
Grafana group by tags. Groups apply tags to the script’s functions.

Grafana group by tags What happened? 4:00 is displayed under all bars. The order of the tag keys is irrelevant. Each sensor has a unique ID, used as a tag in Influx. The keep function is then used to select specific columns from the pivot table. However, this too returns no results in my panel. Click to see a list of calculation choices. What are you trying to achieve? I want to display duration of all runs for aech month. GROUP BY * - Groups results by all tags; GROUP BY <tag_key> - Groups results by a specific tag; GROUP BY <tag_key>,<tag_key> - Groups results by more than one tag. In Influx the table looks like this: Nov 16, 2022 · Hi, I am pretty new to loki but familiar with grafana in combination with influxdb. For information about available calculations, refer to Calculation types. *"}), there are multiple rows for each instance in the resulting table. but this doesn’t work. I’m relatively new to Grafana group the data by groups and name tags in the load script. My data source is Prometheus. With Loki it seems to be the opposite. Dec 14, 2023 · tag_month year. Group by. I do not have such information on the database, I seen that grafana does the Value groups/tags (Experimental feature) Does any know how can I run my sql query above to group some of the customers as tags/groups? I cannot find anything related to sql Mar 19, 2019 · I have a variable of type that takes the query. Tags categorize your checks, thresholds, custom metrics, and requests for in-depth filtering. But I didn’t find a way to do it for all combined. An aggregation is done separately for each stream. I’ve found that node_cpu_seconds_total{mode!=“idle”} gives me the data for all non-idle processes, but it also outputs all seven categories of load individually, per core, of which I have 32. What did Mar 6, 2018 · I have a Grafana dashboard, with an InfluxDB data source. I have a repeating panel of graphs, grouped by a tag value. With influxdb an aggregation is always done over all tags combined. mean {projName: “projA”} -VariableB. 2. The tag Apr 26, 2022 · Im trying to group by and count items on a table (to be displayed on a pie chart). 6 with InfluxDB 2. This is the Jan 29, 2021 · I have tried to see if Grafana handles this inherently, but when I try t add a dimension for instanceType, I am only shown r3 instance types as an option. Is there a way to get Grafana to sum together the seven categories and output one number for each core I have a InfluxDB dataseries. How are you trying to achieve it? I am using GROUP BY and selecting two fileds togather. For example, on this screenshot, I would like to see the tag of the value 16. I have been able to “group by” each item, but I am not able to get a total count of each item. display the errors per second based on the value added to the rate Apr 10, 2024 · InfluxDB - Group by tagname::tag does not show up when tag is used in where clause InfluxDB influxdb , grafana-ui , grafana Dec 15, 2019 · Which works fine, but I would like to group some of the customers such as. Jul 12, 2016 · SHOW TAG VALUES FROM "<table_name>" with Key= "<tag_name>" WHERE ("tag_name"='Internal') This will give two column keys with tag_name and value will be your tag value. They are a simple and effective way to categorize k6 objects for subsequent filtering of results. Let’s say we start with 100 sensors (and therefore 100 different tags). 4. 3. Example: I have a log from an application Dec 16, 2019 · Since sorting is only possible for the timestamp and tags, you might think about using a tag instead of a field for value2. 5. . You can use these tags to compare results from multiple tests. Display labels as either columns or row values for enhanced data visualization. Nov 12, 2020 · Hi all. k6 provides two types of tags: the ones you added when writing the script, and. small, etc). how can i make it easier? i just want to have all clients listed in my legend and when selecting a client i want to get min/max/avg values displayed. I have also tried to do some other transformations, such as extract fields, but the data is not doing the Sep 22, 2020 · Hello, I’m having problems with the value group/tags configuration in Grafana. Next, the pivot function is used to transform the data into a pivot table. In visualization settings, you can hide key. It stores one information about mulitple machines. External Internal. I am wishing to sort these graphs by an aggregate numeric value, rather than the tag value Mar 22, 2024 · |> group() It starts by filtering the data using the filter function, which applies a set of conditions to each row. Jul 10, 2019 · After a week of investigation we have found the issue - we are going through a proxy to our database, and we were stripping out the tags when serializing the result from the influx api. GROUP BY \regex\ - Groups results by tags that match the regular expression. But beware that this is only reasonable if the content of the newly created tag is not too variable. Use this transformation to group the data by a specified field (column) value and process calculations on each group. Over time, some sensors get damaged, unplugged or otherwise incapacitated. I want to set up a custom Alias. 1+ as an alpha feature. What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? 9. For more info, refer to Tags and Groups. Otherwise you might kill influxDB with too many timeseries. mean (projName: “projB”} … How can I display the legend as ProjA, ProjB… Mar 28, 2019 · It's a completely different syntax! For instance, in influx you would type: SELECT mean("value") FROM "btle" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY "mac" fill(null), there is no tag(). I’m trying to make a bar-gauge that shows per-CPU-core load using node_exporter. System => Mar 11, 2019 · in the graph i have three queries to display each field. So what you can do is put your host in select and name it metric: SELECT temp, host AS metric (…) I got this info from Sven from the TimescaleDB-Slack-Community. t2. However, my tags are supposed to be human readable therefore have spaces in them May 25, 2022 · My Grafana dashboard uses an InfluxDB bucket as a datasource, the measurements of this bucket have a tag named DAY_AGGREGATION. when i want to filter i need to select 3 statistics from the legend. Apr 4, 2021 · Hello All, I have a network of sensors passing data to influxdb. What I would like to do is show a chart over time of how many distinct tags are reporting data. Mar 1, 2022 · I am using an InfluxDB data source in Grafana. The metrics is Select variableA GROUP BY tag (projName) The legend will be -VariableA. I can display the information for all three machines at once using a My query results in a table view in Grafana, max by (instance) (system_uptime{instance=~"abcd. Dec 9, 2020 · Following query was tested in Grafana to calculate unique users and also consider time filter applied to the database. 2 How to test: Create an InfluxDB query with a tag in the where clause. I have defined in several targets the label with the name “enviroment” that contains names like “group1” “group2”… This means that when I select the target value I need to be able to view all the metrics of the hosts where I have defined this label. Is there a way to group the result by distinct instance name and get the max value of up-time for each instance, please let me know Nov 1, 2024 · Hello, Im executing k6 browser test and sending metrics to a influxdb and can select and view the vitals but when i want to group by url then there is issues since the url is not a Tag in Influxdb. So next I tried to create a tag named instance-type for all instances, with the value being the instance type (i. All props to him. Aug 18, 2017 · If you use format as table in the query it will work. 2. Groups apply tags to the script’s functions. This would allow you to monitor the http request duration over time by groups and name tags. Just remove group by time interval if you want aggregated values for the whole time range Jul 18, 2017 · If I have a metric with the following labels: my_metric{group="group a"} 100 my_metric{group="group b"} 100 my_metric{group="group c"} 100 my_metric{group="misc group a"} 1 my_metric{group="misc Note: This transformation is available in Grafana 10. If I want to do split it by tag I have to group by the tag. K6 allows you to organize load script around common logic by using Group and Tag APIs. Grafana version: 9. I distingsh between these machines with a tag. 6 and want to show some data as a table. The data is gathered via an API call using infinity. Besides these granular tags, you can also use options to set test-wide tags. micro, t2. So, I would like to display this tag DAY_AGGREGATION for each value when I over my mouse on a graph. Finally, the group function is used to group the data by the selected columns. SELECT percentile(&quot;v&hellip; Jun 2, 2023 · Hi, I tried an InfluxDB query with a tag named address::tag in the where clause and then wanted to group by the same tag, however it does not show up in the drop down list of available tags to group by. I can trick it by choosing a different tag in the list and then type in the tag manually. Jun 4, 2017 · I am thinking if you are using InfluxDB, so try to put $tag_projName to ALIAS BY filed. SHOW TAG VALUES FROM "transactions_per_minute" WITH KEY = "product_type" There are around 10 values from that query and I would like to group them up by tags depending on the values just like what this demo shows grafana can do. that means each client (tag) has 3 values. To do this we need to apply subquery first to calculate mean values, this basically will result a table with value 1 associated for each user: Jan 31, 2023 · Hello, I use Grafana 9. Use this transformation to convert time series results with labels or tags into a table, including each label’s keys and values in the result. e. May 4, 2020 · Grafana can group time series by a column named metric. Use the Grafana selectors as much as possible, and click Query inspector if you want the real query sent to influx – Jun 8, 2022 · Tags categorize your checks, thresholds, custom metrics, and requests for in-depth filtering, where as Groups let you apply tags to the script’s functions. 3 when I over it (or by any other easy way). The group by just gives me a count of 1 for each item. mgbvh vux qanas gzk gqlrlk yhaagbk aiuqii wdit ugeao gyj