10dpo bfn 11dpo bfp. I'm in the same boat thinking I have lost my mind.
10dpo bfn 11dpo bfp I am 10 - 11 dpo today. 5 April 2011 = BFN 25mg Clomid / Progesterone Congratulations! I really hope this happens for me, I just tested today at 13DPO and got BFN. With my first, I got a vvfl at 9 DPO and a BFP at 10 DPO. ” ‒ Ellie “Im 10 DPO and still no period after being off birth control pill for a little over a month. Share Sort by: Tiny bit of spotting 9dpo very light pink, nothing 10dpo and the 10 DPO: What to expect, and how to tell if you’re pregnant; 12 DPO: What to expect, and how to tell if you’re pregnant If you get a BFN at 11 DPO but still suspect you might be pregnant, wait a few days and test again. You can test negative at 10 DPO and still be pregnant. and then get a positive? My successful IUI had a pretty good line at 10dpiui. I’m hopeful that I’m still not out. DPO 12 and yesterday was BFN. Anyone get a BFN at 10 dpo and then a BFP later on? 11 dpo +? Latest: 2 years ago | dsharp7. Lots of saliva. So now when I’m seeing a BFN at 9 dpo, 10 dpo, 11 dpo and 12 dpo I’m thinking I’m out, AF coming. Same with this morning CD 28 red spotting when using the loo. Latest: 6 days ago | mommy-19-22. I have been getting some faint positives on Wondfo brand for the past two days. Today I’m 13dpo and tested this morning with FMU, still BFN. Close menu. com has a breakdown of % for FRER on their site. Latest: 6 days 10 DPO - mild nausea, temp spiked higher than any temps since O. DD is 14mo now. Then today, 13 DPO I decided to take a FRER test and, what!!??! BFP at 13 dpo!I’m feeling scared though So for everyone searching "bfn on 11dpo then bfp" like I was, here ya go! :) Archived post. I had spotting after sex on 10dpo I got a BFN at 9 or 10dpo last cycle and then a faint positive that turned a little more positive and a digital positive at 11dpo. ocmama. I knew it Got a bfn at 10 dpo today and feeling like I’m out. “I had a BFN at 10 DPO then my BFP at 12 DPO!” ‒ Claire; You may also be pregnant and 11dpo- bad back, wet cm, sore legs, fatigue 10 dpo BFP! Since my BFP I've had twinges on and off all day. You may just Very faint BFP on 10 dpo using another 10 miu test. " He said implantation closer to 9 Anyone get stark white negatives up until 11dpo and then go on to get a bfp at 12, 13, or 14dpo? Just really in need of success stories after seeing all these mamas getting bfps at 9 & 10 dpo Transferred two beautiful blasts. Currently 7w2d and morning sickness is in full swing 🤢 good luck x Tested - BFN! Lol I know! Still constipated, Lower back really hurting especially in the car. Anyone still get bfp even w stark white tests this close to af and also never have any pregnancy symptoms before their bfp ? My friend tested everyday from 10dpo didn't get bfp till 15dpo on a frer. Hahaha! Yesterday at 10 dpo I got a bfn and this morning at 11 dpo I got a BFP! Some ladies never get a BFP but have to get a pos from blood work. I took my ovidrel shot that night followed by TI for 3 days. What does it mean if you get a BFN 11 DPO? What symptoms at 11 DPO lead to a BFP? For most women, 11 DPO is too early to feel any pregnancy symptoms. This day I am convinced AF will show up the next day and I am so devastated. I 'knew' I was pregnant as I had a few symptoms. Positive beta at BFP Chart! I posted this before and someone said it looked like a chemical because of the steep drop on the day I got my first positive (10 DPO). Thanks so much to the OP and you ladies for being brave enough to share and post your story. So totally possible!!! Like. January 11, 2025 | by missbabymama. I don't have any symptoms except cramps off and on just light ones. Share Sort by: I just got this wonderful news a few hours ago. 4 days later she still hadn't arrived so i tested again at 19DPO and got my BFP! Funny thing is when i checked the FRER i had taken on 15DPO there was a line - 4 days later!! that definitely was not there at the time i tested. I ovulated 11/9 and got a BFN this morning (11dpo). Feel disappointed. Quote React Add post in my last pregnancy go BFN at 12 DPO but BFP at 14 DPO - so yes I suppose some people will test At 11 DPO, you’re at an important milestone in your cycle. I tested yesterday on a Walmart cheapie and got a BFN (faint line 9dpo - FRER bfn 10dpo - ASDA bfn 11dpo - CLEARBLUE bfn then evap line 12 dpo - FRER very very very faint line after 7 minutes , thought possible evap It was about 10 dpo and then got a BFP at 15dpo. Boobs hurt alot around 9dpo and only slight aches now. 10 DPO and positive pregnancy test (BFP) Waiting two weeks before taking a pregnancy test obviously gives the most accurate results, but it’s still possible to get a BFP at 10 DPO. seoj Our family of four Joined Aug 11, 2010 Messages 12,523 With my son I got a BFP at 8DPO, this pregnancy I got BFN's until 11DPO and this time it's triplets! IzzyAnt88 Well-Known Member. Period 9-11 days late. I had a bfn at 11dpo then got a bfp at 12dpo. Anyone test early, get a negative, and then a BFP? Negative beta at 11 dpo (9dp2dt). I feel it more in my upper tummy almost diaphragm. butterfly917 @BHefner16, well that’s inspiring! Like. 13dpo and BFN - how accurate? Mrs R17. one miscarriage and one cp. Very faint BFP 9dpo & 10dpo. sweetpea0711 With both my babes I got BFN's until 11 DPO with one and 14 DPO with the other : ) If I were you, I would just wait a few days and then test. In Trying to Conceive. Joined Mar 3, 2013 Messages 1,878 Reaction 10 DPO and BFN this morning and yesterday. 'Hi so today I’m 11dpo and took a FRER BFN. She's now almost 2! 9 dpo is way too early to count yourself out! I’m also 10DPO due Friday/Saturday! TTC baby number 2 were 4. I got a BFN at 10 DPO and then went on to get a BFP at 13 DPO (I didn't test on 11 or 12 DPO). D&C at 9w1d. Reply reply I'm in the same situation! 10dpo yesterday, . I had stark white neg 10dpo and frer pos 13dpo. Just I’m definitely a symptom spotter and obsessive tester so I took notes during my TWW leading up until I got my BFP. Relieving to hear other people feel whacko. I tested with FMU today, but not for my BFP's. I just wanted to share my personal notes because I know I was googling everyday ️ This was our first cycle TTC baby #2, I started taking prenatals, eating a healthy diet, tracking with OPKs and drinking raspberry leaf tea daily. With my first I got a bfn at 11dpo and BFP on 12dpo, both FRERs! -inactive account- I sure hope so, I took a dollar store cheapie and FRER at 11 dpo BFN, I waited until 14 dpo today on dollar store test and still BFN. Took a clearblue digital this morning bfn :(. I tested again this morning and while it was darker it was still really faint as well. Hey there, I'm 10 DPO maybe 11. Anyone got a bfn on one of these tests around this time and went on to get a bfp?🙏 I got a BFN from days 7-14 post ovulation (I know, I couldn't help it!) in my last pregancy, with all sorts of tests, including FR after 10 days PO and tests sensitive to 10mls. Is it still too early to get a BFP?? I have PCOS and have Thank you! I’m also confused as I’m on another forum where nobody seems to get BFPs until 14dpo ish and 12dpo is considered early days but over here 10dpo onwards is considered late for a definitive bfp. Wishing you a nice BFP! When are you testing? Hayley_Shaw Newly pregnant with #3. JessandJeremy member. 11dpo today, . I'm now 5+2 and have only very mild symptoms - cramping, wind, mildly tender boobs and today I'm starting to go off my food. BFN - 9 & 11 dpo. Backache subsiding. o. I'm quickly losing hope but maybe we'll get lucky . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. December 2009. wildchic Mom of 1 + Twins. This test was my positive at 11 dpo. ORIGINAL POST: I’m feeling sad and reaching out for input from this great community. Took a HCG blood test on tues and it came back negative. I tested 11 DPO and got a BFN, then tested 13 DPO (the day before AF was due) and got my BFP. “I had a no on 10 DPO but a positive on 11 DPO. Has anyone had a similar chart and ended up with a BFP? I’m worried breastfeeding is making it harder for implantation HPT accuracy DPO 10 dpo : 35% 11 dpo : 51% 12 dpo : 62% 13 dpo : 68% 14 dpo : Both BFN IVF #1: 10/16/13 BFP, however it was not viable and ended in an early loss at 7weeks. So I tested yesterday, even in the middle of the day, and got a faint BFP on a FRER. I've done 3 Internet cheapie, CB digital and 2 First responses (going a bit mad 😭) the last few days. This morning was a BFN. If you are at 13 DPO with pregnancy symptoms and no period, a bfp should occur. Keep in mind that if you test before AF is "due", you're very likely to see a BFN even if you are KU. 10chant90. test again tomorrow! x. Gassy. All of my My 10 DPO easy@home brand test was 100% negative. I am so hopeful and excited for you, sounds like you're getting a BFP! I I'm now 11dpo and these have been my symptoms: 1-7dpo bloated and feeling a bit sluggish, cramping, a few vivid dreams 8dpo woke up so so dizzy and light headed, cramping 9dpo spotting (still a bit dizzy), dreamt of BFP 10dpo very emotional, fatigue, slight nausea 11dpo feeling really nauseous now! Very fatigued. A few days ago tested at 10 dpo and 11 dpo and there wasn’t even the faintest line. vcadams0904 Let me hear your 11 dpo and later bfp stories! January 13, 2025 | by SRRD. Because the hCG level is going to increase and it will increase up to 49%. :( I'm counting my o day as 2nd peak reading on cbfmso I could be 10 dpo right? Today is going to be a long day!!! Anyone BFN 9 DPO and BFP 10 DPO? sbjohns My FMU test this morning was stark negative at 9 DPO. Third picture is four tests (top tests of each brand being the 13dpo and bottom of each brand being like 11dpo clearly BFN). I'm due to start between 17-19. (aka implantation happens) between 8 – 10 DPO. aplms. My last pregnancy, I got my BFP (a squinter on a pregmate strip) at 10dpo. Loading the player DemoDoll member. Report as Inappropriate. Started feeling discouraged because I’ve seen plenty of posts in this group from women who got BFP at 9 and 10 DPO. Like they say. Don't lose hope! i. If you take a pregnancy test and get a BFN at 10 DPO, you should test again at a later HPT accuracy DPO 10 dpo : 35% 11 dpo : 51% 12 Report 0 Reply. Report 0 Reply. Sharing in case this is helpful to anyone. Reply. Was supposed to start my period on the 12th and haven't been late in over a year. I haven't had many symptoms, the main one being dull achy cramping since 6 DPO (spotting). Usually 8 dpo is the bfn. This time I had BFN Tested on either the 10th or 11th and it was negative. 10 dpo - BFN - Cramping and lower back pain, barely noticeable pains in BB's. Tested on a frer and saw my BFP. I've had so many baby dreams. I am positive you can get a BFN on 11dpo and still get a BFP before AF shows. Pinkmooon. 10 DPO (it’s possible, though rare, for implantation to occur as early as 6 DPO). Next day got a clear positive on FRER. Still having symptoms. BFN on a Wondfo and FRER this morning. 1. However, 11 DPO may not give accurate results on the confirmation of pregnancy, instead focused symptoms, because it is still considered early to give a positive pregnancy result. Some people do not get a BFP before 13-14 DPO, so I say you are not out till you get your AF. 13 dpo I took one on a whim and it was a bfp! This time I did not think I was preggo, took a test 13 dpo and it was questionable. From 3 days past ovulation I’ve had really sore nipples, few days after weird dreams, creamy like discharge, few days ago had some mild stomach cramps and have just felt off Has anyone really had a bfn on 12dpo (frer) and gotten a bfp after? s. BFN on 9-10 DPO, BFP on 11-12!! Reply reply Possible_Library2699 • I got a positive on pregmate test strips at 10dpo, definitely was still negative at 9 According to my app I got a BFN 11DPO and then tested again 13DPO and got vvfl Reply reply Otherwise-Pea2106 Implantation usually happens on 8-10 DPO. Pinkmooon Original I got a BFN at 10dpo, but then a faint BFP at 11dpo! Like. (BFN in A. So last night (12dpo), I got what I think is a pretty clear BFP on a first response, but this afternoon I took a clear blue digital and it said “not pregnant”. I'm the same 12 dpo and supposed to get AF on Friday. But yeah that temp drop plus another BFN is starting to feel pretty ominous - Got a bfn at 10 dpo today and feeling like I’m out. So my presumed 11 DPO might only be 10 DPO. 11 DPO: Signs, Symptoms & What I have PCOS so my cycles are anywhere from 30-56 days. Quote I had a BFN at 10dpo and faint line at 11DPO. inkdmommyof2. You're not out 'til you're out! All pregnancy tests have different sensitivity, and your hcg concentration in urine changes on many factors. For your BFP was that the first day you tested or did you test before and get BFN? I think I'm around 9 DPO but BFN so far, not sure if this is the end for me. Latest: 3 days ago | mommy-19-22. Any update? Got a bfn at 10 dpo today and feeling like I’m out. HCG doubles in your system every two days but is building up in your system all day if you are pregnant. BFP - 14 dpo. 10 dpo - BFP!!! 11 dpo - sometimes so hungry and would eat everything, then couldn't even look at food. Early pregnancy signs and symptoms. I am 14dpo. I'll link the source in an edit in a second. I took at test at 7 dpo, and got a BFN. I'm using so many different tests, convincing myself cruely that it'll make a How Early Can I Expect to See a BFP? HPT accuracy by DPO: 10 dpo : 35% 11 dpo : 51% 12 dpo : 62% 13 dpo : 99% So if you are pregnant, there is still a 65% chance that you'll get a BFN at 10 This is an important period as many pregnancy symptoms may occur as soon as 6 to 10 DPO. My first pregnancy I got a bfn at 9fpo and a bfp at 11dpo. January 2012. 11 DPO symptoms leading to BFP (Big Fat Positive) While every pregnancy is different, some women who get their BFP 8 DPO - mild nausea. Creamy CM. I did that last pregnancy too and had the same thing happen. M, white creamy CM. Last night I even had a dream I was breastfeeding. 6/5/13 - Adopted four new embryos that had been frozen for seven years! 9/12/13 - DEmbryo FET #2. If I remember correctly, implantation 12 DPO or later has an 80% rate of miscarriage. 🥹. Fertilityfriend. Our charts are kind of 10 dpo BFN but BFP after? give me hope please ! July 11, 2022 | by tarah1115. I would like to hear from ladies who got a BFN at 13dpo or later followed by a BFP please. Thawed and transferred two beautiful blasts 9/17/13 BFN at 11dpo today, no symptoms whatsoever, stark white test. I temp and OPK and I still feel like my O date could be a day off. Did anyone get a BFP after such a thing? My breasts are really sore and full, which is unusual for me, so I can't help but be hopeful. Hoping a BFP is still to come. Started testing at 7 DPO (I just couldn't help it) and got a BFP at 10 DPO. AF is due on 8/28. More specifically, it happened at 12dpo or more. I am also not crampy today, and typically I get very bad cramps for a couple looking for some hope! Did you get your BFP after 11DPO and a BFN? 8DPO - obvious faint line on CB (classed as neg) did a frer was BFN 10DPO - continued with my one step. 11 dpo too and still bfn it's heart breaking especially since I was so sure! Down to 1 frer and one cb weeks not to mention ff friend says I start Tuesday but ovia sys Friday 😳 End of comments Trying to stay hopeful and positive, and I look forward to reading some more positive stories from BFN - faint BFP - DD / DS!! 😀. Article contents: This doesn’t mean that you definitely won’t receive a 10 DPO BFP result- as some women do receive positive pregnancy test results at this time. Featured content New posts New media New media comments New resources. Good luck! 10 DPO- Spot reddish/brown once in the afternoon (BFN in AM) Dizziness in the A. I then took another test on 10dpo in the afternoonbfn and then one on 11 dpo using fmu and Anyone get a bfn 12 dpo and end up getting a bfp that cycle?Been trying to conceive for a year and a half. I need to hear some success stories of people getting their BFP after 10 DPO. 11 DPO: BFN. 1 of 3 Go to page. Trying for a baby. It happens every month this way, this month at one point my breasts actually had burning sensation and I got a bfn today at 10 dpo. Anyone get a bfn on a frer at 11dpo and bfp later? Agh! So disappointed. Show 4 Previous Comments. 10-11DPO cramping but BFN - has anyone got a BFP after this???? CM before period VS CM in early pregnancy. I done one this morning using FMU and positive again! I know I’m basically out this month but I still find myself googling “11dpo BFN but 12dpo BFP” I’m officially crazy and spinning out of control 😂 Archived post. Then got my BFP on day 15 and it was twins! How common is it to get a bfp after testing daily and getting bfn throughout 12 dpo? I have heard a few stories but how common is it really? I've never been an early tester, and I've never been one to track everything so I'm not sure if I would have tested positive before AF or not. 16 DPO, BFN but late period. First photo, waited two more days and got a darker frer bfp (pictured with the Nenababy9 ~ I'm 12dpo today and waaay too freaked out to test. 10 DPO BFN. Go I am 10 DPO today too. Joined Oct 28, 2008 I know even if I test tomorrow it will proberly be a BFN as with dd and ds I didn't get a BFP till later on. Ordered 10 ICs and 2 FRERs off eBay today Ordered 10 ICs and 2 FRERs off eBay today Going to try not to test again this evening and hold off til tomorrow morning but I'm an addict, what can i say Anyone got a bfn 11dpo and still been pregnant any advice appreciated please. I tested today a got the faintest of faint lines. With my yds, I didn't get a bfp until 17 dpo on a frer. If I decide to have anymore babies after this one I will not be testing on 10dpo. Edit: This study puts it Hey everyone! I am about 13dpo today. I believe I'm about 10DPO and have have very light spotting that's brownish pink for about 5 days now. Everyone is different. 9dpo and 5 days until AF due. Bizkitty RN. Hi ladies. I got a dye stealer on 13 DPO, and my beta today is 634. I had low (under 10) pDg at 8-10DPO. How can AF show up 4 days early? 10 dpo BFN, BFP after? y. 2/16/13 - First BFP of my life @ 6dp5dt! EDD 10/30/13 3/27/13 - After beta and u/s hell, no heartbeat ever detected. This is my second cycle using Inito. Today I was 2 days late of my period (I have a 28day cycle). Joined Apr 21, 2010 Messages 381 So I tested yesterday morning at 10DPO on a FRER using FMU. 10 DPO - mild nausea, temp spiked higher than any temps since O. Both what seemed like faint lines UPDATE: AF arrived on Thanksgiving, 14dpo. Got a bfp on Friday at 11 dpo. expecting a big fat positive or BFP at 11 DPO may not be the best idea Faint BFP 10dpo then a BFN 11dpo. 9 dpo is a squinter, then 10 dpo it's a bfp Reply reply lindsaybethhh • First pregnancy 10 dpo (MMC), second pregnancy 9 dpo (CP), and third pregnancy 12dpo (successful pregnancy). Got my bfp 15 dpo (the day my period was due). Confirmed with a First Response Gold Digital later that afternoon. DO NOT test before AF is due if you cannot emotionally/mentally handle seeing a BFN. Watery CM, small amount of blood (pink). I hope AF doesn't show for you. Report as I was 10 DPO with both. Then on 11dpo I had a faint line, then on 12dpo I had a strong line on two different tests and a positive on a CB digi. I was 12dpo when I got my BFP. Don't want to lose hope but a little bit deflated as I've had SO many symptoms. Dr said i tested too soon. v. easier said than done tho! Got bfn at 10dpo and i feel like af is coming let us know how you get on. AF is due Sunday for me. Anonymous. Hi, I didn't test at 10dpo but did test at 11dpo and it came up as a big BFP. He wants me to wait 5-10 days from when AF was supposed to show. 9 DPO - BFN 10 DPO - BFN 11 DPO - BFN 12 DPO - BFN 13 DPO - BFN 14 DPO - BFN 15 DPO - BFN 16 DPO - BFP (So faint I thought I was making it up. I have felt that this cycle was mine since I ovulated. Most pregnancy tests indicate your hCG levels even before your period is due. Took pregnancy test this 11 DPO BFN and I’m so down . No pad necessary, just when I wipe. I had a very similar-looking chart last cycle, with a dip at 10 DPO and AF arriving on 11 DPO. Got my BFP the following morning at 11dpo using first morning urine 😁 like you, with a negative at 10dpo i thought i was out. Any BFP stories after BFN at 10dpo out there ? Taking a pregnancy test at 10 DPO can yield a Big Fat Positive (BFP), especially if sensitive tests pick up on rising hCG levels, which can happen if implantation occurs. I got a BFN on 10/20 (about 13 DPO) and got my BFP on 10/25. I suppose after being on here for a while and seeing so many bfps at 6 DPO: sore breasts - BFN 7 DPO: sore breasts - BFN 8 DPO: sore breasts - BFN 9 DPO: sore breasts – BFN 10 DPO: sore breasts / BFN / a gush of dark pink watery CM in the evening / twinges in the uterus area, not painful. The tests are stark white. help? Trying for a baby. I noticed I had more cm on 8dpo than I normally do. But I got a negative FRER at 13dpo. I don't normally have much cervical mucus at any given time during my cycle. 11dpo bfp but also getting period cramps. Reply reply 10 DPO BFN 26 replies aa99 I'm also 10 DPO and got a BFN today. Hi all! I am going CRAZY! Need thoughts and advice. I’ve had some signs the past week and a spiked temperature of 1 degree as of 2 days ago. small amounts of If you are at 11 DPO instead, you can read our article: 11 DPO Pregnancy Symptoms. Also I had a neg with a Clearblue Dig, and a pos with a Tesco's cheapie. AmandaScarlett member. I am holding out hope that this is a viable pregnancy. @mcgeelisha, I just got a bfp I'm not sure how many dpo I am I think I am 14 or 15 and was getting bfn's until today. 11 dpo - BFN - Now today I thought, I KNOW I AM!!! My lower back hurt all across not just one side. Stuffy and runny nose - thought I was catching a cold. m. I've tested every day and gotten a BFN. Any women who got a BFN at 10 DPO or later and went on to get a BFP - Please share your line profession photos!THANK YOU!!! Yup me! Tested before bed at 10dpo and stark white. 3 days late too. Did some research and learned that getting a BFP doesn’t depend on how many dpo you are, it depends on when your egg implants, and that’s why some women get a 9 DPO - bloated, tender BBs, increased appetite, irritability and fatigue - BFN 10 DPO - bloated, tender BBs, frequent urination, skin break out and fatigue I got my BFP today at 11 DPO on an 88 cent Walmart cheapie and just confirmed this evening with an EPT digital (pregnant showed up in less than a minute!) I got a squinter at 10 dpo *Update- Spotting 10dpo, BFP on 11dpo!* Thread starter lovelymiss; Start date Jul 4, 2013; Forums New posts 1; 2; 3; Next. Bloated, small headaches, breast pain coming back but less than before. No faint line or shadow, just stark white. And to be honest, my apps are all over and the vvvfl on 11dpo 'So today I'm 11 DPO for the past few days I've had loads of symptoms such as headaches, feeling tired, nausea, cramps. Am now 18 weeks along. gabbbrielllaa I had a stark negative yesterday at 8DPO and a positive at 9DPO! Got a bfn at 10 dpo today and feeling like I’m out. I know it's still early but that doesn't stop me from losing hope. Latest: 4 days ago | mommy-19-22. pDg went up afternoon of 10DPO. I got a bfn and was totally bummed. M) Hey :) I'm 11 dpo today also. The past few days, I’ve had off and on cramping, so been praying that those could I’m 37 years old trying for a second baby. I just tested BFN! Keep me posted! I just tested today at 10 DPO and got a BFN. Jaybug0115 Well-Known Member I'm currently 11 dpo and 3 days before af. I was just so sure by 10 dpo this cycle I’d have my pink line back. Broke down and started testing yesterday, of course BFN. It can rarely happen later, but it isn't likely to result in a healthy pregnancy. BFN. 11 DPO - temp still higher than "pre-dip" temps, slight cramping in lower abdomen that comes and goes. Hey I got my faint bfp for my little girl at 9 dpo on frer x. I'm 10dpo and have been testing with easy@home tests. The last few nights i have been having the most vivid dreams, lower backache, the weirdest feeling i have this time around is quick, Got a bfn at 10 dpo today and feeling like I’m out. This means if you experience implantation at 9 DPO, by 11 DPO your BFP then BFN!!!???? Can anyone help me please? Early pregnancy signs and symptoms. I’m 11 dpo today and AF due Saturday. DPO 11 & 12 BFN so hoping DPO 15 will be BFP Yes. Gizmo1921, I too thought I was on 11 DPO but when I look back I think I am 10 DPO, I just posted, but then I saw your post and we're in the same boat. December 2011 in Pregnant after IF. And with IVF you can be much more certain of your ovulation date. I went to shower a lil while ago and noticed that I have blue veins running down Trying to stay hopeful after a stark white test at 10 DPO. It has slowly but continually darkened. I kind of hate that I got a positive this I'm officially 12 DPO this morning. BabyBeanzz I tested 10 dpo on a cheap test and bfn, 11dpo tested again and got a faint line so tested with first response to make sure and bfp. . Been googling for positive stories of 11dpo and bfn but then bfp later as well 😂 Thanks for all the replies. 10 DPO a faint shadow on an IC test backache from HELL 11 DPO BACKACHE IS GOING TO KILL ME 12 DPO IC tests faint but there, small amounts of yellowy CM. PCOS Dx June 2016 BFP #1 8/4/2015, Possible to get bfp after stark white bfn 11dpo? Any hope or advice will be MUCH appreciated. I got my BFP 11 DPO Last time I got a bfn at 14 days and then a bfp at 16 days:) Your still early hun! try and hold off for a few days. Now a strapping 18 month old. sadly it ended up being a chemical pregnancy, but it all depends on how your own body works and someone could get their BFP early and others won't get one until they are like 2 weeks past their period. With my first I felt very dizzy and swore I was preggo 10 dpo. Hope you get your bfp hun xx. Hysteroscopy 2/2011 50mg Clomid / Progesterone 77. Very sad. I'm 1 day late and I'm either 12 or 13dpo. I'm currently 11dpo today and still have stark white bfn, but I know Anyone have a BFN at 10dpo and then a BFP. 11 DPO- Spot only while checking CP(never made it to toilet paper), Random right ovary pains, No more spotting in the P. Then it tapered off. 15DPO BFN turned 16DPO BFP!! a. Advertisement | page continues below BFN 11dpo from First Response then BFP? p. January 02, 2025 | by anniess. Later this afternoon I had EWCM the stretchy kind, but I KNOW I ovulated Even though I know with full certainty that a BFN at 10 DPO doesn't mean a thing, I still get discouraged, so I wanted to offer some encouragement to other I tested at 8dpo and got a BFN and then my husband knocked my boobs by accident when hugging me at 10dpo and I got a sharp pain unlike anything I had experienced before so I tested and got a BFP. Posted 11-10-11. May 2016 edited May 2016 in Trying to Get Pregnant. S. I started testing at 8,9,10 and 11 dpo and got BFN's every day. I had a heap of EWCM 3/4/5 DPO though so I’m wondering if today is actually 10dpo not 13 (or even less), I’m really hoping that’s the case although I had OV pains when I thought I ovulated but I never get EWCM so getting it later on maybe I ovulated late. With my first pregnancy, I got negatives on first responses until I was 2 days late. First Response BFP, Clear Blue Digital BFN? wifemamarn. Xx. Fingers crossed for you xx Hi All,So I got my first bfp yesterday for this cycle yesterday at 10dpo and it was super faint! I almost threw it in the trash. In an analysis of over 93,000 menstrual cycles, only 10% of pregnancies showed a positive at 10 DPO. I had a very faint line at 10 dpo. At 11dpo my husband could see it too although it was still really faint. 11 DPO - temp still higher than "pre-dip" temps, slight Even with a positive test on 11DPO(6DP5DT) the miscarriage rates are only 26% (most people in that cohort are having a successful pregnancy. I feel like I’m out, but trying to have hope. ) 17 DPO - BFP (Still super faint but we got a digital test that was a BFP!) So don't lose hope! I did but I kept testing and it turned out that my BFP was late! I tested this morning at 11dpo and it was bfn:( Home. It was 100% BFN. I'm in the same boat thinking I have lost my mind. But, I know there’s got to be a big group of people that don’t actually get positives until closer to their missed period. Given that. I thought I had all kinds of symptoms Congrats! I like stories where you get a BFN on a late-ish dpo and then a BFP the next day! Reply reply I’m also a bit bloated, but not overly so. This is what I sawthoughts???Crossing I'm new here and i'm 11dpo and took a test this am and got a BFN. Quote AF type cramps still here though. I would of been due my period in yes me! I had a BFN all the way from 11 DPO to 15DPO, then i gave up and thought AF is definitely coming. 10 DPO, implantation bleeding, and BFN. M briefly. 13DPO Did a first response, came straight up! As did CB Digital. I had BFN on 8dpo, 9dpo and with FMU on 10dpo. Does anyone have success stories of getting a BFN 10 dpo and still got a BFP after? Original poster's comments (3) 3. Have you had and BFP after 10DPO? If Today i am 11dpo at 10dpo i took a test and it was a BFN. BFN 11DPO - one step and frer. Ovulated 8th (EWCM and positive opk smiley ) bd lots before and after. Archived post. BFN this morning when I woke up. Report 0 Reply I've tested tonight using a 6 day early clearblue and got a bfn. Gl! s. I did get a BFP early on, 8 dpo with my son, and 10 dpo this time, but I know I implant on the early side. AF cramps are Does anyone have success stories of getting a BFN 10 dpo and still got a BFP after? Yep, I got a bfn in the morning of my 10dpo and thought I was out. I have been With my daughter I didn't get even the faintest line until 11 dpo. Tested again tonight at 11DPO using an ultra early Clearblue, another BFN. 11 DPO I got my first vvvfl on the same brand. Second photo, I took the two cheapies and again saw a hint of a line on 14dpo so went to get a frer and got a faint bfp in that pic. Sadly my last pregnancy ended in a chemical but I had a BFN at 10 dpo, vvvvvfl at 11 dpo that would probably be missed by some, and a BFP at 12 dpo! Don’t lose hope!! Like. It was negative so at least the trigger is out of my system. Need some happy stories. tested bfn last night so I’m trying to hold off testing again til tomorrow! Af not due til Thursday so it’s still early I have noticed my breasts have been getting sore right around ovulation until my af comes. BFP 7/31/10 m/c 8/16/10 BFP 10/25/10 Brynn Helen born 7/7/11 If you get a BFN at 10 DPO, take the test again in a couple of days or after your period is due for more accurate results. I am feeling super bummed as I thought I was having lots of symptoms. Of course after I got the BFP I went back through the trash can in the bathroom and found the old test and believe it or not, there was I feel the same way. EXTREME I got negatives on 9dpo, 10dpo & 11 dpo and then on 12 dpo I got my first faint positive. Experience sharp cramping evening of 10DPO. 11dpo here [emoji1373] BFN on 10dpo AF due on Friday! No symptoms but didn’t get any with my other pregnancies other than being so thirsty 10 DPO: BFN. Bfp I tested at 15 dpo (and 3 times before at 11dpo, 12 dpo and 13dpo) and got a bfn, i didnt test again until 18dpo when i started to get pregnancy symptoms and i got a very clear bfp Good luck and baby dust! Woke up CD 27 with some red spotting when using the loo. Have hope and keep the faith :) It can still happen! I had 3 BFP's at 11 DPO and today at 13 DPO a BFN. Got a faint BFP. If bleeding doesn’t get stronger I’m going to test in a couple days assuming this is implantation bleeding. The bfn was on a mega old test though, not sure if it would have expired or was just too early. You can test again in another few days to a week just to confirm. Took another test on the 15th which I had a BFN on what I thought was 11dpo but then started getting the positives from 14dpo. When you test So if you got a BFP at 11 DPO, congratulations! That means you are definitely pregnant. If you get a clear negative (BFN) at 10 DPO, consider retesting after your expected period or in a few days for more definitive results. I don't think I can get a BFP before 11dpo. Report as Inappropriate I’m on 10 dpo today. sweetpea0711. and then I thought AF was starting but then the spotting was gone. Im 14 dpo and still getting BFN. Forums. Inactive. So frigging excited Counted myself out after BFN’s for the past few days, not a hint of a line at 15dpo but woke up to this BFP this morning 16dpo. 10DPO. Stark white, not even a hint of anything. Got pregnant first cycle with DD but that was 10 years ago and with a different partner. 5 years trying. Posted 10-04-23. If you got your bfp at 11 dpo or later let’s hear about it! I’d also love to know any symptoms you did or didn’t have. I've had cramping and some twinges. Feeling anxious too seeing everyone get their BFP at like 11DPO. you are not out until af shows up. I never got into all the temping so can help from that front but i would say hold on hope, 10 DPO and BFN this morning and yesterday. I tested at 11dpo and got a BFN, then waited til 15dpo to test because DH was out of town and I was too scared to test without him home. What's new. M. This cycle I've had symptoms I've never had before and was convinced it was my month DS1 born 2/14 TTC #2 since December 2014 May 2015 unassisted BFP ended in m/c at 7wks April 2016 FET #1 = BFN June 2016 FET #2 = c Honestly, I wouldn't put any stock in spotting at 10 or 11 DPO because you'll drive yourself nuts over-analyzing it. Last edited 05-19-14. I'm pretty confident in my ovulation date. Hi, yes i had a bfn at 10 dpo and 12dpo and then a bfp at 14dpo day af was due. 10 dpo faint line, 11 dpo BFP! Last post for this cycle’s troll chart, started spotting late yesterday with BFN 10-12DPO. I had absolutely nothing on 10dpo - not even a faint line. Youngmamie. Then I tested again this morning Im pretty sure my luteal phase is 10ish days based on when i tracked my ovulation and conceived my first - i got a bfp 9 dpo with a first response digital, bfn 10 dpo on a Walgreens brand, 3 bfps 12 dpo with a variety of others i had on hand. Karen - I am 11 dpo and thought I was out this a. x. 9 DPO - tired, temp dropped 4/10 from usual dpo temps. IVF #2: Feb '14 Cancelled. If I'm honest I'm not feeling very positive about this month, but just wondered if there were any other ladies out there similar to me that went on to get a BFP a few days later? Lol. you aren't out until AF shows! Hi everyone,I'm new here, but have been reading everyone's helpful posts for a while now. The bloating is a real struggle. Am I out ? AF due sat 21st (2 days time) don't feel any symptoms. New posts Search forums. Thanks to everyone who contributed. Increased CM it is sometimes clear but mostly white and alot of it. I'm still 4 days away from AF date, so I'm either 11dpo or 12 dpo, depending when I ovulated. I'm 11 DPO now and took an at home test this morning. 13 dpo bfn then bfp. Right nipple twinges. DPO & BFP. Although, I was pregnant with twins, (but lost one as pregnancy progressed) so that may be why I had a faint 10 dpo. Normal AF for me so I'm not POAS until at least Saturday. Like. The egg reaches the uterus at 5dpo and can then take I tested today at 10 DPO and kind of dissapointed it was negative, I'm having stronger symptoms the last 2 or 3 days. If it still shows a bfn, you need not worry. Some people don't test positive on at home pg tests until they're like 4-8 weeks pg!!! Crazy!! Hi has anyone been bfn negative at 11dpo then all of a sudden got a bfplosing hope on ever getting pregnant 😪so hard Has anyone been bfn at 11dpo then all of a sudden got a bfp 14 replies Bex4567 With DD I got BFP I got a BFN this morning at 11 dpo and was so disappointed. BFN at 10 dpo and then yesterday at 11dpo the faintest positive which darkened a bit in the afternoon after a long hold! I also thought I was completely out when I got a bfn, especially since my only symptom seems to be lack of symptoms. When implantation occurs at 11 DPO or later, the risk of early pregnancy loss increases dramatically. Ivf very early pregnancy bleeding ( in 3 week after embryo transfer). Wasn't too concerned because i knew it was still early. Good luck xx . Good I'm curious if anyone has any success stories of getting bfn until a certain day and then started getting bfp. So I took a test late at night yesterday at 11DPO and it came back positive, I took a digital and the same. Learn more about what to expect at 11 DPO and early pregnancy symptoms with Flo. I’m 10 DPO today, and got a BFN this I got a BFN at 10dpo and a BFP at 11dpo. September 10, 2023 | by rainbowbaby96. Took a test this morning at work, 11 dpo (I know, silly, but I couldn't wait a second longer). p. I'm having I got my bfp at 11dpo on Friday. 6. Seeing a BFN on a pregnancy test at any stage can feel crushing. How many days post trigger show for a medicated cycle did you get your BFP? I’m getting 10 dpo: slight queezyness, tired as soon as i woke, no cm? faint bfp! 11 dpo: off my food, small amount of cm, cervix soft and closed tested in am another (3-4 days before af) ellaandcallum 2dpo I know it would be too early to get symptoms as there is no way implantation would of occured yet. After 5. I had bfn at 9dpo then Bfp at 11dpo if that helps? Quote React Add post I had a negative 10 dpo, a faint positive 11 dpo, then an implantation bleed at 12 dpo, then retested at 14 dpo (day 28) and got a strong positive line. Still getting BFNs but hoping for that positive! Like. Took the test again 9dpo - BFN am feel like symptoms going away, bad feeling AF is just round the corner :( cramped stopped . 06/02/2014 at 11:46 am. With my last pregnancy (ended oN 1/7) I didn't get a bfp until 14 dpo on a frer. I did the same as yougot a BFN on FRER this a. 19/02/2019 at 7:08 pm. Half of my tests were negative and half positive. Is there really any hope? Seems like I should at least have a squinter at this point. Go to homepage By 12 DPO, if you are truly pregnant, you are likely to get a BFP (which stands for “big fat positive” AKA a positive pregnancy test). Recommended BFN on 10DPO with a FRE, then night of 12DPO started getting intense cramps, which I got with prior pregnancy, so I tested 13DPO in am. Feeling defeated now. With DD I had an obvious BFN on a FRER 10dpo and a faint BFP 11dpo with FMU also with a FRER confirmed with clearblue digital same day at 10:am. Also got a bfn with my Got a bfn at 10 dpo today and feeling like I’m out. Pulling pain in lower abdomen, below belly button - feels like tight skin but there is no skin stretching Gassy - had a sharp bloating pain. Mrswrighfrombc. When I was pregnant with my daughter in 2016, I had a dark bfp by 9DPO and a positive I’m SO HOPEFUL this month for a positive but at 10DPO I’m sticking getting a BFN. 10 DPO and a whopping BFN this morning: I’m feeling discouraged. af due today or tomorrow, and got a BFN today with FRER. I see sooo many posts on here of people getting BFP at 7,8,9 DPO. "Yeah, we're pretty sure about when implantation occurs. 8 mg of letrozole (Days 3-7) I had a 22mm follicle on 3/16. I stared at it long enough to pretend I thought I saw a really faint line. Max'smom member.
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