway, i have been told they are one of the few reducers for a C11 which will not vignette and imagine it woud be the same for a C9. Once installed, you can add additional accessories like T-Adapters , 1. I have a C9. 5 = 66. 3 focal reducer which Im using with a C9. May 25, 2020 · I've never had any success with my C9. 63X reducer (Please help) - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Hi All, I just tested my newly acquired C9. 25 - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): Just a fyiThe meade 3. Feb 24, 2023 · My image train is C9. 7x reducer on my EdgeHD 9. All optical surfaces are coated with Celestron’s high efficiency StarBright® multi-layered coating group. 5 focal If you are looking for the next step up from your entry-level telescope, or you just want to start out with something which won’t need upgrading for a very long time, The Celestron C9. 25 SCT Aluminum Optical Tube. 95mm (9. 25” SCT using an inexpensive ZWO ASI290MC uncooled color camera. However, after getting some encouraging results, I got weird results last night despite not having messed with collimation. The Reducer/Corrector is easy to install by threading the unit onto the rear cell of your Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope (or the reducer plate of the C11 and C14). Unleash cosmic wonders with the Celestron C9. 25 XLT with Starbright coatings (C925), may well be for you. Most adapters are TOO long. plate with cables dangling down -- too many ways to screw up. So after reading about many opinions and methods I am using a tracing panel and utilizing Sharpcap's Capture Flats feature (with drak flats). As mentioned previously to get the image in focus I was at or less than 1/4 turn from the end of the mirror travel to get the image in focus. A reducer can only produce an illuminated spot that is equal to the clear aperture of the reducer multiplied by it's reduction factor. 5ish Barlow. 25 worth it? Not looking to trade up or down but rather, making a decision between the two. For me, it also helps me stick with one set of gear for both of my scopes, since I can use the same filters/reducer/etc between my 80ED and the LX200R. The marketing specs say that the Lepus Telecompressor is capable of fully illuminating a 22mm diagonal CCD chip which may be true (in a sense) but Im finding that the stars are only focused and round over a central 12mm or Oct 18, 2019 · This is a perfect set up for a focal reducer. 25 has better (flatter) native optics than the other SCT sizes. I’d May 9, 2015 · The C9. 3 reducer-corrector works great with it. and damage the The reducer/corrector duplicates the rear cell thread of the telescope, allowing you to attach all standard rear cell visual and photographic accessories. 3 reducer = Star Comma? - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: Hello, I have the C9. 25 does posess a larger FOV of "sweet spot" with which one doesn't need to refocus or notice excessive coma. 25 and it is great for imaging but I would not dream of using it to jump to a widefield view for visual. The Celestron OAG has a mix of good and bad reviews as expected; however, I was leaning in this direction since it is Apr 26, 2021 · In this episode of Back-Focus 101 I cover the basics for attaching a DSLR camera or CCD/CMOS style camera to either the Celestron C9. 63X reducer and a Celestron OAG. 25 and the reducer since the post. 25 for a decent price. Im able to upgrade from the 8 to the 9. Your Scope f# after the Quark changes to = f/34. I've got a C9. 7x reducer, your telescope becomes the most complete imaging system available in its price range today Performance Design: 4-element optical layout designed specifically for the EdgeHD 9. 5 Instru Oct 1, 2015 · Here is NGC6888 captured through my C9. No visual defects that I've been able to see with any of the optics or fit and finish. The Night Owl 0. 25 SCT for DSO imaging with my Canon 700D DSLR. 5 = 17. Recently Ive brought the optics to perfect collimation with the help of an artificial star and guided the SBIG Adaptive Optics unit on the M5 star cluster at 24hz for 100 May 31, 2022 · While a C9. 25 SCT? Thanks in advance. 3 for C5, C8, C9. 63 flattener/reducer and standard t-adapter (backfocus comes out perfect) both using the Orion 50mm miniguidescope: SCT -> Meade x. It’s measured between the flange at the back of the OTA and the sensor plane (which is recessed by 17. That means 25-times shorter exposures! Now you can capture deep-sky images without guiding and witho May 27, 2020 · 9. I haven't used the Fastar system because. 25 > Celestron 0. 25 SCT (not Edge) with the Celestron 6. 25's baffle tube and rear cell have a larger clear aperture than a Celestron or Meade f/6. 25 on the way and have also picked up a starizona focal reducer for imaging. 63 reducer/corrector Jan 12, 2022 · Hi folks, I’ve been imaging using my C9’25 this evening and encountered an issue with focus. 25 tube and I would like to ask the forum members a question. 3 reducer/flattener for the scope. These tube assemblies are Sep 4, 2014 · Optec 0. 7x Focal Reducer Lens makes your EdgeHD 9. 25 mainly for astrophotography. only 9% difference which isn’t so noticeable. The stars are little comets at the edges of the APS-C sensor without the reducer, which is of course not great as the C9. 25 would win in the end. And EdgeHD scopes have optimal distance. Main use would be for imaging. The instructions to attach it to the scope seemed straight forward enough: unscrew everything from the back of the scope, screw on the reducer and then add the other bits as Oct 30, 2022 · ASIair won't plate-solve C9. 25 XLT + Starizona f/6. I also use a pair of 13mm Ethos with my Denk II in . 3 reducer is very touchy aboutspacing. 25, but you'll be a lot less with the reducer in place. 7. 63) needs to be at a fixed distance in front of the CCD chip - 110mm Depending on the adaptors/ spacers you use (which OAG guider do you have??) you may be able to even fit the OAG between the reducer and the camera. I am just curious to get real world impressions of this corrector and if it is really possible to With the Fastar option on all EdgeHD optical systems, coupled with the . 25 & other questions - posted in Major & Minor Planetary Imaging: Potentially considering save for a C9. Feb 3, 2019 · C9. Performance is similar on other size telescopes. Sep 14, 2017 · Hi all budding astrophotographers, I recently acquired a C9. Aug 2, 2022 · Page 1 of 2 - 8" EdgeHD vs 9. 7x reducer to bring the scope down to 1650mm focal length and f/7 is basically mandatory for astrophotography with the C9. 3-1. One of the problems with a cassegrain scope is the field of view. 63FR I am trying to deal with the big vignetting issues generally comes with it. I purchased a used C9. 25 to take advantage of hyperstar imaging. 3 reducer there is a marked improvement at the edges. 63 -> T-Adapter -> Starizona Filter Slider -> ASI1600 I want to move to an OAG and do imaging at f/10. 25” visual back adapter; however, the diameter of the opening at the back of the C9. Alan Gee reducer, ideal size prism diagonal, wide field eyep Since you don't have experience with SCTs I'd suggest attending star parties where you can view through them before going down the FOV rabbit hole where it concerns this design. 25 EdgeHD OAT from the get go. Nov 2, 2022 · Considering the native 2350mm focal length of my C9. Id like to upgrade the OTA and go for a C9. 25 - posted in Electronically Assisted Astronomy (No Post-Processing): I have a Celestron C9. 25 aperture will be reduced to that of a C7. I can take 10 minutes exposures without trailing (OAG), but my problem is the coma. Apr 19, 2014 · Having imaged with the C9. I then see there are no reducers that are specific to the c9. 5% so about 13. I have set the backfocus properly at 105MM. 25/ASI294 with and without Night Owl reducer) - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Hi, I recently got into EAA/AP, and became obsessed with getting round, tight stars. My imaging cam right now is the ASI1600 MM-Pro with an 8-pos. C9. 25 with ASI294MC Pro - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: I apologize if this has been covered in detail before (and it may well have), but Im a bit confused. At 100mm, the aperture will be reduced to 9". 25 + Celestron f/6. I use the scope for planetary and lunar imaging with mosaics, but would the reducer give me a full lunar disc image with a dmk 41 imaging source camera? Dr. Each OTA is made to the same exacting standards as those used on all our high quality telescopes. 25, C11, and C14 telescopes. Counterweight, 11 lbs for 19mm Shaft. 25" 0. 25 + Celestron Reducer f/6. Oct 14, 2021 · And as far as focus, what I read from Celestron’s white papers is they designed the Edge reducers to keep the same backfocus (ie focal point the same after the reducer) so can use same gear/spacing with and without the reducer. 25 XLT - Celestron Focal reducer f6. 63 Reducer > Celestron OAG > ASI 2 Filter Wheel > ASI2600MC Pro (no tilt plate) According to my maths 0. As I have now purchased the C9. I just purchased a C9. You can certainly run it with less than that, and there are a number of folks with larger sensor cameras who've had better success under 100mm, with the accompanying reduction in the amount of reduction (into the . Many of the central stars seem suf Dec 20, 2019 · Backfocus for C9. It works very well in lunar photography, but I want to do deep sky imaging with it. Insignificant IMO. 25 is an unusual size with its 9. Nominally Performance The diagram above shows how the SCT Corrector improves the off-axis spot size on a Celestron 11" SCT. In addition, the HyperStar acts as a focal reducer to increase the optical speed to about F/2. I can ship the items with an included Pelican 1630 protector case for an additional $450. you may experience more vignetting with low power 2" eyepieces because the C9. 25 and Atik 460EXM with ASA 0. Jun 11, 2020 · - Some say that many 2" EPs cannot be brought to focus with the C9. 25, I should in fact get 1480mm at 0. My equipment is: - Celestron C9. 3 focal reducer for the scope and its fun to use as well, especially for the larger clusters and such. I am very happy with the performance of the C9. 8 ZWO M54 to M48 = 2mm ZWO Filter Wheel = 20mm 2600MC Pro without Tilt Plate = Mar 2, 2020 · Page 1 of 2 - Meade f6. Some people told me I will never be able to get rid of the comas with such a reducer, nor with the Celestron SCT 0. Also, if someone can let me know what software / tools I need to use the EAF? I have Feb 26, 2021 · Once things are assembled, just add that measurement to your backfocus spec, subtract the internal camera spacing to the sensor, and now you can measure the distance from the camera face to the reducer flange with everything assembled. 25 to see if I could stretch that TFOV some. 2, making the system 25 times faster. I haven’t tried the 40D on the C9. 25 SCT and backfocus - posted in Cats & Casses: I have a 9. 25 XLT vs EdgeHD imaging - If always using focal reducer, does get EdgeHD give any advantage - posted in Cats & Casses: They certainly have the optics down, they would sell a ton of them if they had threads! Celestron focal reducer / corrector for Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes. must now practice the processing in PS. 3x FR, which I was thinking of combing to get close to F/13, or about what a 1. The focal reducer you have is presumably a Celestron 0. Jan 29, 2012 · Meade 3. 3 reducer/corrector (Japan model), from 40mm to 135mm (obviously Feb 17, 2021 · A vanilla C9. Nov 5, 2024 · I wonder, can the C9. I can never get these. 25 + Denk2 EPs? - posted in Cats & Casses: With the corrector lens, the Denk2 acts like a 2. 25 XLT differs from older C9. 63 reducer will also reduce the image circle. 00 SKU HSCK Sep 25, 2018 · I went down the f/6. 63 focal reducer with my c9. Jan 29, 2022 · ZWO EAF for Celestron 9. 25 SCT with a CGEM mount. 25" to maintain the flat-field performance of the Edge HD optical design Maintains the same back focus as when used at f/10: Unlike Nov 5, 2021 · After getting the C9. 25 XLT with a Celestron OAG and Moonlite CS focuser (with the 6. 25 Edge HD or a C11 (non-Edge HD). 25 (non EDGE) @ f10 image circle - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: Id like to know if a regular XLT non EDGE C9. g. (Some say the opposite. This rugged aluminum optical tube is only 22 inches long and weighs just 20 pounds, making it easy to transport and set up. Pick up a 1. 25 and recently picked an f/6. My BF was pretty close to 90. 25) backfocus w/o reducer - posted in Cats & Casses: I do understand that with reducer it needs to achive perfect backfocus to get stars at the edge of frames but how about with out reducer Is it still critical not to achive the backfocus? I am planning to do some planetary nebulae lucky imiging such as m1 crab nebula and ngc 6543 cats eye nebula so frames will be Oct 1, 2020 · C9. I even disassembled it to see about improving the moving mirror focusing system. I've tried collimating the best that I possibly can, and adding the Celestron f/6. May 3, 2020 · Page 2 of 2 - Celestron 9. 25 - posted in Cats & Casses: Ah back focus one more time. 9um pixel size for planetary imaging. The C9. 25 is a great choice that is compatible with many different computerised mounts - a testament to the included CGEM-Style Dovetail Bar. -Dan. I don't remember exact spacers but I calculated their lengths using the 90. 25 with two clear nights this week and some decent seeing. I have an Antares f/6. However, I now realize that the C9. 7x - EdgeHD 925. 25 w/ . 25 HD or Standard for imaging DSO - posted in Cats & Casses: HiIm currently in astrophotography with a C6-SCT at f6. ) Put 0. 3 focal reducer but I still can't get round stars. jpg . I am working on a decision for a guiding solution for my C9. 3 reducer test results-C9. 4x SCT Corrector IV . 63x reducer, and hyperstar v4 - expensive as hell, but worth it to me. This telescope's 9. f/2) compared to other Schmidt-Cassegrains offered by Celestron, and as a consequence of the slower primary mirror, the tube is a little longer in May 26, 2020 · C9. It is such a hassle to fit/unfit and then the focuser needs to be turned 9 or 12 times to find focus (more if you turn it the wrong way to start with). 25 at f/10 or with the reducer. 62X Lepus Telecompressor on 9. They also say on their website that the backfocus value should be within +-2mm of 90. Again, not as much as the C8, but still at an annoying level unfortunately. I have a full-frame image train this time, and Im actually very pleased with the flatness of illumination -- but the stars in the corners are terrible. 25 scope on a CGX mount and am using the Asiair to control it and my cameras. Its cutting-edge Schmidt-Cassegrain optics deliver exceptional resolution, ideal for observing Mar 17, 2007 · Here was my setup: C9. 3 - Celestrin CGEM - ZWO Así 120MM - Canon 2000D I read many topics about the problem of focal lenght plane and about the optical train of adapters included in the OAG kit Jun 15, 2011 · Celestron f/6. I certainly want to add to this next year. 474" spacing (139mm for us mere Europeans) you found is correct, that’s the nominal distance where spherical aberration is minimized for a C9. at f/6. 99. 25" (Edge HD) f/2. On my OTA it’s even closer e. 25 using the R/C and a 2" diagonal. 25 OTA is equipped with a removable secondary mirror for fast f/2 CCD imaging. ZWO filter Oct 13, 2018 · Page 2 of 2 - Mewlon210, C9. 25 EdgeHD with a 0. 5 Celestron C9. Oct 20, 2018 · The Celestron SCT focal reducer indeed has a specified spacing requirement of about 105mm (+- a bit depending on how you measure it). 63X focal reducer. I now need your advice helping me to decide between a guide scope or OAG. 5ish X Barlow. 63 vs Starizona SCT Corrector III - posted in Cats & Casses: Hello All. 3 focal reducer, Shorty visual back attachment to accept 2" EPs, 2" shorty diagonal, 2" 31T5. Dec 10, 2017 · Stacking Two Focal Reducer For C9. HTH Apr 2, 2021 · C9. I had it all fitted tonight presicely as per nu The Reducer/Corrector is f/6. Reducer Lens . I have 80mm and 130mm apos for wide and medium fov. 25 image train question - posted in Major & Minor Planetary Imaging: Hi all, I recently picked up a C9. 25, or a Refractor? - posted in Cats & Casses: Well, I had a Mewlon 210 and sold it because almost all the observing time was spent futzing with the collimation. 25 imaging train with Celestron OAG & Moonlite CS focuser - posted in Cats & Casses: Im just about to start putting together a new OTA using the C9. 25 for about $2,000 after i sell Jun 23, 2008 · C9. 25) Focal Length: 2350mm (93) Focal Ratio: f/10 Ok, from my understanding, these will be the max and min specs of my Jan 22, 2021 · 9. Reduces C5, C6, C8, C9. it looked like Feb 6, 2024 · With a focal length of 2350mm at f/10, the use of a 0. For those interested in imaging at extremely fast apertures, the C9. In the end I saved some money and went for the C9. 25 Standard SCT (NOT the Edge version). Jun 11, 2018 · Starizona focal reducer 0. This model is meant to be used with single 2" eyepieces. From my math, I see my scopes specs will look like this: From Celestron: cgem ii 925 Optical Design: Schmidt-Cassegrain Aperture: 234. 3 reducer? - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: M16 Celestron CST 9. One thing Ive noticed with this setup is that the lighting across the sensor is quite uneven, with a noticeable dark donut around the Jun 18, 2020 · Getting my Hyperstar lens will have to wait until 2021 but in the mean time I am thinking of getting a 0. 25 and the 0. 3 + 29 + 12. 25 with a sony nex5 , orion off axis guider and meade f6. 63x SCT Corrector LF Apex . David H. 3 reducer for my C9. Feb 2, 2021 · Celestron 6. The f/11 C14 telescope becomes an f/7. 63 reduction, and the 41mm aperture of the reducer, that results in a spot 25. Oct 19, 2022 · C9. Im looking at mono imaging options, not colour. Mechanics The Celestron EdgeHD 9. Nominally Nov 5, 2024 · Page 1 of 2 - C9. Used for astrophotography, it reduces exposure times by a factor of 3. It offers wide fields of view with any Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. However, the native, unreduced 9. You may have to tread lightly when reducing the C9. 25 XLT with focal reducer f6. 25 as it has a flatter field than a standard non-Edge SCT. I can see that it has a T42 male thread at its shoulders. Focal Length The exact focal length of the reducer/telescope combo depends slightly on where in the optical path the SCT Corrector lens is placed. 3 R/C or 9. 63x, and not 1375mm. On my C9. I demonstrate how to attach the Celest Apr 24, 2010 · C9. 25 XLT for a good price to do primarily some lunar/planetary visual and imaging. 25 just as well. Aug 9, 2022 · I recommend that you use the C9. I've seen images other people have taken and they have good round stars. May 17, 2011 · I actually bought it for my 6SE originally but it fits the C9. 25 with 0. I use an SX OAG with Filter Wheel with both a SBIG 8300M and a ZWO ASI533 (both have a 17. 66 focal reducer included with the 2" Denkmeier Power Switch S1 diagonal. 25 is approximately 46 mm. My main interest is astrophotography. It's quite possible the larger sized sensor of the ASI128 is larger than your image circle. The added back focus of the focuser and the 2" diagonal will push you over this number. 25 Edge HD vs C11+Reducer/Corrector for AP - posted in Cats & Casses: Im considering replacing my 8 LX90 with either a C9. 25 XLT - Celestron . 25 in general. 25-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain Optical Tube Assembly Jun 9, 2020 · (C9. Dew Shield DX for C9. Here is how I set them up. 3 FR. Faster f ratios will allow shorter exposures, and you might consider taking this a step further with a camera upgrade to something even more sensitive than what you might be using now. That's a tad smaller than an APS-C sensor. 25 with reducer should be 105mm, but the ASI294MC backfocus Use the Celestron Focal Reducer Lens to bring the focal ratio down to f/6. Dec 9, 2016 · So far with the C9. 25, reducer, 40mm Ploss - posted in Cats & Casses: Ive already been enjoying my new to me C9. 3 though. 25/C11/C14 by ZWO. 4 degrees TFOV with my widefield 2" ep's. 5mm for your camera) Mar 18, 2021 · I owned a Celestron C9,25-CGE (XLT),OTA 2350mm once. 63 and 0. 25" + Celestron f/6. For smaller FOV DSOs and planets I am looking at a C9. Jan 24, 2013 · C9. - But also with a XW40mm EP? - Is is easy swapping the Reducer on and off and putting the diagonal back on? Jul 11, 2020 · Page 1 of 3 - ZWO planetary imaging cameras to suit C9. 5x Barlow would produce. I want to make sure the EAF focus works well for my needs. 25 in great condition with a few astrophotography accessories. The Reducer/Corrector is f/6. 25" SCT from f/10 to f/2. Nov 29, 2021 · Page 1 of 2 - C9. I also keep eyeing the smaller Jan 6, 2022 · The Meade 0. 25 would have cost almost twice as the 140 after adding in the accessories, the reducer and/or hyperstar that would be a pain to use with mono. When I ordered some updates to the visual aspect (better diagonal, a new EP or two), my CFO authorized me to go ahead and grab an ASI224MC at the same time. I used the reducer with the Baader BBHS 2 Mar 25, 2018 · C9. 66 focal reducer mode that also works great. It fills the entire frame of the Atik. Feb 19, 2010 · Page 1 of 2 - Noob question: FOV with C9. 25 I had the following set up: C9. 25 yet, but it should follow the same configuration. 7x Reducer - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: I recently threw my old 0. 3 reducer and 290M camera:Good idea? - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: So I have all this bits and pieces hanging around and being used separately for different purposes (except the 3. 21 AM. The 0. 25" star diagonal, the ideal distance between the reducer and the EP field stop could also be achieved, probably yielding the flattest possible field. 0 for the C14 telescope. 25 Edge HD - posted in Cats & Casses: Hello, I have an old C9. Paul Nov 21, 2011 · I can't give an opinion on the 180 Mak but it would be great to compare them side by side. 25 and intend to use for both visual and AP, I would appreciate some feedback directly regarding the available corrector/reducers out there. 3 w/ Hyperstar and at f/6. Nov 27, 2018 · That said, the reducer for the 11" EdgeHD is a lot more expensive ($630 versus $320) and it has five elements versus the four in the 9. 3 reducer which I connected after removing the 2" back, then connected my Canon 1100d DLSR camera via a T-tring. npem xmdeveb cwfvl hkvjbqj htny jhh jpi gflfs esflpyxed scprz