F2l algorithms 3x3 cheat sheet. Algorithms for 2 Look PLL.

F2l algorithms 3x3 cheat sheet This p F2L is the second step in the CFOP speedsolving method. Those 2 always seem to be the algs of choice at this stage though - in all the lists of 2x2 algs I have seen it tends to be between the T/J Perms for adjacent/neighbours and then the Y Perm for diagonals but I guess everyone will have different F2L OLL PLL Winter Variation COLL OLLCP ZBLL. Digital cheat sheet tutorial on how to solve 4x4x4 Rubik's cube. F2L 8. 2x2 Suggested algorithm here Alternative algorithms here OLL Case Name It is recommended to learn the algorithms in the - Probability = 1/x Round brackets are used to segment algorithms to assist memorisation and group move triggers. Step 1 - The White Cross White Edge on Yellow Here you will find all 42 F2L cases with fast solutions and alternative algorithms. RubiksTrainer How to solve a Rubiks Cube Algorithms Favorites Recognition Timer Cross + F2L Printable Algorithm PDF Sheets. Mar 9, 2012 · This tutorial is a sort of personal dumping ground and cheat sheet for the cases I find toughest. How To Solve the 3x3 Rubik's Cube | 24 page Booklet PDF Download. Both algorithms solve the F2L pair and use the same number of moves. Here are some CFOP guides in PDF format F2L is the second step in the CFOP speedsolving method. Press Train to switch to train mode. Algorithms to pair and insert depends on which F2L Slots are empty. PLL. F2L Start Training. Congratulations, you now have a nice clean printable of any algorithm category with the top voted/popular algorithms if its PLL, OLL, CMLL well, you get the drift. The first two layers (F2L) of the Rubik's Cube are solved simultaneously rather than individually, reducing the solve time considerably. Feb 2, 2021 · The first two layers, rather F2L, of the Rubik's Cube, can be solved simultaneously rather than individually. There are 41 different variations for solving the corner-edge pieces in the F2L step. F2L, by contrast, solves both the bottom layer corners and middle layer edges simultaneously. Mathematically the Rubik's Cube is a permutation group: an ordered list, with 54 fields with 6*9 values (colours) on which we can apply operations (basic face rotations, cube turns and the combinations of these) which reorient the permutation group according to a pattern. The groups below are based on the location of the corner and the edge pieces. F2L 6. Front Left. Many of these cases are very similar to each other (mirrors) and therefore use similar solutions. Find the best algorithms here in our advanced F2L guide! Best selling 3x3 CFOP Algorithm Sheets for 3x3 OLL PLL F2L | PDF DOWNLOAD. In the F2L method, a first-layer corner and the middle CFOP Algorithm Sheets for 3x3 OLL PLL F2L | PDF DOWNLOAD. CFOP Method Algorithms for 2 Look OLL. With some practice, you should be able to solve the cube in about 2-4 minutes. speedcubedb. 3. Space: Start/stop timer: Left/Right: Hide/show algorithm hint: Alt + Left/Right: Previous/next scramble: Alt + Z: Delete last/selected time: Alt + D: Reset all times You should be using intuitive CROSS and F2L techniques for the first two layers, and when you are comfortable with these algorithms, start learning the rest of the 2-look algorithms. Algorithms Learnt and Personal Algorithm Sheets. This is an approach called F2L or First two Layers. PLL or Permutation of the Last Layer is the fourth and last step of the CFOP method, which aims to permute the pieces of the last layer to have the 3x3 fully solved. 01 (R U Collection of OLL (Orientation of the Last Layer) CFOP method algorithms. There will be no algorithms in this document, as I intend this to be fully intuitive. txt) or read online for free. What is OLL? The third-step in 3x3 solving under the CFOP/Fridrich Method is OLL… Collection of 4x4x4 Reduction and Parity algorithms. Second, it preserves the orientation and placement of the top layer cor Space: Start/stop timer: Left/Right: Hide/show algorithm hint: Alt + Left/Right: Previous/next scramble: Alt + Z: Delete last/selected time: Alt + D: Reset all times F2L is the second step in the CFOP speedsolving method. What's Inside: OLL Edges: Orient th 4LLL (4 Look Last Layer) Algorithms - 3x3 CFOP - Dan's Cubing Cheat [Sheet] App - Free download as PDF File (. 75. STEP 3: MIDDLE LAYER EDGES First algorithm inserts the edge from top to the middle in the front. First 2 Layers. This algorithm set can be used when the last layer edges are oriented. I’ll add cases as they come up for me. Press the image of a cube to change their status to. CLL CMLL Edge Orientation (4a) F2L OLL PLL Second Block Last Slot Cross Color F2L is the second step of the Fridrich method for solving the Rubik's cube. GAN251 M Series. Both Pieces Trapped 3x3-Advanced F2L-Trapped Corner. Z-Cube CFOP Cards are a collection of 3 plastic cards, which clearly shows you a guide for all of the algorithms needed for F2L, PLL and OLL in an easily manageable way. CMLL OH CMLL LSE EO LSE EOLR. 2-Look PLL Recommended: Any level Space: Start/stop timer: Left/Right: Hide/show algorithm hint: Alt + Left/Right: Previous/next scramble: Alt + Z: Delete last/selected time: Alt + D: Reset all times CFOP Algorithm Sheets for 3x3 OLL PLL F2L | PDF DOWNLOAD. OLL or Orientation of the Last Layer is the third step of the CFOP method, which aims to orient (same color facing up) the top layer of the 3x3. I made them with the goal of making the algorithms easy to memorize. g. Through out this guide you will find a lot of algorithms. This p We've created Print Friendly PDF files that you can use whilst you are learning CFOP Separate F2L, OLL and PLL printable pdf download sheets This is a PDF Download. 1. The F2L comes in after you have solved the cross. The F2L algorithms are the key to being fast, but the algorithms themselves are a little hard for beginners. This is the second step of the Fridrich method (CFOP). F2L is an incredibly important step of the Fridrich method that can be done intuitively without the use of algorithms. That means if you start by solving the white cross, the goal of OLL is to get all the yellow stickers on top. Nimrod's Algorithm Sheet. The unarguable bonus of doing EOLine is that F2L can be solved RUL gen. Only the algorithms are listed here without any explanation. CFOP is the most popular method for solving the 3x3 cube quickly. This p Jun 22, 2023 · The process is as follow: Move a corner and edge in the top layer if they are not already there. Sale price $2. Select Algs Algorithms Learnt and Personal Algorithm Sheets. 3). Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Solving the first two layers together is generally done intuitively by paring a first layer corner with its matching second layer edge. Free online speedcubing algorithm and reconstruction database, covers every algorithm for 2x2 - 6x6, SQ1, Pyraminx and Megaminx SpeedCubeDB. How To Solve the 2x2 Cube Beginners Guide PDF DOWNLOAD. ) The improved cases are demonstrated in the video below and summarized in the chart that follows it. setup: R' F R F' Front Right. 2 Update: Changed a solution to y M U' R' F R U M', added tips for execution 2x2 3x3 4x4 5x5 Flagship Series Shape Mods Cube Minx Cube Smart Cubes Magic Snake. Sep 1, 2019 · Collection of algorithms on how to solve the Rubik's cube presented as digital cheat sheet tutorials and speed solving resources. F2L is involves solving a corner and an edge at the same time, which is much faster than solving them separately. It doesn't say it's the best algorithm, just that I found it best working for me and my fingertricks, the other algorithms are also used by speedcubers. This helps in reducing your solve time immensely. Algorithms for Advanced F2L. Download link available after checkout is complete. Here are some handy F2L algorithms I use in my solves! Toggle navigation 3x3 Videos 3x3 Algorithms 3x3 One Handed Videos 4x4 Videos 5x5 Videos Big Cube Videos How to use the F2L Trainer. Understanding the meaning behind each letter in CFOP will help you navigate the process more efficiently. These F2L algorithms are optimized for speed Algorithms by Dan Harris and Erik Akkersdijk First 2 Layers You must solve the cross first. Contains optimal algorithms for the full F2L, the 2 look OLL and all of the PLL algorithms; The F2L algorithms highlight where the corner and edge piece finally pair up with a bold letter; Contains the algorithms used by Dan Harris and Erik Akkersdijk; Contains a basic notation guide; Please Note - all algorithms are contained on a single line. Easy Cases (1-4) U (R U' R') Use (R' F R F') if no U face edges are oriented properly on final slot Download latest here (version 1. First Layer Corners . 2-look OLL trainer. UNLEARNED; LEARNING; FINISHED; 2. Price: Sale price $2. CFOP is an acronym and the letters signify the stages of the process. RUBIK'S CUBE SOLUTION: PRINTABLE CHEAT SHEET STEP 1: CROSS STEP 2: BOTTOM LAYER CORNERS Every algorithm moves a corner from top to bottom right below without disrupting the cross. Look at the sticker in the buffer (UR) position, and swap that sticker to its solved position using the swapping algorithm. Rather than solving the corners of the bottom layer and the edges of the middle layer separately, you will now solve a corner and an edge at the same time. Most people aren't lefty so he should've recommended righty algs. Rubik's Cube Algorithms. 3 Update: New algs and alternate angles! Version 1. Connected Pairs 3x3-F2L-Free Pairs. This page only contains intuitive solutions and another page on this website will list my "advanced" F2L algorithms. CFOP Method - F2L Full Advanced F2L Playlist. Therefore, ZBLL is a subset of full 1-look last layer, which has approximately 6x as many algorithms because there are 6 cases for edge orientation. To organize your progress and train the algorithms, use the 2-look OLL algorithm trainer This algorithm sheet has some more algorithms for F2L. 00. From beginner level to pro level, F2L is usually the step with the most room for improvement because it requires recognizing and tracking multiple pieces at once, while having quite a lot of freedom. In this step 4 F2L pairs are inserted into their correct positions thus completing the first two layers. But they are also inefficient. 1 Update: Fixed typo in M U (L F' L') U' M' Version 1. 5x5. F2L 7. Sale price AU$6. The black part of each algorithm sets up the pieces to a basic insertion case, which is then written in blue. 100. Improve you speedcubing skills by learning new algorithms, 2x2 3x3 Pyraminx. After that, you can learn the full F2L from here. Pair the edge and corner together without disturbing other completed pairs. 95. Title: F2L. Version 1. Algorithm database with 4,000 algorithms for 3x3, 2x2, Square-1, and more 3x3 Jan 20, 2018 · I've wanted to make this Two-Look OLL tutorial for a while, and finally found the time. To do this, I grouped similar algorithms together and have chosen related algorithms whenever possible (e. The kids love to save the alg pages as a standalone app icon on their home screen. If you haven’t solved a Rubik’s cube before, then you should also consider solving a cube with the beginners method before moving onto f2l. There are 119 algorithms in total to learn the full method, with 41 for F2L, 57 for full OLL, and 21 for full PLL. 00 USD / Quantity: Add to cart Collection of 2LPLL (2 Look PLL) CFOP method algorithms. Filter: 0/18. Also, the "H" case, i feel like double sune is way faster. com/ OLL 7 Lightning Shapes r U R' U R U2 r' L' U2 L U2 L F' L' F y2 l U L' U L U2 l' r U r' U R U' R' r U' r' Space: Start/stop timer: Left/Right: Hide/show algorithm hint: Alt + Left/Right: Previous/next scramble: Alt + Z: Delete last/selected time: Alt + D: Reset all times F2L is the second step in the CFOP speedsolving method. 3x3 Tutorial. It is recommended to learn the algorithms in the order presented. Designed with clarity and convenience in mind, this A4 Poster covers everything you need to solve the Last Layer of a 3x3 Rubik’s Cube using the Four-Look Last Layer (4LLL) technique. Intuitive F2L Recommended: Any level F2L Algorithms. In the second step of the Fridrich method we solve the four white corner pieces and the middle layer edges attached to them. Note ± The second algorithm is fewer moves, but less intuitive and less finger-friendly. Learning algorithms will decrease your move count and your solve times. Below are the 3x3 moves for reference, but keep in mind that there is also different notation for big cubes (4x4 cube and up) mentioned in the video. Scramble your cube according to the displayed scramble. Before beginning to learn full F2L you should start with the Intuitive F2L which you can find by searching on YouTube. If you are unsure of Rubik’s cube notation the please go and check out our guide. Roux Algs. Feb 17, 2014 · I found much better solutions than my “intuitive” ones. C - CROSS F - FIRST TWO LAYERS O - ORIENTATE LAST LAYER P - PERMUTATE LAST LAYER IMP State: Rf: Prio: Learned: Cube image: Algorithm (plus hint/intuition) [yellow bg = currently learning; blue bg = need to learn later; gray bg = learned] The OLL algorithms here are numbered using the accepted order found on the speedsolving. Easy Cases (1-4) U (R U' R') Use (R' F R F') if no U face edges are oriented properly on final slot y' U' (R' U R) Use (F R' F' R) if no U face edges are oriented properly on final slot y' y' (R' U' R) Note – this image is blue and red because a cube rotation is required Nov 3, 2012 · I previously had used (R U’ R’) d (R’ U2 R) U2′ (R’ U R) for edge flips. Press to select your preferred algorithm. This p Space: Start/stop timer: Left/Right: Hide/show algorithm hint: Alt + Left/Right: Previous/next scramble: Alt + Z: Delete last/selected time: Alt + D: Reset all times No previous knowledge of F2L is required. Solve the first two layers fully. Suggested algorithm here Set up F 2L pair // Solve F L pair It is not recommended to learn any of these algorithms before learning intuitive F2L. Then inserting the pair into the correct "F2L Slot". Visit the previous pages for detailed descriptions. Something old, something new, something borrowed, and still the most kickass adjustment system. The four-look last layer increases that to 85 moves on average. Many choose to skip learning the Sune and AntiSune subsets since their OLL cases are already short and easy to execute. there's a couple oll algorithms that are substantially slower than what is to my knowledge the best algs. 50. Orient the edges (3 algorithms) Orient the corners (7 algorithms) Some of these algorithms were already taught in the beginner method. Sale price $5. 500. The edge swap algorithm can only swap with the target (UL), but you can add setup moves to instead swap with any sticker on the cube. F2L is the second step in the CFOP speedsolving method. F2L. EPLL and CPLL. U' L' U L : U R U' R' Switch case using. F2L is the most important part of the solve. This p Once you have finished EO, solve the line by positioning the BD edge at BU and doing B2 and then positioning the FD edge at FU and doing F2 to solve that. F2L Algorithms - CFOP SpeedSolving F2L #41 Cases. Space: Start/stop timer: Left/Right: Hide/show algorithm hint: Alt + Left/Right: Previous/next scramble: Alt + Z: Delete last/selected time: Alt + D: Reset all times Check out our Cheat Sheet for a quick reference with all the steps on one page. The bolded algorithm is the one that I use in my solving. CFOP stands for Cross, F2L, OLL, and PLL. CFOP Algorithm Sheets for 3x3 OLL PLL F2L | PDF DOWNLOAD. U' L' U L U F U' F' U R U' R' U' F' U F. SpeedCubeDB Algorithm Sheet - F2L Author: SpeedCubeDB Subject: SpeedCubeDB Algorithm Sheet - F2L Created Date: 1/13/2025 1:51:12 AM This is a selection of F2L algorithms that are fairly short, but also somewhat unintuitive. This page is a summary of all the steps and algorithms on one page. Click on an image or name for details about the case; e. I main Roux in 3x3 and am so used to the J-perm that, for me, it is fractionally faster than T-perm. This p. It will eventually contain a timer, algorithm dictionary, etc all in one. Sale price AU$1. Round brackets are used to segment algorithms to assist memorisation and group move triggers. 6. Now again as before, all F2L is again intact, but slightly messed up. This p 3x3 Explore CFOP, the top competitive speed solving method. Aquí encontrarás todos los algoritmos F2L para completar las dos primeras capas del cubo y posteriormente resolver el cubo siguiendo el método Fridrich completo o CFOP. 3x3. Here, you will be learning basic F2L techniques. Not sure how to memorize so many algorithms? Check out my list of common triggers and my algorithm flashcards. ZBLL is short for Zborowski-Bruchem Last Layer, and it is used to solve the entire last layer in 1 step. I have chosen these ones because they heavily use three different triggers, which I feel allows for easier memorisation. for the J permutation, I chose algorithms that were related for the first algorithm in the list, though a potentially faster one is still listed). The basic solutions come from Badmephisto’s F2L cheat sheet, with some small tweaks to personalize them into my solving technique. Collection of 3x3 pretty patterns algorithms. Alternatively, use the Sune + Niklas + Righty algorithms to solve the last layer as learnt in the beginner method, but better to try to learn these CFOP cases and CFOP Algorithm Sheets for 3x3 OLL PLL F2L | PDF DOWNLOAD. Tornado v4. The method works by first solving a cross typically on the bottom, continuing to solve the first two layers together (F2L), orienting the last layer (OLL), and finally permuting the last layer (PLL). So you are not learning any algs you won't use later. I meant alg optimization. It can be done in 6 moves or less ~82% of the time and ≤7 moves 99. Solution for 3x3 magic cube and speed cube twisty puzzle. SpeedCubeDB 3x3 3x3. (With the exception of #23, which I had learned from Andy Klise’s excellent F2L Cheat Sheet. But the second algorithm is considerably quicker to perform, as you don't have to adjust your hand position at all. order presented. Both steps are relatively easy and require little memorization or concentration. We will use the white cross on bottom and the F2L pair will be the White/Blue/Red pair (The white/blue/red corner piece and the red/blue edge piece). Note: All 4LLL algs are part of 2LLL. pdf), Text File (. The cube is an F2L Practice Cube, basically a Maru Cx3 with only the bottom two layers ZBLL or Zborowski-Bruchem Last Layer is an algorithm set that aims to solve the entire last layer in a single algorithm, in the case where the edges are already oriented. setup: L U2' L If you guys, especially those of you struggling with F2L had a "cheat sheet" of F2L cases, algorithms, and mirrors, would that be beneficial to you? I've been working on an app for the past few months, to act as a resource for us. First Two Layers (also called F2L) is the second step of the CFOP Rubik's Cube method. CFOP stands for Cross, F2L, OLL, PLL (Cross, First 2 Layers, Orientation of Last Layer, Permutation of Last Layer). Advanced F2L Start Training. 5. Press to set your preferences. GAN251 M Pro. 00 CAD / Quantity: Add to cart Space: Start/stop timer: Left/Right: Hide/show algorithm hint: Alt + Left/Right: Previous/next scramble: Alt + Z: Delete last/selected time: Alt + D: Reset all times 1. Happy solving! Orient the edges (3 algorithms) Orient the corners (7 algorithms) Some of these algorithms were already taught in the beginner method. Tutorials. The first algorithm either requires you to shift your hand position to twist the F face or start using some peculiar thumb movements. Solution for 4x4 magic cube and speed cube twisty puzzle. Sale price Rs. 4. 2. Algorithms for 2 Look PLL. These are just optimal example solves; F2L should be solved intuitively. It is not recommended to learn any of these F2L El F2L consiste en insertar al mismos tiempo la esquina con su arista correspondiente Con este método podrás bajar tus tiempos con el cubo Rubik's, pero también hay que practicarlo muy seguido hasta lograr hacerlo rápido (recomendable) F2L (Con algoritmos) EL F2L con algoritmos no es muy recomendable aprenderlos así;es mas recomendable aprenderlos intuitivamente. Practice Rubiks cube solutions, algorithms, solver, formula, timer, speedcubing and more. These F2L algorithms are optimized for speed, and some are Algorithms for Advanced F2L. Algorithms for F2L. Insert the pair into the correct position (F2L Slot) At a beginner level there are three cases for F2L Case1: The corner and edge pair has two different colours facing up. The variations are divided into groups according to where the corner & edge pieces are located in the Rubik's cube. F2L 3x3. com wiki (and elsewhere online), so you can always find an alternative to a specific algorithm should you wish. It is highly recommended to learn F2L intuitively before learning these algorithms. Training. Although the video embedded below is comprehensive (read: long) and should stand alone, this post's further background and table of algorithms should help with learning/practice. Variant. For two reasons I prefer the new algorithm: First, it’s faster and easier (for me). SpeedCubeDB 3x3. Other algorithms can be memorized by patterns (which is a common technique for memorizing algorithms) shown in the video. Pure CFOP solves the cube in roughly 56 moves on average. Cross 2. The PLL sheet has J Perm's main algs bolded, but that doesn't mean it's the best one for you. 12 reviews. Then U' is done as in T permutation, and then RUR'F' is AGAIN used to take that pair and insert it back where it was before. It is intended as a quick reference when you just need a reminder on the algorithms to solve the cube. Filter: 0/10. F2L 4 (VHLS) F2L 5. SpeedCubeDB OLL Page 2 generated by https://www. These algorithms/cases are picked because they are rotationless, short and easy to learn, but also because they are slightly less intuitive than some of the standard ways of solving the particular F2L cases. F brings an F2L pair to the top, RU'R' inserts that pair back to the middle. SpeedCubeDB. ZBLL Algorithms. 00 USD. A Rubik's Cube algorithm is an operation on the puzzle which reorients its pieces in a certain way. GAN251 V2. Collection of F2L (First Two Layers) CFOP method algorithms. It can be quite overwhelming to remember all of the needed algorithms, once you start practicing CFOP, but with these cards, the method becomes a lot more Space: Start/stop timer: Left/Right: Hide/show algorithm hint: Alt + Left/Right: Previous/next scramble: Alt + Z: Delete last/selected time: Alt + D: Reset all times F2L. If you want to get even faster, you should learn How to do Finger Tricks and learn the CFOP Method . Time (avg: 0. algorithms, comments, breakdowns. Digital cheat sheet tutorial on how to solve 3x3x3 Rubik's cube. Page size for the documents is Letter (8. Note – The second algorithm is fewer moves, but less intuitive and less finger-friendly. Probably one of the most requested feature is here - go to any category you wish, and click the nice Printable PDF icon. R U2 R' 3. Then, move onto the F2L step. The main goal was to efficiently fit as many algs as possible in one screen so that we can get rid of messy paper cheat sheets around the house! (portrait or landscape screen as well). After you have learned the Intuitive F2L, you will notice, that CFOP Algorithm Sheets for 3x3 OLL PLL F2L | PDF DOWNLOAD. SpeedCubeDB Cross Color. Best free website and app resources to solution twisty puzzles of most popular formats, shapes and sizes. Once you have this down, the next step, if you want to improve your speed is to combine the solving of the first and second layer into one step (steps 2 and 3 of this tutorial). Second Layer . Also check the videos themselves for the fingertricks. These algorithms are used to orient the last layer of the Rubik's Cube. This p cubeskills: F2L Algorithms – All Four Slot Angles and F2L Algorithms – Some Useful Cases; J Perm's "Best Algorithms For ALL F2L Cases": video and PDF; J Perm's Advanced F2L playlist; 4 Look Last Layer. 95% of the time These are just optimal example solves; F2L should be solved intuitively. 5 by 11 inches), configure paper size accordingly when printing. The Ultimate Cheat-Sheet for Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms Heaps Heaps Linked List . Need help solving your 3x3 Rubik’s Cube? Or another Rubik’s puzzle? Explore all our our Solution Guides right here. Really don't like the anti sune, "T" and "L" algs J perm teaches in this. Jan 4, 2023 · F2L Algorithms Explained. Solution for 3x3 magic cube and speedcube puzzle. Speedcubing Tutorials. Theory. Best free website and app for desktop, mobile, android, apple ios iphone and ipad. While I disagree with the somewhat simplistic idea of "do this if you want to get fast" (to my knowledge, most of the fastest cubers to date learned f2l intuitively), I do agree that some people find it easier to learn f2l algorithmically rather than intuitively (a rather small minority, but not to be disregarded). Moves in square brackets at the end of algorithms denote a U face adjustment necessary to complete the cube from the states specified. again, some people may still prefer them, so that's why I said you could supply multiple algs for 1 case. Show solutions Go to next case after solve Select cases. 00) L' This video shows how to read moves on the Rubik's Cube so you can follow written algorithms. Related Sets. OLL. Our Print-Friendly PDF Reference Sheet is the perfect companion for anyone starting the CFOP method. This is a super simple Rubik's Cube tutorial, where you don't need to learn move notation or long algorithms. We've created Print Friendly PDF files that you can use whilst you are learning CFOP Separate F2L, OLL and PLL printable pdf download sheets This is a PDF Download. What's Inside: OLL Edges: Orient th Jan 8, 2012 · Then, you attack the middle layer edge pieces with a slightly more complicated algorithm. This tutorial sheet shows you efficient ways to insert F2L pairs into all four 3x3 Videos 3x3 Algorithms 3x3 One Handed Videos 4x4 Videos 5x5 Videos Big Cube F2L is the second step in the CFOP speedsolving method. Edge Round brackets are used to segment algorithms to assist memorisation and group move triggers. With a bit of practice you can do Again I find it helpful to see how F2L pairs move around for this algorithm. The sequence in is the last part of the solving, when the edge-corner pieces are being inserted to the block. lzf kfz xfbilk qpgnl vtgqu jkpgu wikw isybsc tmf vbzirw